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Fishin report for Lake Iwanttobethere..

Bobby Bass

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OK, so it's raining here at Lake Iwanttobethere, I am not going to complain to much as fishing season has not yet started so the day is not a total loss. However I am starting to get a little nervous that this spring that has been really slow to arrive is going to extend into summer making it a damp start to the fishing season. I am leery when the golf course is open and you can still see snow on the ski hill. Snow shovels are stacked back outside of the General store resting alongside rakes and smelt dip nets. Hammering Hank was parked down at the Lodge and he had a snow thrower in the back of the work truck, thing is he had a lawnmower alongside.

The son has his boat stored here at the cabin and he was over today to dump the water out that had made it past the storage cover. The water drained for a while, running down the drive to join the water coming off the garage rain gutter. I did have a fire going in the little potbelly as I gave up on finding any wood scraps in the shop and went out and split up some kindling from the wood pile and tossed it in the stove along with some real fire wood. The little stove was glowing red and we had to keep the door open to regulate the heat. The son was kind of hiding out since he was taking a day off from work. He is really going to try and commit to fishing at least one day a week this season and Wednesday is his day of choice.

We sat on the little three legged shop stools and with the door open and heat coming off the potbelly we watched the rain mixed with some falling snow. The wife lets the dogs out and after doing their thing they saw the door open and soon joined us. Bud sitting on my feet and Barney sucking up attention from Del. I thought the once a week fishing was a good idea and told him I will have to see if I can arrange to spend a few Wednesdays on the water with him. Of course I have Thursdays penciled in for my fishing along with Tuesdays and some Friday nights. Sundays are always good and calm Monday mornings are nice. About the only night I will not be fishing is Saturdays unless the lodge league picks that night. Then again any day is an option if the weather is nice, can't be to picky and turn down a day to go fishing.

A little over two weeks to go and I am not the only one to be thinking about fishing, some of the diehards have already been working in their garages for the past few weeks. Polishing and cleaning hulls, trailer wires checked, hooks sharpen, reels oiled and line changed. Internet searches made for how to remove odors from live wells and bait buckets that things were forgotten in last fall. Map books with raged edges from being turned over again and again looking for a lake not fished before. Logs reviewed, fishing buddies bribed with cold beers for their special little spots. Stops made at the Lake Iwanttobethere retirement home to chat with old fishermen who if you catch them in the moment will give you secret honey holes. Not that I would go so far as to just visit the homes for that reason. I sometimes sneak in cigars for the residents and maybe I might have had a map of the lake in my pocket that I forgot about.

As we were hiding out watching the rain fall and pretty much doing nothing which is totally acceptable when in a garage. We all know there is no such thing as wasting time in a garage. The wife called for the dogs and they headed back to the cabin. A few minutes later and the wife came out with an umbrella and a pot in her hand. She gave a hug to her son and handed me the pot. " If you are just going to be sitting out here you might as well be cooking" The pot had a stew in it and I hung it so that the bottom just rested on the potbelly stove. The wife headed back to the cabin and now me and the son had a reason to sit in the garage and watch the rain fall, We were cooking supper! From Lake Iwanttobethere {282,033}

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So the title of this thread is " Fishing report for Lake Iwanttobethere" but lately I feel it is more like the " Rain report" and guess what? It's raining, again. Matter of fact it has been raining for quite awhile and it is going to continue to do so. Guess it could be worse, like snow or I could really have something that needs to be done outside, which I don't. I have given up on the thought that I would be done hauling firewood for the season. Yesterday I made a few trips from the wood pile with the wheelbarrow and filled the inside wood box and the rack outside of the cabin door. I also hauled a load to the work shed and another to the garage. Heck I even threw a couple of sticks in the ice shanty just so they would stay out of the rain and be there if they are needed.

Yesterday also found me spending time at the Lodge, place has been quiet but with all the rain guys have to have somewhere to go. Yesterday afternoon when I drove up I saw an interesting sight as Wilbur was being escorted out of the Lodge by his lovely wife. I say lovely because you never know who may be reading this. Anyway Wilbur was wearing his bibs and his John Deere cap, pretty much his normal everyday attire. The wife on the other hand was all dressed up in what I am guessing was her yellow Easter dress and had one hand on Wilbur and the other on this wide brim white hat with daisies sticking out the top. Wilbur was stumbling a little as he was guided across the parking lot and into the passenger seat of the pickup. His lovely wife seem to be in some kind of huff as she turned and spotted me shook her finger in my direction. I shrugged my shoulders as I did not have a clue as to what the problem was.

I entered the Lodge through the back door and heard a lot of noise for a lunch hour. Guys were gathered three deep around the TV and a few were sitting at tables with their heads resting on their arms. Hammering Hank was tending bar which also was a little unusual and Gus was no where to be seen. I was thinking Gus had another one of his lunch specials going on and I ducked past the plastic on the office door and went inside. I really should get back and start working on the office but I was staining and I like to have the windows open, with all this rain that has not been possible. I made my way back to the bar to find Hank had now joined the crowd at the TV. Mickey who runs the tavern in town was sitting at the end of the bar which was another surprise. I walked on down and saw he had a beer mug and a shot glass both empty in front of him.

"Can I get ya a refill there Mick" I asked. Mickey looked at me and nodded yes. I turned to the back bar and saw a small placard that said Royal Wedding Special, a shot of Crown Royal and a pint of beer. I poured a shot of the Royal in the glass and then filled the mug with Hamms. I turned and set it in front of Mickey. "Whoa buddy, you got this backwards" said Mickey It's a shot of beer! And a mug of Royal. "Why do you think I am drinking here for?" My first thought was Hank and now a lot of things made sense. Everyone at the TV was smashed, the guys at the table were passed out and Wilburs lovely wife had come to bring her drunk husband home. That still did not explain Mickey being at the Lodge till he told me that his wife had taken over his tavern so the ladies auxiliary could dress up and watch the Royal wedding on his big screen TV

I took the empty Crown Royal bottles and filled them with beer and still served anyone who asked for the special with a pint of beer instead of the Royal. The placard found it's way to the garbage and soon the regular lunch crowd starting to come in. Gus appeared having to run down to Amy's bakery for Coney buns. The replay of the wedding came to an end and guys found themselves empty spots on the couches and deep back chairs. Snoring soon blended in with the sound of falling rain, from Lake Iwanttobethere {286.371}

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First day of May is finally here, seems like it took a long time this year but it is here. Weather, well it's not raining but there is a cold wind off the lake and a cloudy sky overhead. Here at the Lodge a fire is going and more than a few chairs are angled towards it. Center of attention is the baseball game on the TV and the half full box of nerf balls are close at hand. After losing a few TV sets in the past we purchased some big nerf balls. Now if you get to upset and want to throw something at the TV you toss a nerf ball at it. Last night's game was a real stinker and this morning nerf balls were still scattered around the Lodge. We find that the nerf balls are a much better choice then having Elmer come in and blast the TV with his shotgun, which he did over a bad football game. There was the point that Elmer had donated the TV but we can't have Lodge members coming in and shooting up the TV especially when we were not done watching the game.

So the TV is on, the drapes are wide open, a fire is burning, a few windows are cracked open and a few Lodge members are sneaking in some cigar smoking. Down in the park the smelt fry tent is up and the wind from time to time brings up the smell of deep fried smelt and onion rings. The tent has been up for a few days but the rain has kept people away. Now with no rain but just wind there is a trickle of cars trading places in the parking lot. Mindy and Mandy's van is parked off to one side and I am sure they are selling some of their Lake Iwanttobethere Root Beer. Telephone has been ringing here at the Lodge. As if on clue once we get to May 1st the calls start coming in asking about weather conditions and what we think about the upcoming fishing season. The same thing is happening down at the Masterbaiters Shop and many times the callers talk to us and then call the bait shop to double check. We try to take the time and chat but I can see by the number of calls today that soon we will have to put the answering machine on and record our daily messages.

Baseball game is now 5-1 and the first nerf ball just bounced off the TV Gus retrieved it and tossed it in the box. He then went and added a few sticks to the fire and stirred it some. I motioned to make sure he puts the screen up close, don't need a flaming nerf ball bouncing around the Lodge. The Krump! Krump! Of shotguns can be heard from time to time. A few guys are out back shooting a round of skeet. Why they are doing it in this wind I have no idea but they say it is better than watching the baseball game.

Last night it did stop raining and for a few hours the wind died down. Was thinking of starting a fire in the pit but everything was pretty wet. I did grab a mug of hot cocoa and treated myself to a few marshmallows and a walk. Watching the footing I made my way down to the dock and sat down on the wet bench. The old goose and his mate have been seen a few times and I looked along the shore but didn't see any sign of them. I did hear a loon and his call sounded more like he was complaining about how cold it was. Bud came down and jumped up on the bench with me. As is his habit he leans into me and looks to get his ears rubbed. I rubbed his ears and welcomed the body heat.

