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Fishin report for Lake Iwanttobethere..

Bobby Bass

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A picture is worth a thousand words. So why don't I just post a picture every other day. I got an e-mail yesterday that got me thinking, OK that all by itself means at least a thousand words. Anyway I was asked why I write and I could not come up with a simple one line answer. But thinking about it I guess I write because I like to read. Now the thought behind that is if there are not people who write then there is nothing for people to read. I used to read a lot in grade school and high school even had a job that allowed me to read a few books a week. Nothing better than getting paid to read. Then for many years I was just to busy to read, actually I just didn't stop and take the time to read.

Then I met my good friend Elmer who was a reader, and you know I found out that I to am still a reader. I won't try to persuade you to be a reader, although if you are reading this then you are a closet reader. The stories I write run between 800 to a 1000 words so when you open this string you know you are going to be reading for a few minutes. When I say I write because I read it is because there is less and less to read about. We have the Internet and TV to watch, Radio to listen to and magazines are filled with more pictures then words. Newspaper as much as I hate to say it are on their way out in a paper printed form. You turn to the Internet for your news and sports now, small little stories written so a sixth grader can read them. Nothing really wrong with that, life goes on.

Today's youth and a better part of the younger adults can't go anywhere without a cell phone hanging from their ear or hand. Driving or shopping there are always text messages that must be answered now. They are so important that they have a language of their own. So when u receive them you can answer quickly and wait for your one line answer. Kids blur across keyboards with thumbs never stopping but the same kids brag about going all the way through school and never reading a book completely. One of my daughters brags she has done it. Can anyone tell me why a kid with training wheels on their bike needs to have a cell phone?

So I write because I like to read, I write because I can use the Internet for others to read. It just so happens that I found Lake Iwanttobethere and there are a wealth of people and stories to pass on here. There have been several times where I have sat down at the keyboard and asked myself why am I writing, maybe it's time to put an end to this. That's when someone will send me an e-mail asking if I can write more about someone or something or even offer up an idea for a story about the lake. Or just telling me how much they like reading stories from the lake.

Most of the time though I see something around me and I have to write about it. You know what? Even I go back and read old stories about the lake because they remind me of something that has happen. As I always say every story does have some truth in it and even I chuckle. I am not the best writer for that matter I am not even a writer just someone who types words and tries to make them readable for others.

But years from now I'll be able to still read these stories and I hope the grand kids will be able to read something that grandpa wrote. A picture is worth a thousand words but a thousand words can paint a pretty picture, from Lake Iwanttobethere

Thanks for reading and I promise I will return to Lake Iwanttobethere on your next visit!{217,033}

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First week of the new year under our belts so to speak and I thought I would take a trip down the trail behind the cabin. I never did get in that last little bird hunting trip as it was raining the day that Bud and I were going to go out. So this morning when the sun came out I went to the closet and pulled the cross country skis out. As soon as I put the shoes on Bud was at the back door along with Barney waiting to get out. The day pack with some water and a few dog biscuits was slung over my shoulder and we stepped off the deck and stepped into the ski bindings.

Poles in hand we set off across the yard and onto the trail. First time I have been on it to ski this year but the son's have been on it several times and even Elmer said he took a trip the other day. I am lazy that way in that I would rather follow someone's else trail then make my own and soon we had left the yard behind us. Bud was in hunting mode even though I am pretty sure he knew we were not hunting and Barney was just in his follow along mode. As I made my way along the trail I saw bunny tracks and of course deer tracks were everywhere. A few snow birds followed along and a big wood pecker was seen trying to bust his head open on a pine tree.

Didn't take long to work up a little sweat and the hat was stuffed back in the day pack and an ear band taken out in exchange. While I caught my breath some a mess of crows flew over head. First in just ones and twos but then in groups of fours and five's. The dogs looked skyward and barked with the crows doing nothing. But as soon as I raised my ski poles up like a gun they couldn't change direction quick enough, smart birds.

Being the first time out this year I was in no way in shape for skiing and it was not long before we took another break and the dog biscuits were broke out. Brushing off about a foot of snow from a stump I sat down and watched the sun high in the pines. I was there long enough that when the sun was hidden behind a big pine it got cool real quick. Break time over we headed back to the cabin. The skis had no trouble following in the deep tracks that I had already left. Funny that it always seems to take longer going out on a trail then it does coming back. In no time I was back at the edge of the yard and the dogs were both already at the back door waiting to be let in.

