The connection terminal I plug my graph into has been getting corroded with the blue-powder type gunk in one of the tiny little pin terminal holes.
How do I clean this? I bought some spray on electrical connector fluid that is supposed to work it's way in to clean and then evaporate, and it did improve the performance of the graph, but I still have visible corrosion and I can't get anything in there and I'm not sure I want too. I'm pretty sure I shouldn't.
It became a problem this weekend when it would just suddenly shut off. It still does it now and then even after using this stuff.
The connection terminal I plug my graph into has been getting corroded with the blue-powder type gunk in one of the tiny little pin terminal holes.
How do I clean this? I bought some spray on electrical connector fluid that is supposed to work it's way in to clean and then evaporate, and it did improve the performance of the graph, but I still have visible corrosion and I can't get anything in there and I'm not sure I want too. I'm pretty sure I shouldn't.
It became a problem this weekend when it would just suddenly shut off. It still does it now and then even after using this stuff.
Any wisdom out there?
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