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2 up 4 wheeler


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You forgot the bombardier Dave. They seem to be catching on in this part of the country.

Spent a few hours on the HO sunday doing the spring check over and getting ready for the first ride on Sat.

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Go check out an X2 and you will fall in love with it. I got one about a month ago and haven'r been able to get out with it yet. Hoping to ride it April 8,9 and will give a report. I am installing a winch now and they made it really easy to do it. Haven't heard of any serious issues with it lately. The earlier ones had a Hot Flash problem but they fixed it. The only problem I know they are working on is the back seat rattles a little with just 1 person on it. Nothing major and I am sure they will get it fixed. I can't wait for ice fishing next year with this machine. No more 10 minute warm ups. Start and go.

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