Baseball game is now 7-2 and a couple of the guys are looking around to see if there are any real baseballs around. I look up from the lap top and watch. It being Silent Sunday I don't say anything and no one talks to me. Gus looking through some boxes comes up with two old softballs and holds them up for me to see, I shrug my shoulders and than Gus and a few of the guys grab coats and head out the back door. I already know where this is going. The Krump of shotguns goes quiet on the skeet range.... Wait for it.... From Lake Iwanttobethere {296.914}

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At the Lodge early this morning, as much as I wanted to sleep in a little this morning after last night's baseball game. The nerfs balls were out again last night but this time they were being thrown in joy. A No-hitter, now you don't see them very often and I just happen to watch the whole game. That is pretty good by itself as I was telling myself that this summer I needed to watch less baseball and the way the home team has been playing it looked like it was going to be easy to do. Then they go out and throw a no hitter, well the non believers just had to have a few nerf balls thrown at them during the game.

A nice sunny day yesterday and I did not want to miss it so I spent the day working on the Lodge office, I even got a few big panels outdoors and stained, Making Gus happy as he did not have to smell the stain. Today is supposed to be a repeat of yesterday so the rest of the staining will be done and I will be able to cut some of my trim outside to. I was going to do that this afternoon but the dang cheeseburger bird woke me up this morning and I could not go back to sleep. I am sure you have heard the cheeseburger bird. It's call sounds like a bird calling for a cheese.....burgerrr they are good for business at the Lodge as we have tourist out on the deck and they hear that bird calling for a cheeseburger and that is usually what they order. Some members say the bird call is not Cheese... burger but is Pe....tri as in Petri brandy and use that as their excuse to order both.

Ten days from fishing and there is a little quickening pace in the town. If you live here you notice the subtle changes. Conversations on the street corners or outside shops are a little quicker. People seem to have someplace to go to or are needed back. General store is loud when you walk in with baby chicks peeping away from the back. New ladders sit outside the main entrance along with a few lawnmowers and a tiller. Rakes, shovels and a double stack of garden hoses are also out there. On a nice day like yesterday some big rolling racks filled with potted flowers are sitting in the sunshine.

A few buds are finally forming on trees and you can hear the sound of chain saws from time to time around the lake. Over at Dug's garage the sound and smell of outboard motors being tested in the tank can be seen and heard. The telltale blue smoke rising out of the bubbling tank. Snowmobiles are now in the back row with boats on trailers closer to the door. A good day yesterday at the Smelt Fry as the warm weather and the baseball game brought people to the park and tent for supper. With the game on the parks speaker's people hung around to sip on Mindy and Mandy Lake Iwanttobethere Root Beer and enjoy what many hope is the beginning to summer. A few boats slid of trailers into the lake water, some crappie fishing for some others just checking their boats out. Two wheel bikes found the trail and more than a few couples took leisurely walks along the lake.

Still snow on the ski hill but it is nothing more then skinny ribbons of snow now. The telltale sound of balls being smacked at the golf course can be heard when you drive by, and the warning sign about watching out for golf balls is up as you drive by the driving range. I got the widows all open here at the Lodge and the smell of woods is thick, no longer with that chill the air smells good. No fire in the fireplace and I hate to say it, but it's about time. Got my saw horses all set up on the deck and I am just about ready to do some staining, but... That dang cheese burger bird has followed me and keeps calling out.. Chesseee burggerrrr Got me thinking maybe I should have a cheeseburger for breakfast or maybe a Petri. From Lake Iwanttobethere {303,550}

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That time of the year for sure, you can almost watch the buds on the trees form. Lilacs are turning a little green and the frogs are singing in the evening. Robins are busy looking for places to build their nests. I always have an ongoing problem with the robins trying to build nests under the roof of the boat house where the ladders hang. Every day I go out and take a nest down and by late afternoon another nest is well under construction. I used to just knock the nests down but then I figured I was just making it easy for them. They would fly down to the broken nest, pick out the best building material and just fly the few feet back up to the ladders. Now I bought one of them long handle grip thingies that you use to get cans from tall shelves. I saw them down at the General Store and a light bulb went off. With the long handle grip thingies I reach up and take the entire nest down at one time and just put the whole thing in the fire pit. No more nest and it makes a nice fire starter.

A couple of decent days and nights the last few days. Not yet summer like because as soon as the sun starts to go down it gets cool in the shade. Have been cleaning up the yard and every night there is a small fire going in the pit. Leaves and small branches and twigs that burn quickly just at twilight. The cushions are on the swing and with a fire going I lean back and light up a short cigar. When the sun sits low in the sky it gets quiet and even the sounds of the frogs disappear. The robins give up for the day and go where ever robins go. Dogs scratch at the storm door to get in, they would rather lay on the living room floor then the cooling deck. Looking out over the lake you can see lights click on in a few of the cabins. No longer is this end of the bay dark at night.

Baseball game on the radio tonight, small fire going in the fire pit and a cigar glowing in my hand. I was sitting outside just wearing shorts and a tee shirt but after a few minutes pants and a jacket were fetched. Bud is sleeping up on the swing with me and Barney is over at Elmers checking out the big garden with Pepper. Elmer took the tiller out and was working at cleaning up the garden and getting ready to plant some tatters here soon. I did manage to get the greenhouse cleaned out as the daughters called today wanting to know what they should get their mom for Mother's day. Lots of room for them to go down to see Earl at the General store and bring home flowers and tomato plants, they can hide them in the greenhouse till Sunday.

Vicki at the Masterbaiters shop has been doing some brisk business this week. Even I went down and bought my new license and eyed a few new swimbaits hanging on the pegboards. Got to love that sound of bubbling water in the minnow tanks and that smell you can almost taste when you come through the door. Mostly just crappie minnows swimming in the tanks but I expect by midweek the minnow truck will be in and the old fellows will follow it in. Elmer will be there as he always likes to have first pick. I swear if you gave him the chance he would set up a rod and fish for his minnows. No crawlers for him, he hires some of the local kids to do his picking then puts them in his compost pile behind his garage.

Tomorrow is iffy, Sunshine Ray is saying it will be sunny out of course Stormy Clearweather is calling for showers. . Either way this will be the last weekend for the Smelt tent so I will have to make at least one more visit for smelt and onion rings. Although the Chicken Shack is supposed to open tomorrow, so I might have to make a decision on where to eat lunch and then where to have supper. Ya, summer is coming, from Lake Iwanttobethere {307,516}

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It's a sweet shirt day! Well actually it's a sweat shirt day but my granddaughter likes calling these kind of days sweet. Fishing opener for the folks on the other side of the lake and I think it might be a decent one. Sunny with some light breezes should make for a good walleye chop on the water. As I write this at noon time it is a little cool if you are out of the sun, but sitting behind an island with the sun shinning on you it would be a very nice day to be out on the water. I am betting that fishing in some small out of the way bays will be even considered pleasant. Some of the guys in town have licenses for both sides of the lake and the early morning found trailer lights heading for the other side. If the fishing is good we will see members return to the Lodge in mid afternoon with stories and maybe a few fish in the cooler.

For the rest of us on this side of the lake it's another week of waiting and this week is calling for rain, again. With a quiet Lodge this morning I have windows open and hope to get the last of my staining done and start hanging some stuff back on the walls. If I time this right I should have the office all back together and the carpet down just in time for fishing next weekend. I will not mention to the wife my timetable as she will point me in the direction of the Honey Do List. Granddaughter is over for the day and after looking for stuff to throw in the fire pit and taking a walk with Bud and Barney she is now baking with Nana. When they are done they will be off to some rummage sales as that season has already started several weeks ago.

Elmer and Marv left early this morning, I thought to go fishing but the wife told me they go to Amy's Bakery and get donuts and then drive over to the strip mall. A few weeks ago the health club their started to hold outside exercise classes. The guys got wind of it and now they go over and sit on the tailgate of the truck and eat donuts, drink coffee and watch other people work out. One of the instructors told them they could not do it and of course they being old coots now look forward to doing it every morning till they decide to stop. I think they are hoping for the view to improve as the summer goes on and the weather gets warmer. Today I am sure is a sweetshirt day. Come to think of it maybe later in the summer it really will be a sweet shirt day...

Well, this here report is short and sweet as I need to get back to work, just wanted to say the wait is over for at least the far side of the lake and soon the boats will be trolling on this side to. From Lake Iwanttobethere {308,140}

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No Sweet shirt day today! Chilly and damp and rainy and cold and rainy and damp and did I mention Rainy? At the Lodge here and it is lunch time. Some quiet complaining can be heard as the topic of weather is a common one. Duck coats hang from the pegs dripping water on to the wood floor and more than a few brows are damp from hands pushing back wet hair. Here is where being bald is an advantage, just a few runs with a handkerchief over the top of your head and you are dry and good to go. Elmer sit's on the wicker couch in front of the TV and is watching his soap opera. He and Marv did not go to the strip mall and watch the morning exercise class today, what fun is there watching someone doing jumping jacks with rain coats on, you can't see anything.

