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MN Federal Forest Riding Plan


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Currently, Federal Forests in Minnesota are going through a planning process for motorized travel within US forests. This will impact all of us who drive any motorized vehicles within the Superior (& Chippewa) National Forests. It is imperative that each of you who use these forests to engage with USFS as part of this process.

Even though the USFS is currently in the data gathering process, you'll want to engage and notify them of specific areas that you currently utilize and request that the data be included in this planning process. For example, if you have a remote cabin within Superior and a trail/road going to it, you'll want to notify them and request that it's included in the plan.

Don't wait until it's too late!

Contact person in charge of Travel Planning for Superior

National Forest: Judy Ness and Duane Lula

Contact information (phone # and email address):

218-626-4322, [email protected]

218-626-4326, [email protected]

Address for Forest Contact: Superior National Forest, 8901

Grand Avenue Place, Duluth, MN 55808

HSOforum link to travel planning information:


Short paragraph as to where you're at in the planning process: The Superior National Forest staff is currently working with the State DNR, Cook County and Tribal governments to identify what travel ways each agency can contribute toward developing a seamless system for ATV opportunities which will include State, County and Forest

Service lands.

This is a data gathering step, which will be followed by public involvement once proposals are developed. The Forest Plan is also working to implement the Travel Management Rule and make necessary adjustments so the decisions in the Forest Plan are implemented consistently with the Travel Management Rule. Expect to have the Motor Vehicle Use Map in place by summer of 2008. Until that time the current decisions on the Forest regarding ATV use are enforced and we presently have maps available which display where people can ride their ATV's.

Timeline of when steps will occur for this process

including maps, documents, public meetings or comment periods: As we get further along in the process described above, dates will be set for public meetings and public comments. Notification of public meetings will be posted and aired through the news media.

Expected completion date: Summer, 2008

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