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Rutland ND hunting?

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If I were to take my new little Lab over to the Rutland and Oakes area on Monday do you suppose I could find a pothole to hunt for a couple days? How about a piece of pheasant cover? Just me n' the dog. We are both neat and clean, sober and well behaved. Any suggestions appreciated.

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I don't think it would be too hard. At the very least you'll be able to find some plots land to hunt. You likely will be able to find water to hunt as well, but will likely have to ask permission to hunt it as a lot more people have posted their land due to pheasant hunting. I would imagine that if you made it clear that you were only out duck hunting and would not be shooting any pheasants that you'd be able to get onto some land.

Keep an eye on the fields - with all the harvesting that is going on there are a lot of waterfowl to be had field hunting.


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