As predicted a few guys did catch fish over the weekend on the other side of the lake. Nothing really big but this afternoon they are in here boasting of golden pan fried walleye with sweet onions and American fries that they ate. One guy even brought in a walleye sandwich and thought he was going to eat it in front of the other guys. Gus escorted him out the door and now we can see him sitting under one of the big pines at a picnic table. Thing is he actually looks like he is enjoying himself out there.

Both Bud and Barney came into the Lodge with me today. Bud is sprawled out in front of the fireplace with a little steam coming of his drying hair. Barney is over sitting by the guys talking about the fish they caught, fishermen just always seem to find other fishermen. Windows are cracked just a little, it is after all May and we do need to smell the woods. Crock pot is bubbling with Coney sauce and Gus is keeping an eye on the wieners on the grill, turning them as needed. Sound of spoons clinking in chili bows can be heard and every so often the main door opens and another wet jacket comes through.

Looking on the bright side of things it is not yet fishing season on this side of the lake so a rain day or in this case a rain week is not all that bad. Rain is good for the lake, we have all been through low water openers and fishing is always better when you can get back to your 'Spots." If the weather warms up some, which Sunshine Ray is forecasting to happen later in the week the night crawlers will be thick and easy picking on the golf course. On a good night you can pick enough to load into the compost pile and have a supply for the rest of summer. If you are really good you can get so many that come late summer you can barter with Vicki at the Masterbaiters shop and trade them for minnows. I am getting ahead of myself here, right now we just need to get through one more week and fishing season will be here again.

Speaking of the bait shop, there has been a run on white spinnerbaits there. Something about a local fishing challenge and you have to have a white spinnerbait to be in it. Good thing I bought my supply this past winter, I brought in several and have them hanging behind the bar. Of course the price is three times what I paid for them but then again they are in demand. Already three of them have been sold and the guys were very hush hush about what they needed them for. I think it is another one of them resort secret challenges that they don't want the tourist to know about. Well back to the office, I have some shelf brackets to mount and then decision time starts. What to put back up on the walls? I will have to just sit in there for awhile with a Hamms or two and visualize. The only spot for sure is the area where someday my mount of Mister Big will hang, I even made the space a little bigger since I am sure he has grown over the winter. From Lake Iwanttobethere {316,567}

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Sun is trying to burn through this morning, just a bright spot in the sky for now out over the lake. Last night the lake was the center of attention as on the far side the first big thunderstorm of the season was doing it up right. Reports of heavy rain and hail came in over the CB between the crackling on the old speaker. Sitting at the Lodge with our antenna on top of Windy the windmill we can reach out quite a ways over the lake. I headed back to the cabin before the expected rain and made myself comfortable on the deck swing. Just a few drops fell and the storm stayed on the other side of the lake. Bud sat with me for awhile while Barney found a bed to go hid in. Barney does not like the thunder but Bud sits with me and searches the dark sky for the lightning.

Today is dog day, kind of a secret but today I go and pick up my chocolate lab puppy. Should be an interesting day as the boys Bud and Barney don't know he is coming and I might have forgotten to mention it to the wife also. Have been working on bring this pup home for the last few weeks and I have Chuck sworn to secrecy. We are going to try the approach that Chuck got the dog and is giving it to me as a early birthday present. Hoping that the puppy will do it's part and win the wife over before we let her know it is staying.

With three cats in the cabin and the two older dogs I am sure this will be a mad house for the next few days or maybe even months. I have to go see Earl at the General Store and pick up the dog crate I ordered. Figure the pup will need a safe place to hideout and I may need one to. Dog food and a collar is needed and of course a name. The hard part has been coming up with a name. The daughter, who is in on it by the way has vetoed any of the ideas for names that I have come up with. Heck we might just call it DOG in honor of John Wayne.

So this is going to be a short and sweet message. If you hear a lot of noise out your way later this afternoon, it is not the storm but just merely my wife expressing herself over the addition of another dog. If you see someone walking a chocolate lab pup with an umbrella kind of heading nowhere, that might be me. Have a good day from Lake Iwanttobethere {320,636}

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Kind of a dark gloomy day here at Lake Iwanttobethere, some light drizzle is falling and the wipers on the Tahoe have to flick across every few seconds to clean the water away. I drove into town and right away you can see the place is busy. Three pickups with toppers and boats on trailers with canvas covers were in line at the Gas-N-Go. Sheriff Tim with his dog Balift in the back seat waved at me as they drove by heading in the opposite direction. Coming down main street both parking meters had trucks parked in them. Earl at the General Store was standing outside of his place wearing his fishing vest and sporting a hat with lures dangling from it. The Sunshine Cafe has a large sign covered one window completely "Welcome Fishermen" in print so big you could see it down the street.

At Amy's Bakery you can not see the counter as a group of fishermen are blocking the view. Some were coming out with bulging white paper bags which I am guessing held loose meat sandwiches and Danish. The sight of the bags made my stomach grumble a little but I knew I would be waiting in line for awhile if I stopped now. I did have a list of things that needed to be done but I might have picked the wrong time of the day to do it. No parking in front of Ma and Pa's grocery and I could hear the jingle of the bell over the door as some more fishermen came out loaded down with cardboard boxes.

I figured I would just come back later in the afternoon and so I drove on down the street and headed for the Lodge. Where the road has the fork I had to wait as a few trucks pulling trailers were backed up waiting to get down to the campground. Already the smell of outdoor fires was in the air and as I finally drove by I could look down toward the lake and see several places already filled with campers and clotheslines. The Lodge parking lot was even half full, it being almost lunch time explained some of the cars and trucks and when I walked in the back door the rest were explained.

Today was the drawing for the lakes fishing challenge. Gus was busy behind the bar pouring beer and a few shots were slid down the polished top to waiting fingers. The deck doors were standing wide open and another group of guys were sitting on the wood chairs. Smoke rose in puffs from cigars and pointed fingers made jammim motions at different campers setting up below the Lodge in the park. The mist had all but stopped now and except for the man made sounds of clanking metal and at least one argument about a campsite it was quiet.

The quiet was broken by the roaring sound of a float plane has it flew right over the top of the Lodge and out towards Lake Iwanttobethere. Tinker and his float plane appeared and with waging wings it flew out over the lake and banked towards the West. Looks like Tinker was already giving sight seeing tours of the lake. Everyone was watching the plane and I was not even noticed. I stood with Duncan in the crook of my arm and headed for the office. I was stopped by Elmer as he called out Duncan's name. I put the pup down and he ran as best as he could with tail wagging from side to side to Elmer.

Men treat hunting puppies like women treat newborn babies, soon several guys were taking turns picking up Duncan and petting him. Duncan was sucking it all in and Gus found him a dog bone, breaking it into smaller pieces Duncan quickly chewed and looked for more. Someone walking in the door to the Lodge might have thought the place was a mad house. Guys gathered around a pup, more guys out on the deck shouting directions to other guys who could not hear them. Still more guys at the bar and still others deep into bowls of chili. But the rest of us know, it's just the day before fishing season starts here at Lake Iwanttobethere!{325,396}

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Was so tuff to get out of the sleeping bag this morning. Woke up well before the alarm clock was set for, don't even know why we bring one. On the spur of the moment Elmer had convinced me last night we should go and camp out on the lake and get an early start on fishing. Now Elmer thinks his tent is like other peoples deluxe campers. Truth be told it is a pretty basic old tent that was already about twenty years old when a rain fly was added to it. Since I am no spring chicken any more I don't sleep on the ground so the cots were brought along. Now these cots are nothing new either, as Elmer would say "They are broken in" Laying in my sleeping bag with my butt sagging in the "Broken in cot" I was almost comfortable.

It was not cold enough to see my breath, I know because I blew a few breaths upward to see if I could see. I watched as I saw the top of the tent sucked up on the tent poles then came back down again. This is a good sign that there is some wind blowing. Turning on my side I could look out the door and see damp ground and not much else. I relaxed back into the cot and pulled the sleeping bag up a little tighter. Chuckling to myself a little I was reminded of fishing trips when I was young and I thought the camping part was the best part. Back then the sleeping bags were huge and you could pull them over your head and even with your pillow you still had lots of room. Sleeping bags today are a lot smaller, my wife just tells me I am a lot bigger.

