I think i know what is wrong but want to check anyways, So i stored my new auger i got for x-mas emptied the gas out or so i thought. Then i go and pull it out yesterday to check it out put gas in it and pulled it over couple times. then it started ran for a minute then died and now wont start again. Im thinking residule gas from last year got in there and need to change carb and maybe spark plug just not sure. i could always run it to big lake but its and hour away. Want to try to fix it myself before i run up there. Any help would be appreciated.
I think i know what is wrong but want to check anyways, So i stored my new auger i got for x-mas emptied the gas out or so i thought. Then i go and pull it out yesterday to check it out put gas in it and pulled it over couple times. then it started ran for a minute then died and now wont start again. Im thinking residule gas from last year got in there and need to change carb and maybe spark plug just not sure. i could always run it to big lake but its and hour away. Want to try to fix it myself before i run up there. Any help would be appreciated.
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