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MN DNR ATV gas tax study


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the whole point is...why designate it to trails when it could be designated to education....read todays top story on the startribunes webpage......Lets help the kids grow and become educated now and worry about the playing later. We have some of the hardest working kids/students in the nation.....why shouldn't they have the tools to make them the best?

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I came home from work yesterday and my middle schooler son hands me a piece of paper and says, "read it, dad!". It said, "Congratulations, your son has achieved a straight A honor roll status for the entire school year and..........".

Now, some school systems may be broke, I don't think my area school system is. My son worked hard in school for that straight A grade. And, he deserves some play time, too.

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Thats great....straight A's is a great accomplishment.....He should be very proud......I'm not saying that minnesota kids can't all get straight A's but wouldn't it be nice that they have the same benefits in books and technology that every other state and many countries have.....I agree when your a kid (or an adult for that matter) that play time is needed....but why not fix the big problems before we worry about the smaller.....I don't mean to sound like I'm trying to force this down peoples throats...It's just my opinion and that is all....I don't want this to be an argument...I was just stating my opinion....thanks

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I 'm not looking for an argument either. I was just stating my opinion too, however you did say:


" let's go 4-wheeling and leave our kids without proper education so in 20 years when foregners are taking all the jobs we can all complain that our kids didn't get properly educated.....but what the he!! they did get to go 4-wheeling....sounds pretty ignorant to me."

Even though you seem to view my opinion as ignorant and we do not agree on this issue, I'm still willing to consider your opinions as valid ones.

Like Dave, I'm not complaining about education. I just believe you don't understand that if the money doesn't go to the trails fund it probably isn't going to make it into education funding either. Its pretty much up for grabs for what ever program or handout that some legislator pushes through. School funding is levied from PROPERTY taxes! Gas tax collected from ATV fuel use won't change the education system whether its used on trails or not.

Although my kids are older and now both in college, one is on the Deans list and the other has a 3.6 average. I firmly believe that if we as parents provide them the time, tools and motivation to help them...if a kid wants to learn... they WILL learn.

I also believe that a trail system, which in part enables families to recreate together rather than playing mindless video games, or out wandering the streets is nearly as important as their education.

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