I close my eyes and think about just going back to sleep but now sounds are keeping me awake. The rain flag flapping, the tent roof getting sucked up on the poles. An occasional drop of water that I am sure is much smaller than it sounds. Creaking of a tree somewhere close and then the clanking of a tin coffee cup. I know it is a coffee cup because I have heard it hundreds of times before and I looked over and saw that Elmers cot was empty. I unzip the bag and swing my stocking feet out onto the tent floor. Yup, it is just as cold as I knew it would be. Pants and heavy shirt are pulled on with my rain jacket zipped I exit the tent.

What a surprise! Light rain was falling and there was wind, there is always wind. Elmer wearing his yellow rain slicker stood with his back to the tent facing a decent size fire. Blacken coffee pot off to one side with a few flames licking at the bottom of it. Turning to me he stood with steam rising from his coffee cup and pointed out at the lake " Just the right chop" he said. I took my cup hanging from the tree branch and tipped it upside down so the rain water could drip out. A splash of coffee in the bottom and I held it in both hands. The warmth of the coffee finding it's way through the cup to my waiting fingers.

As we sipped on coffee with our backs to the wind Elmer convinced me that it was no longer raining but was just water coming off the pines around our camp. Chuck drove up and we watched as he made his way out of his truck with a sack of what I was hoping were Danish from Amy's bakery. Mornings were exchanged and the sack did hold some bearclaws. Elmer asked Chuck if he was going out with us and Chuck said he was just here to watch the fire. Elmer and I made it to the shore and Elmer checked the minnow bucket. He climbed in his boat and I followed, Chuck gave us a push off and we were on the water for opener. Fifteen minutes later Elmer pulled in a fifteen inch walleye over the side. Elmer had lied to me, it was still raining and now away from the protection of the Pines the wind drove the rain into any open crevice in our coats. I agreed we had caught a fish and now we could go back in. When I got back home I checked off Fishing Opener on the fishing calendar, from Lake Iwanttobethere. {325,928}

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Halfway through the first week of fishing here at Lake Iwanttobethere and the town is settling in. Weather has been all over the place and as many have hoped we are into a spell of no rain for a change. Still real cool at night but sunny during the day and warming up some. Wind might have blew itself out over the weekend when fishing conditions were not the best. A few fish made it to the chalk board at the Lodge, but nothing really to write about. We call them "Seed" fish, just fish big enough to post so you have something up there to talk about. Down at the campground maybe a third of the spots are open but by Friday all the spots will be filled again.

Business in town seems to be a little down for opening weekend, at least that is what the talk is. Long time regulars have returned and it is hard to call some of them tourists. More than a few have been coming to the lake for opener for so many years that they know the secret word that will get them discounts at the shops. Once again conversations are being held on the street as people are past the buzz of opening weekend and now have time to chat again. Marv and Elmer have settled into their new summer routine. The Book and Cigar shop is open by ten in the morning, would be earlier but they have found a new part time side job. My understanding is they stop at Amy's Bakery and buy up some of her day old Danish then drive over to the strip mall where the outside exercise class is held. They of course sit on the tailgate of the pickup and eat Danish just to bother the instructor but now they are selling Danish to the class when the instructor goes back in the building.

Speaking of food you know we are in summer mode when you can hear the thumping of the Pizza Cannon coming from Del's Pizza and Sub Shop. Always a good sight to see and hear when the pizza's go skipping out across the bay to a waiting pontoon or fishing boat. Boats are scattered like a bag of marbles dumped out around the tip of Root Beer Island. Report of Crappies and Walleyes being taken out there. Mark the mailman is back making delivery by water as is Jessie the paperboy. The Lodges pontoon is ready to start making its trip around the lake for Lodge members but right now we can't settle on a schedule. Seems some of the wives have heard about it and don't want the last run to be at closing time, they would rather it be at sunset. Something about having their husbands home before first light.

Sound of lawnmowers in the air as with the longer days and warming weather the grass has turned green and now is starting to grow some. Earl at the General Store has rolled the snow blower away, hopefully for the last time and a new lawnmower takes it's place. Garbage cans and ladders and a wheelbarrow along with a tiller all connected by the same cable weaved through their handles take up sidewalk space. The two metered parking spaces always have a car or truck in them now even though the next spaces over are empty and free. Pickups drive down main street at a grouse hunting pace. Windows are rolled down and arms hanging out, waving at passerby's who in return wave in kind. Kids play the license plate game as they walk the sidewalk looking for a plates they don't have in their notebooks.

In the evening the pontoons come out, trolling along the shoreline you might see a long line or two trailing behind them. You will see a lot of heavy coats on this early in the year and you might hear the clinking of cocktails being served. We for years would just call them drinks but to keep in step we now refer to them as "Cocktails" and there has even been a little push at the Lodge to have a "Cocktail Hour" but since I am the Lodge manager I still prefer the "Getting Hammered Hour" so no change has been made. I was out on Marv pontoon the other night, we did a little run and had a few Hamms. Something I did notice is when we went by Nytelyter place the catamaran was tied to his dock but there was a couple of kids bikes laying in the grass. A conversation was started on how Nytelyter has been kind of scare around the Lodge and some speculation about the kids bikes. I didn't say to much but made a mental note to ask the wife in passing, I should have a report in a few days. From Lake Iwanttobethere {328,957}

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Just a reminder it's not summer just yet! Yesterday on the water it was a mild sixty plus day with some sunshine and calm winds. By later afternoon the sun was gone, clouds were thick and the wind had come up. The red needle on the bass thermometer had fallen about fifteen degrees and I was lucky that I had brought a hooded sweatshirt with. The water that felt warm on the fingers earlier got cold real quick and soon it was like I was fishing in the middle of October again. Today finds darken skies and some rain drops falling from time to time. Not a lot but just enough to keep the deck wet and to make plopping sounds when hitting the roof of the covered swing or the tin roof of the shed. Bud, Barney and Duncan ran out the door and made a quick stop on the wet deck. Seeing I was not going to let them back in they headed for the grass to take care of morning business. Bud kicked up a rabbit and a brief chase ensued with the rabbit quickly outdistancing Bud. Duncan just saw a blur and didn't have a clue as to what was going on. The rabbit might have a big surprise in a few more months as soon as Duncan learns how to use them long legs he is sporting.

I am not going to say Duncan is housebroken, because for sure we will have an accident but he has done very well. His crate stands open for him to come and go as he pleases. He is not spending the night in it as he has proven he can be good. This morning after letting all the dogs out I turned to see the big tom cat Smokey sleeping in the dog crate, so I guess it is getting used. Cats are introducing themselves to Duncan. No longer do they run as soon as they seem him. Having grown up with Bud and Barney they don't have a fear of big dogs but they don't really know what to do with this puppy that is all legs and wants to play with them. For now the saying around the cabin is labs can't jump but cats can fly. When they have had enough of Duncan mauling them they just jump to a table top or counter and game is over.

Still looking for a nice summer night to sit on the deck and enjoy a warm breeze and a sunset. I know it's only May but this is looking like a long dragged out Spring. Trees are in bud and a few leaves are just starting to open, the wife's flower gardens are starting to see some color and Duncan has already been scolded for walking through them. Bud, Barney and me just looked at each other and roll our eyes, we all have been scolded by the wife over her gardens before. Edd and Eddie the squirrels have been working over the bird feeders pretty good but the wife keeps going out and refilling them. Which brings me to another little problem here at the lake. The old goose has returned, as a matter of fact he and his mate have been around for several weeks. I had not really noticed them because they have moved further down the shoreline to a more isolated part of the bay.

I am guessing that like most females once she hooked up with the old goose they had to move to a better living area. I have seen them several times now as they take off and look like a pair of fighter planes, one being the wing man for the other as they slowly climb together and turn towards Root Beer Island. They have been the topic of several conversations at the Lodge as they are getting a name for themselves. I should say instead of looking like fighters they are more like bombers. Several guys have said that they felt they were the target of bombing runs by the pair as they have flown right at their boats before turning up and away as they released some ah, fertilizer in the boater's direction. Most guys would just say it was one of those things that happen but a few guys were chatting at the Lodge and several had the same experiences. A few fingers were pointed at me saying that they were my geese, like I have any control over them. I smiled a little thinking of the gunny sack of corn in the back of the Dodge. From Lake Iwanttobethere {330,399}

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OK, so it's raining nothing new in that but on the good side the lake level continues to rise and landings are deep again. Actually the falling rain has been pretty good as I am just about done with the office remodeling job and I don't feel so bad when there is water dripping off the eves as I fill the shelves. Pictures are finding their way up on the walls and some serious housecleaning has been going on. Of course I know that I am just making more space so more stuff can be added in the office, as the walls and shelves are full at the cabin. Duncan has been coming down to the Lodge with me, I think he was a little under the weather the first week he was brought home. He had a few accidents in the cabin the other day and had some stomach troubles. Now that he got his system cleaned out he has been nothing short than a wild man! Even the wife suggested that I bring him with today.

