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Where to go riding this weekend?


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I am wondering what suggestions everybody might have as to a good trail for a couple of beginners for this weekend. This winter I bought one of the bombardier 2-man ATV's and I want to get more use out of it than pulling my ice fishing stuff out. This is only our second time out trail riding so nothing too hairy to begin with would be good.


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I am in the same situation, bought a new wheeler for the ICE season but would love to get some warm weather use. I have just done a little ditch and minimum maintenace road riding in Rice, mn near my dad's. Would like to find elsewhere to ride.

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The Soo line trail from Moose Lake goes in 3 directions, the scenery is a little different each way, and the if your feeling more adventuresome General Andrews SF in Sturgeon Lake has several miles of sandy trails.

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