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Thankfull for Arctic Cat Dependability

MikeYager - Suzuki

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And here I'v been telling my wife they are no problem. Scared to death of people. I'm glad she wasnt with me. Its kind of a bummer because now I will be remembering that everytime I'm in the woods and looking over my shoulder. Oh well. It will likely never happen again.

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I had a similar incident a few (maybe five) years back. WE were riding on a trail near my cabin and a pretty big sow stepped in front of us about 25 yards ahead. My wife was on her ATV behind me. As we stopped to let her pass, she reared up on her hind legs. I motioned to my wife to back up slowly, but just then low and behold we saw two cubs come running up behind her. Once they crossed the trail she immediately dropped to all four and followed them. We were both pretty surprised! That was quite a season, in all we saw 12 bear that summer while riding. Since then I have only seen maybe two or three.

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