Duncan has found a new friend, a big stuffed lion king animal just his size that he mauls and drags where ever he goes. This is better than the rocks he has been digging out of the potted plants that sit on the floor in the living room. He carries the rocks around the cabin till he finds something else to go after and then drops the rocks where they can be stepped on. Here at the Lodge there are plenty of fingers he can chew on and he is getting lots of attention from patrons. Gus said we should train him to retrieve beer bottles off the tables since Bud and Barney no longer do it. Bud and Barney used to do that at the Lodge but somehow they found out that they could take the aluminum cans to Big Earl where he has a recycling station. Earl would then pay them off in dog bones. Gus no longer lets them pluck the cans at the Lodge anymore.

Fishing has been slow here at the lake, but I am sure fish are being caught as the bright pink fishing cleaning house by the landing is being used. With it raining most of the weekend the campground has already cleared out. Hammering Hank and Skinny made a few extra trips stocking firewood as that is what a lot of people did for the weekend. Just sat in the drizzle and tried to keep fires burning. At least there has been no reports of any mosquitos sighted! Lodge has been pretty busy as a fair number of people have come in and used the rest rooms and then ordered up food and sat in front of the fireplaces. I always enjoy the way people try and ask in a round about way where the fish are biting and then the ones who just come in and demand to be told where they, the fish are.

Candy display case has fingerprints all over it from muddy kid's fingers pointing at what they want, I have already restocked it this morning with Duncan helping me, he takes the empty candy boxes and runs off with them. One table close to the fire has a group of roofers sitting at it playing cards. Mugs of Lake Iwanttobethere Root beer are being sipped as they kill time waiting to see if the weather will clear and they can go to work. Most are Lodge members and if they weather keeps dripping they will go down to the locker room and change into some fishing duds and just go fishing. Their wife's will never be the wiser but knowing my wife I am sure their wife's know what they are doing.

Gus has the crock pots simmering away with chili and Coney sauce, the smell is fresh in the air. Normally I don't smell it as when you are around it all the time you just get used to it. Kind of like fresh cut grass, I can always tell when Elmer is cutting his grass but I don't notice it much when I do my own. Chuck on the other hand never cuts his grass so only when McDonnell offers to bail it can you smell anything coming from his yard. My thoughts are disturbed as Duffy the roofer goes lumbering by, Duncan running ahead of him dragging his nail pouch in his mouth. From Lake Iwanttobethere {332,086}

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Did I miss the memo? When was summer suppose to arrive? This morning I was greeted by cold winds and there might have even been some trace of frost on the old dodge's windshield. Duncan woke me up to go outside and I followed, of course it took a little while to find my slippers which Duncan thought should be moved to better locations. I was glad I took the time because no way was the deck warm enough to walk on in bare feet this morning. Kind of half penciled in the day to go fishing but I can see it is turning into a better day to mow the grass. So I figure I must have missed the memo when summer is going to start, I know I didn't miss it, summer that is.

A few more days till Memorial holiday and then it will be time to put the Puddle Humper in the water. I always get a late start to the season as I like it to warm up a tad before getting my feet wet so to speak. I have had the old wood row bow out with it's fresh coat of paint a few times. Mostly just to get in a little rowing and toss a spinnerbait a few times, casting arm is no where close to being in mid season form. Even have gone to the river to toss a few there and talk with the old fellows. Couple of kids on bikes rode up with rods laying across the handlebars their baseball hats were on straight which was a good sign to see. They asked me if I was doing anything, fishing wise and I told them if I had a bike I would take the trail up river to where the big willow tree hangs over the water and try my luck there. They told me thanks and called me Mister Bass and then rode off on the trail. I am not sure but I got the feeling that I was an "Old Fellow" to them. Hmmm

My neighbor Chuck has been busy of late. He got himself one of them four wheel drive little mini farm haul everything thingies. First thing he did was put a hitch on it and has been hauling a Jon boat on a trailer with it. Making trails he is checking out long forgotten ways to the lake and some of the small bays that you can't get into from the main lake. With a case of Wild Turkey strapped in to the cargo area he uses the bottles to get him past landowners he doesn't know. For those that don't drink he also has some Lake Iwanttobethere Maple Syrup to barter crossings with. He has not fished much, just laying the ground work for later he tells me.

With the frost I guess I can tease the wife some about not having tilled the gardens up yet. To cold to plant but the tomato plants in the greenhouse are doing well, a few are already flowering. The granddaughter was here the other day and I could not get her to put on a jacket, I figured if I was getting cold then she must be to. I got her to go in the greenhouse where I know it was a lot warmer and she soon was helping water little seedlings and asking two million questions. After we were done she went back outside and said she did need a jacket because it had gotten cold out.

Barney is spending time sitting on the end of the dock, watching and waiting for some fish to show up. Bud has been staying out of the wind and sunny himself on the deck. Every now and then his ears will perk up when the wind brings the sound of a grouse drumming. Duncan goes where ever he can get into trouble and I think I saw Barney try to bump him off the dock into the water yesterday. Surprising Bud and Duncan are playing together, which was a secondary reason for me to bring Duncan home. Nothing like being around younger folks or puppies to keep ya feeling young yourself. So summer is still coming I just got to find that memo, from Lake Iwanttobethere {333,471}

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So there was a recent tremor here at Lake Iwanttobethere over the past few days, nothing was damaged and everyone is safe. There was a small wave on the lake that splashed up on some docks and Alice who was tangling here feet overthe edge of her dock got her toes a little wet. The local TV station reported that the Town of Lake Iwanttobethere has by some magical way moved North some and now is found here. We have new neighbors and I hope everyone can find us in our new home. One good thing is you will no longer have to scroll down so far while holding your coffee cup. Bobby {334,139)

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Up again well before seven this morning, guess this is going to be my new routine till I can get Duncan to sleep in later. Bud and Barney just look at me and go back to sleep when I get up. They are both sleeping till past nine and it don't look like they are going to change their schedule to meet mine. So me and Duncan have some quality time of about an hour before Duncan decides it is time for him to go back to bed, meanwhile I am wide awake. So this morning I went over to Chucks for coffee, he is always up early as he has to take care of the girlfriend's horses. I used to give him a hard time about having to get up early to take care of the animals but now I can't say to much. Elmer on the other hand is usually gone before eight to hang with Marv and with Pepper now leaving with him there is no barking dog to yap at the morning crows.

Has been cold in the morning and during the day it has not been much better. If you are not working out in the sunshine you know what I am talking about. Leaves have been filling in the trees and now as you look across the bay the black and gray is being replaced by the green foliage. The blue of tarps is disappearing as more and more pontoons are being unwrapped and with the holiday almost here I am sure we will hear a few jet skies buzzing this weekend. The sound of lawnmowers can be heard and the lack of sound when a mower hits a forgotten stump or rock and the quiet and curse word that follows. Funny how them single curse words can travel so far over open water.

I did mow yesterday and got it all done, even the trimming. When I was done Duncan ran through the grass and managed to find a rather large frog. I was sitting on the deck sipping on a soda when I saw him chasing the frog. I went to see what he was chasing and managed to grab the frog. I am thinking this must be an omen as I never catch frogs this early in the season. Putting the frog into the frog bucket I am thinking this is about the right size to use for an excuse to visit the lair of Mister Big. I was proudly showing off my catch to Elmer when the daughter and granddaughter arrived for a visit. The granddaughter saw the frog and quickly named it. She asked what I was going to do with the frog and I told her I was going to take him fishing. She told me I can't, since she had already named the frog and it was now a pet.

Yesterday did have a low point, I was staining some trim at the cabin outside when I did a dumb thing. I had a quart of dark walnut stain open on the deck table and was staining a long piece of floor trim when I knocked over the can of stain. It hit the deck and splattered across the deck, table and two of the chairs. I quickly looked for someone to blame but I was all alone. Before the echo of that single curse word came back to me from across the lake Duncan ran across the deck, through the stain and back to the grass on the other side. Big puppy footprints exited from the stain across the deck. The wife came to the door as I carried Duncan to the cabin, looked at the deck and simply said " You were going to stain the deck anyway " guess I am now.

So I went back on the deck finished staining the trim and sat to lite a cigar and guard the wet stain. Rusty the well digger stop by to see if we were still going fishing next week and took the time to tell me he likes what I have done with the deck, what a guy! We chatted for awhile and just about when the cigar was done Rusty was on his way. I went back in the cabin to find Stain Deck already on the Honey Do List and a note from the wife saying she had already talked to Big Earl and he has our stain in stock. Lucky for me it is too cold... From Lake Iwanttobethere {334,226}

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The tent rests on a piece of high ground, the new deep green grass matted around it. The tent is blue with panels of gray sewed in to highlight and maybe even give it some kind of modern camo look, but more likely just to catch the eye of a buyer at the store. White rope runs from rings to yellow plastic tent stakes pounded in the soft ground at an angle. An old metal clad cooler looks out of place sitting on top of a well-weathered cedar picnic table. An even older blacken coffee pot rest on the edge of a square fire pit grate. Hot coals raked to one side still glimmer with heat and from time to time a drop of rain falls and you can hear the splat and sizzle as it, the rain drop hits the coals to burst into steam and then disappears.

Another length of white rope stretches from an old paint can filled with concrete, one of grandpa's old home made anchors still being used. The anchor sits up right on shore, the rope stretched out behind it tied to the eye of the aluminum boat pulled part way up on the gravel covered beach. The small outboard hangs out of the water on the transom and oars rest in their locks with the blades on the front bench seat. A yellow plastic minnow bucket with a pink stringer looped through the handle and then tied to the back seat bobs in the water. An old fiberglass rod with a dangling daredevil rests in the bow, the hook on the lure tangled in the anchor rope.

The lake is gray just like the sky above it, even darker clouds form the horizon in the distance. Everything is wet and drops still fall from the surrounding trees. Robins are still out, a little rain is not going to stop them. They fly low carrying long pieces of old grass in their beaks. Nest building season is in full swing for them and they ignore the camp, it is just something in their way right now. A chipmunk appears from behind the cooler, probably has been here for awhile but now he has grown bold and makes his way into the camp. Moving in control bursts of speed like John Belushi would he moves from one piece of cover to another. He or maybe she pauses when a loud snore is heard from the tent. Darting to the small wood pile he or she emerges on the other side to watch and wait some more.

It is a three day weekend and there is not much rush in camp. Last night a small fish was fried along with some steaks and a heated can of beans. Cigars were smoked and some stories retold, when the rain started to lightly fall it was time to try out the new cots and call it a night. This morning some wood was added to the coals and some coffee was brewed. A few yawns were released and maybe just another hour of sleep would change things. A few more drops of rain falling was all that was needed to seal the deal and a moment later the sound of the zipper being closed was heard. From Lake Iwanttobethere {335,267}

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Holiday weekend has come to an end with the best part being we are already almost half way through another week. Well, that is if you count today as already being here and tomorrow being Wednesday. Sunshine Ray is calling for some more rain this morning but then it is going to warm up and get real breezy. The wind should dry things up nicely but the humidity is going to be high. No mowing grass today and it might be a better afternoon to sit on the swing and smoke a cigar. The holiday weekend could have been better weather wise but as far as weekend goes it was not bad. Some time was spent around the fire pit and some fishing was done. Granted the dock was a popular spot to fish from as when showers did come the boat house was close by to duck under.

Duncan was kept busy by grand kids and Duncan kept grand kids busy in return. I think just about all the kids went to their parents and at some time asked if they could get a new puppy. I just sat back and enjoyed the parents, my kids squirm as they tried to give their kids, my grand kids excuses why they could not have a puppy since they all have a dog already. Just one of those things that a grandparent enjoys. We had free light shows every evening as mother nature provide some good lightning. The kids slept in the tent till their mothers worried to much and made them come back into the cabin where they bunked on the floor near the big glass window. The lighting flashed across the ceiling and dogs snuggled mixed in with blankets, pillows and kids. They all did fine till about five in the morning when a loud clap shook the cabin as lightning struck close. Kids then scurried to parents beds, not as brave as they were at sunset.

I am not ready to say summer is here but it is getting closer. Windows are cracked open at night, not to let heat out of the cabin but just to get the smell of the pine woods back into the cabin. Shorts are being worn because it is almost June and it is time for shorts and no socks. Watermelon is back in the fridge and hot-dogs are now cooked on sticks in the fire pit again. Marshmallow and candy bars along with graham crackers are stocked on the lower shelf where kids can get to them. Ma and Pa's grocery had some sweet corn brought in and a dozen ears were bought and roasted over the hot coals of the fire pit. The corn was slavered in butter from Old McDonnell's farm and Duncan found out he likes licking faces with butter on them.

An attempt at making some birdhouses was made in the wood shop by the kids during a rain shower. They need some paint and a little remodeling done to finish them. The oldest granddaughter said she was the bird house inspector and her brothers need to work some more on theirs. Of course by then the rain had stopped and the boys were on their bikes riding through the big water puddle in the middle of the drive. Didn't take them long to find that the dirt along the drive had good makings for mud and soon it was hard to tell them apart. Bud and Barney along with the mothers avoided the muddy boys who were told they would not be let back in the cabin till they either jumped in the lake or got hosed off. The boys ruled out the lake as to cold and came to me to let them back into the wood shop. As luck would have it the rain returned and I directed them to falling water off a rain gutter. The rain water soon rinsed them off and I tossed them a bar of Lava soap. Their mother and grandmother took exception with the fact that during the rinsing off part they had lost all of their clothes and were now naked. Granddaughters wanted to know why they could not go out and take a shower like the boys. Somehow I got blamed for it all. Grandsons were over at Elmer's raiding his beer fridge and missed it all. So it was not all that bad of a holiday at all, From Lake Iwanttobethere{337,944}

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Finally a nice evening last night, a little breezy but at least warm enough to sit outside with out the need for a jacket.. Got all my mowing and trimming done around the cabin in the morning and was looking forward to doing some fishing. At least that was the plan. Made some final checks on the Puddle Humper, everything was all loaded up and in it's place. New tackle stowed away in boxes and even the stuff that was bought over the winter has found and filled empty spaces. Gas tank was filled and extra clothes stowed in the back of the Tahoe, all that was needed to be done was put the trailer on the hitch and check the lights.

Which did not work, I knew it was to good to be true and then I did kind of remember that the right tail light was not working last fall and the side marker had been blinking. So the afternoon was spent rewiring the trailer. Had a bad brown wire that of course had broken loose somewhere inside the trailer frame so I pulled new wire and while I was at it I just replace the side marker and rear light. It took a couple of hours to do by myself as is always the case. I did have a new helper as Duncan was there under the trailer with me. Reminds me of when Bud was a pup and would always climb under the truck with me when I changed the oil. He never wanted to miss anything back then but now he and Barney just lay on the deck, head pointed in my general direction and watch Duncan run off with my wire and tape. I could almost see it in their eyes, It was better that Duncan was bothering me than them.

Well Duncan likes attention, quickest way for a puppy to get attention is to take something you are just reaching for, drag it away and wait for you to chase him. I kind of knew that was going to happen and I took some time to play a little with him and donated a roll of black tape that he had already started to chew on making it worthless. I did have to take a forced time out as I was laying on my back under the trailer and ignoring Duncan. Out of sight he ran up and jumped on my midsection. As you might have guess his landing was a little lower than I would have liked and I did an involuntary sit-up banging my forehead off the bottom of the trailer frame. Now I did not see stars but I did see several Duncan's there for a few seconds. Rolling out from under the trailer I was met with a wet tongue and puppy breath. Duncan was escorted to the cabin and placed under house arrest till I was done with the wiring.

With the trailer wiring complete and all the lights now working again I checked my watch to see that I just might have enough time to get in a little fishing. I got in the Tahoe and turn the key only to hear clicking sounds. I had forgotten to turn off the headlights while I was rewiring the trailer and now had a dead battery. The battery charger was hooked up to the truck and I let Duncan out of the cabin and headed to the swing. Bud was on it already and Barney was down at the dock fishing by himself. I sat back in the cushions and Duncan with an assist climbed up and laid with his head in my lap and was soon asleep. Got to love them puppy naps that just seem to come at anytime with very little notice.

So today finds me eyeing a blue bird sky and tree tops swaying in the freshening breeze. Rain coming again this afternoon. I have some things on the Honey Do List that I can check off, thinking maybe the day might not be a total loss. Good "Bank" day as I can tell the wife. " Remember when I stayed home from fishing so I could work on the Do List" now that sounds like a plan. I am thinking I will be due a long stretch of fishing days here when the wind finally dies and the rain stops, it's going to happen, I hope. From Lake Iwanttobethere {339,604}

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As I drove on into the Lodge this morning their was a time there that I thought it might turn out to be a decent day. The sky was overcast but as I parked and got out of the Dodge and made my way to the back door of the Lodge I paused and I suddenly realized that there was no wind. Tree tops were still at the edge of the parking lot and the lake was calm. The next thing I noticed it was quiet. I stood with my hand on the handle to the wood screen door and tilted my head and listened. It was almost so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Well that is just a saying because I don't know about you but I have never really heard a pin drop. Can't really say that I have ever dropped a pin just to see if I could hear it drop, nor do I know anyone else that has confessed to having heard a pin drop. Now thinking about that I have heard what happens when you step on a pin that has dropped, but that is a different story.

Maybe it was as quiet as a mouse! Na that's not it because I have been in deer stands and have had mice under the tree and they can be really loud running through the dry leaves and squeaking. So as I was trying to think how quiet it was, the quiet went away. Now that I was listening I could hear the sound of a mower. Not a push mower, but one of them commercial walk behind mowers. They have the same sound the whole time they are mowing, does not matter if they are cutting two inches or ten inches of grass they have that high whine to them. So I was listening to the mower and then I noticed no crows cawing, now that is a little weird, always crows making noise this time of the morning.

Ding! Ding Ding there it is. Rain drops hitting the metal roof over the door way, Splat .. A direct hit on the tip of my cigar, what are the odds of that. Ding Ding Ding drops are bouncing off the plastic pink flamingo marking the trail down to the lake. A low rumble is felt rather than heard and the drops are coming to quickly now to be picked out. Gee what a surprise, it's raining again. The wind comes from no where, not even a gust just a constant breeze comes from no where and does not let up. I turn by back to the direction it is coming from and take a few puffs on the cigar to see if it is still burning. The rain drop did not put it out and smoke rises from the tip and I am rewarded with a little red glow.

Growing darker out and the floodlight over the screen door starts to flicker on. The sensor has turned the light on and now I hear the sound of a window sliding close. Gus must be closing windows on this side where the wind is blowing. A station wagon with out of state plates pulls up to the split rail fence and parks. Wiper blades stop as the engine is turned off and an older gent with a highway map covering his balding head gets out and makes a dash for the main entrance. Well kind of a dash, actually more like a quick walk. I can see someone still sitting in the passenger seat of the wagon but the windows are fogging up and soon they are out of sight. A bright flash just off to the West makes me blink and a long second later a crack of thunder rumbles and rolls overhead.

Just like that the rain stops, once again I can hear the Ding of drops falling and the floodlight flickers and then goes out. The wind falls off and I the sky turns from dark gray to dirty white and I can see strands of darker clouds moving quickly by. The cigar has served it's purpose and I snub it out in the wet sand of the outdoor ashtray by the door. A crow flies by looking down at the closed lid of the dumpster and keeps going. I turn back to open the door and I can once again hear the sound of the mower, for sure now I know it is someone mowing on a schedule. From Lake Iwanttobethere {341,767}

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Everyone got a little scare the other morning as we heard that my neighbor and best bud Chuck had a heart attack. He is OK as far as heart attacks go, Doc Burriem saw him and then he was taken down to the big city hospital by the township ambulance. They did surgery on him and sent him out the door the next day. He is now at the girlfriend's cabin and she is making sure he mends. Not a whole lot of funny you can write about having a heart attack as that is getting pretty serious in my book. I know Chuck will be reading this so we just want him to take it easy and get well. He always gets mad at me when I say we are getting old, but we are. Of course this all started when he said his jeans were getting a little to tight and he went on an exercise program. Started jogging and drinking some health juice drinks. I told him all he needed to do was just buy some sweat pants and he would not even notice the tightening of his belt.

Hospital told him he has to go on some healthy heart program and stop smoking, that might be a little tuff. Elmer and Marv said they would do their part and if he joins the health club at the strip mall they will stop selling donuts from the back of the pickup down there. Chuck told me the doctor told him he can't lift anything over ten pounds for awhile so he can't go fishing. I told him that now I can't even use him as my net man. So while he recovers I guess I can go over and mow his lawn for him, maybe cut down that tree between our two places. I'll just tell him a storm took it down and I just cut it into firewood for him. As luck would have it since he went into the hospital the weather has been summer fine and today the sky is blue and not a cloud to be seen. So with Chuck laid up I better get on with my report for Lake Iwanttobethere.

As I mentioned the weather has been summer fine the past few days. I have not been fishing as I have been working on putting the Puddle Humper together and have gotten a little sidetracked. Town has been busy and getting to the point now that there is just to much going on to mention it all. Moe down at Moe's-Tel has been booked all week and all the spaces have trucks or cars filling the spots, even the trailer parking area is full. Friday was busy as that is change over day where new tourists and fishermen come and go. The last group had a lot of bad weather but the new group has been seeing some warm evenings and calmer water to fish on.

I have been finding myself getting up earlier in the morning as Duncan don't sleep past seven in the morning. Some quiet time for us as we get to read the paper together and he gets first chance to chase the rabbit out of the yard. One bad thing about getting up early is that now I have to wait longer for Mark the mailman to arrive but I did get to wave at the garbage man, have not see him in years. Elmer seeing that I am up earlier now makes a point to wander over with his empty coffee mug. He fills it up and chats for a few minutes before heading out to hook up with Marv. Pepper and Duncan run a little together and already Duncan is as tall as Pepper and is getting faster every day.

Today I am going fishing, weather looks good, wife wants me out of the cabin. Daughter will keep an eye on Duncan and Chuck says he wants some fish for dinner. All I need to do is go visit Big Earl and get some bug spray, all the cans I found were empty and the summer size mosquitoes have arrived. I noticed them last night sitting on the deck, I heard them coming before I even saw them. Just another sign that summer has arrived in these parts and the crows are back making a racket at six in the morning. Well, I better get to buying that spray and maybe a stop at Amy's for a loose meat sandwich for lunch. For a joke maybe I'll see if she can make me a rice cake for Chuck. From Lake Iwanttobethere {342,594}

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Well, the Puddle Humper sits in the boat house drying, the battery charger plugged in and a soft hum can be heard if you stand close enough to it. Rods have lures dangling from them and there is a few spots of dried sand on the carpet. The black bow rope is coiled on the front deck and it to is drying. It took awhile but the Puddle Humper finally hit the water and some well-needed time fishing was had. The first fishing trip always takes the longest time to get ready for as the boat needs to be "Put back together". Fishermen who are not boat owners have no idea what we do to our boats. I wish I could say that I just park it in the fall and come spring I charge the batteries and a way we go but that is never the case. There are always things to fix and add, the Puddle Humper is now twenty-three years old and like any girl that age she needs some maintenance.

Some trailer wiring and lights replaced this year along with a new rack added on the back for hanging rods. Carpet cleaned and motor looked over. Then all the tackle boxes and life vests are stowed, rods and reels cleaned and new line added, I am sure you know the routine. A few days were penciled in to get out but the weather took the eraser to them. The other day it was only sixty at the cabin but a buddy called and told me it was in the eighty's over on the north end of the lake, that is all I needed to hear and the trailer was dropped on the ball and I was gone.

Around the Lake to the north end is about a forty-five minute ride. No sooner was I out the drive and I had the windows down and a cigar burning. I don't wear a watch, have not for years so when I go fishing I measure travel time by smoking a cigar, I should be at the landing with about two inches of cigar left and I was. For a Monday I was surprised to find a pick up and a car parked at the landing, neither one of them had a trailer attached. A lady and I am guessing her daughter were casting from the landing, bobbers with worms floated out right where I needed to enter the water. An older gent sat on the tailgate of his pickup truck parked at the water's edge. A fish basket half in and half out rested in the water and he to was fishing with some worms. I said HIYA to the man who returned the greeting and the lady just said hi back.

With the trailer parked I waded in to push the Puddle Humper out into deeper water, Getting in I checked the temperature on the graph and it came up at eighty-one I thought it felt warm but I was a little surprised at seeing that. I had already pre rigged my rods but I could see I was going to have to change a few things. With a wave to the old gent I eased out from shore and when I was clear I started the big motor and cruised around the point and out of the little bay where the landing is. Sunny and eighty-nine out and some spray flew up on my face and I am wondering why it took me so long to get on the water, it doesn't get much better that this I am thinking as I come to a small bay that I have fished many times in the past.

I let the Puddle Humper slow and turn off the big motor coasting to a stop. With the bow motor down and rod in hand I make my first cast, nothing. What were you expecting I would catch a fish on my first cast? It actually took me three casts and a small northern was caught and released at the boat. A few more casts and two little bass had been pulled over the side and released back into the water on the other side. So as I reached for a buzz bait I was kicking myself for not getting out sooner. About an hour later as I was lipping a fat three pounder with the white buzz bait hanging from her lips and I once again reminded myself I got to get out sooner. From Lake Iwanttobethere {343,275}

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Decided to go northern fishing last night, I think I did mention that to Gerry who was fishing with me. I had to bring that up because an hour or so into fishing I had caught eight northerns to Gerry's three bass. Since I had yet to catch a bass I had to remind him that I had said that I was northern fishing. Gerry replied that the bass fishing was not bad either and I should try it.. Catching another northern I turned to Gerry in the back of the Puddle Humper and said " As your guide and since you are bass fishing it is my job to clear these northerns out in front of you" I thought I was doing a good job and of course pointed that out as I lost a small northern at the boat. The wind had been coming out of the NE at about ten miles per hour which made the 60 degrees feel a lot cooler out on the water. Of course the good part was no bugs but we are a third of the way through June and it is suppose to be a lot warmer. Gerry had gotten off work early and he was penciled in on the fishing calendar for Bass fishing. So we hooked up the Puddle Humper at the cabin, and made the short drive to a northern landing on the Lake Iwanttobethere where I hear fishing has been good..

Finally I get a small bass to snatch up my spinner bait and I declare that I to am now Bass fishing. A moment later and Gerry goes quiet in the back of the boat. When he does this I know he has a fish on and I turn to see him pulling a northern over the side. So now I am bass fishing and Gerry is doing the northern fishing. Fishing up the other side of the bay we are out of the wind and have some slack water to fish. I start tossing a buzz bait and the northerns like that too. Gerry not to be outdone lands a nice plump sixteen inch bass that does a little tail walking before coming to his waiting thumb. Gerry shows it off for me before releasing it back in to the water.

Talk between catching fish is like someone with a TV remote control, every time we catch a fish the subject gets changed. From wife's to kids to grand kids. Baseball and how much it cost to fill the gas tank. Someone is cutting grass and we discuss whether it is better to weed whack before or after mowing. Another fish is caught and we talk about summer projects. Still catching them small eighteen to twenty inch northerns we talk out loudly about maybe keeping some to pickle but they all find their way back over the side and swim away not knowing how close they came to be resting on a cracker this winter.

I am interrupted by a harder pull and a nice bass tries hard to toss my spinner. A moment later and she hangs from the digital scale at three pounds five ounces. I don't give her a kiss but I do tell her thanks for letting me catch her and she swims back to do what ever she was doing. The topic has now changed to where are the big northerns? We have caught twenty little northerns but nothing big enough to make the rod bend good. Gerry tells me his thoughts on how the big ones are eating them big suckers and not messing with our little ¼ ounce spinner baits. We spend maybe ten minutes between fish still talking big northerns when I feel the tap tap of something chasing the trailer on my spinner. I tell Gerry another little norton is chasing me and I give the lure a slight pause and then a few hops before starting my retrieve again. I feel some weight so I set the hook and am rewarded with the sound of the drag and a bowed rod.

A few minutes later after being netted, measured and weighed a photo is taken and seven pounds twelve ounces of Northern is swimming away. Like I said, I was Northern fishing yesterday, From Lake Iwanttobethere.{343,842}

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Been awhile since it has rained any here at Lake Iwanttobethere, not complaining just thought I would mention it. Matter of fact the only reason I brought it up is I still don't have my rain barrels set up and the wife has decided to mention that fact to me on a daily basis. I did win the battle with the robin and there will be no nest of babies to worry about under the boat house roof this year. They finally gave up building and went somewhere else. Matter of fact it is that time of year when babies are everywhere. New bunnies are hiding in the deep grass along the edge of the property. Chuck taking it easy from his heart scare is spending a little more time sitting back and relaxing has reported seeing a fawn on unsteady legs the other day. Speaking of Chuck he is getting better and has taken on a project. A new Jon boat is being decked out and has already been fished out of. I got the report just yesterday of how he lost a big one in it already.

Grass is all cut and I got out fishing three times last week, hope to repeat that this week but one of the fishing days will have to be a short one as the wife will be having her birthday on Friday. If I want any thing for my birthday next week I have to find her something for hers. Speaking of birthdays I will be turning 696 next Wednesday I plan on being on the water fishing and hiding out from relatives. But I will start accepting Hamms and Wild Turkey shots at the Lodge as of today. Heck if I am not there you can still leave me one if you would like.

As I said I have been out fishing, Sunday night I was lucky enough to go out with my youngest daughter who had the urge to fish. Even though Sunshine Ray was saying it was going to rain she still wanted to go fishing. Since I did well on the North end of the lake on Thursday we trailered the Puddle Humper up there and fished under some dark sky. It was her first time out this season and we started off fishing for some sunnies and I didn't need much of an excuse to get out the long ten foot pole and play with the little guys. After a few of them she was ready to go fishing for some bass and she boated a nice two pounder before I even got my lure wet. I landed a few northerns but I was pretty much playing the guide this day. When I know I am going to suffer a beat down I just say I am the guide and get out of the way.

Just like a few days before I was clearing the northerns out of the way so she could catch bass and in a quiet little bay she made a nice cast to a grassy bank and was rewarded. I had my video camera with and as I shot video she fought and landed a nice four pound four once bass, squealing like a little girl the entire time. Holding up the fish I don't think I could get all of her smile in the picture. With the fish released back into the water she sat back and spent the rest of the evening pointing out to me what I need to do to catch a fish like hers. Not much I could say, she did have big fish for the day. Later I did have a big hit by a bass and of course I failed to hook up, she laughed at me, maybe a little too long but it was the kind of laff that said she still had big fish for the day.

We shared sandwiches and cookies and traded stories of past fishing trips. I did have to ask her to turn her cell phone down as she was getting texts from friends wanting to know what she was doing, instead she just turned it off. Without the buzz of the phone and the wind gone we went back to tossing little baits at bluegills. We quietly moved down the shoreline and were right under the eagles nest when ma arrived with supper. A big bird she flew over head and landed just out of sight, a memory for us to share, along with that big old bass and the smile of my daughter, From Lake Iwanttobethere{344,878}


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OK I guess I am going to have to take the blame here, I said it has been awhile since we have received rain and look at it now. Stormy Clearweather has rain or mention of rain every day for the next week. So glad I got the grass all cut but now when the rain does stop I will have to do it all over again. Not a good start to gardening this year as my poor apple trees had almost no blossoms to speak of. Tomato plants are out of the greenhouse and in their containers scattered around the deck. With the week of wet and gloomy weather I might just put them back in the greenhouse. I did get the water barrels all cleaned out and they are in place so the wife has moved on to other things to remind me about.

Puddle Humper sits with the cover on it and is waiting for a break in the weather. I don't mind the overcast sky but the temperature today is only in the mid fifties. I like it to be a little warmer when we are in the middle of June. Daughter is walking around the cabin a little slow today, went bike riding yesterday and might have over did it a little. I even got up on the bike and rode it for a little ways, OK maybe a few yards, all right I coasted a few feet. Daughter told me maybe I should look into getting a trike, I sure hope they are not thinking of getting me a trike for my 696 birthday next week.

Duncan continues to grow and be a pest to Bud and Barney. Just a bundle of energy racing all over the yard and in the past week he has learned to fly! Well that is what the wife calls his jumping as he races through her flower beds and leaps over the steps to get on the deck. He still gets puppy naps which hit suddenly. It is like someone throws a switch and he is asleep usually hiding where only a puppy can go. We then have to go looking to find him, Bud and Barney take the time to rest themselves before Duncan rises to find them. Mama cat still has issues with Duncan and she sounds like a small mountain lion telling him to stay away from her. The two tom cats are becoming friendly and seem to have come to an understanding. If they don't run Duncan won't chase and so the three of then sit in a circle and spend time just looking at each other.

Fishing has been good when I have had a chance to get out. Did have an overnight trip planned but that got washed out. Have to reschedule the little walleye trip I had planned but it is early and right now I can say there is a lot of summer left. We are still a few days away from summer actually arriving and the longest day is the day before my birthday. Of course after that to some it is all down hill. Speaking of birthdays it is the wife's birthday today, I can't tell you how old she is, if I did she would put some kind of curse on me. Something about a lady never tells her age. We will have cake and ice cream and a BBQ here. All the kids will be over and some family friends. More than likely it will rain and I will be left outside tending to the grill, kind of my duty so I have already hung a tarp to keep the rain that I know will fall away.

For now it is quiet, dogs are all getting in their first morning nap. Wind is, well there is no wind and the lake is like dark glass. Not very warm but it is not raining. Out front of Elmers dock I can see the top of a big red bobber sitting still. No wait it is moving ever so slightly, he must have a sucker minnow hanging below it. I am thinking maybe I might go to the compost pile and dig up a few worms and take the old row boat out a few strokes and tease some fish. Rain coat and a cigar are both a must just in case it decides to rain. Can't really do any work around the cabin when it is an in between day like today. That and I don't think it would be polite to work on the wife's birthday. Come to think of it everyday is somebody's birthday, from Lake Iwanttobethere {346,079}

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Truly sorry to hear that duffman! I know that feeling.  Keep the good memories  
    • Chamois passed away this weekend a couple days short of her 13th bday. What a great dog to hang out with here at home and on distant adventures. Gonna miss ya big time my little big girl.
    • Sounds pretty sweet, alright. I will check them out, thanks.
    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
    • We have bought a new boat, which we will be picking up this spring. It is an Alumacraft Competitor 165 sport with a 90 horse Yamaha motor. I will be buying and installing a trolling motor,  wondering if I can get some recommendations on what pound thrust I will want for this boat?  Also, I will be selling my old boat, is there a good way to determine the value on an older boat ( mid-80's with a 75 horse 2-stroke  Mariner motor)  I will appreciate any help with these questions.
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