The wife saw me leaving and had already turned on the sauna, a nice surprise as I was thinking a good sauna would be a nice way to finish the trip. I headed into the sauna and no sooner had a sat back on the cedar bench along the wall then her hand appeared through a crack in the door with a cold Hamms and the clip board with the Honey Do List. Looks like this day has just started, from Lake Iwanttobethere {217,957}

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Down at the Dew Drop Inn this morning, I was taking advantage of their raisin cinnamon French toast breakfast with bacon platter. You know it's winter when the conversation around the place was that it only got to minus four last night when the forecast by Sunshine Ray was calling for minus twenty-four. A few farmers were in and of course it was colder at their farms then their neighbors farms. I pretty much feel that when it hits zero it is cold enough and once it dips below minus twenty it don't matter any more. When it is so cold that the smoke freezes as it rises off a wood fire then that is cold enough for me.

Leaving the Inn I drove to the Lodge and had the bright sunshine coming through the dirty windshield of the Dodge. After having over a week of overcast skies the bright sunshine is a welcome sight. I even noticed a small line of trucks at the car wash, shinny and clean on one end and full of salt and grime on the other end. Already several cars were out on the ice and the ice town looks to be busy this morning. I pulled into the Lodge lot and took my parking spot at the rear. Walking into the Lodge the heavy drapes were pulled back and sunshine streamed into the main room. A few kids were running around dressed in snowsuits with gloves hanging from cords around their necks. Their father was just coming down the hall from the rest room and made a stop at the bar. A moment later with a couple of candy bars in hand they headed out the main door.

Gus behind the bar gave me a morning HIYA and I returned the greeting with a wave. It being silent Sunday I try as best as I can to stay quiet. Only reason I was in the Lodge today was I had to catch up on paperwork and tax season is just around the corner. Usually the Lodge is pretty quiet on a Sunday morning unless it is sunny and nice out and the locals come out to fish. Guess I picked the wrong Sunday to come to the Lodge as it looks like the locals are coming out to fish and the sun is not looking like it is going away today. Just a few wisps of clouds in the sky and the sun is having no problem burning through. Standing in front of the fire place with the fire warming my rear end and the sunshine coming through warming the front side it just don't get much better this time of the day.

Few of the guys are sitting at the bar talking quiet like, Elmer and Mar being two of them. As I make my way around the bar they go silent and just nod a hello to me. I nod back and feel like I am a parent looking over a bunch of kids. I have a pretty good idea what they are taking about and I am thinking they are planning on getting the bb gun out and take some shots at the pigeons on the roof. On a day like today they will be flying circles around the Lodge. I just look at them and shake my head no.. And just like kids I get a couple of geezee and quiet "Who told him" over heard. I go to pour myself a soda but catch myself, I have made a promise to try and stop drinking pop so I open the cooler and pour myself a glass of apple juice instead. I give a short wave and make my way back to my office.

Sitting at my desk I start going through all the pink little slips of paper with messages on them and think to myself there has to be a better way of saving all this paper. Especially since I take most of them and slide them into the garbage can. I sit back and take a few sips of my juice and decide that perhaps it is time to remove the small Christmas tree that is jammed between the filing cabinet and door. The tree decorated in swizzle sticks, napkins and bar coasters does not look as good as it did when we first made it, almost a month ago. I pick up the entire tree and just take it with me down the hall and out the back door. I am walking it over to the dumpster when I catch sight of Marv and Elmer slipping around the dumpster. Dang kids are chasing pigeons, from Lake Iwanttobethere {218,429}

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Tourists season here at Lake Iwanttobethere, not the time of year when you would think we would get tourist in. Actually it is a idea thought up by the local businessmen here in town. With the dead of winter here business is quiet. We have a lot of the town people out on the ice come dusk chasing the evening bite. This leaves the town itself pretty quiet so the town businessmen had this idea that we should declare this time of the year tourism season. Simply it means that local business owners and workers go out to other business and dine or shop or even just plain visit. Instead of empty tables there is some activity going on and a few dollars change hands.

Since this is tourism season I offered to take Gus out to lunch, he jumped on the idea to get out of the kitchen and with a small bribe we got Skinny to slip on the apron and go behind the bar for a few hours. The menu will be small for the rest of the day as Skinny pretty much tells people what he is willing to make and that is what they are going to get. We made sure the crock pots with the Coney sauce and chili were topped off and a moment later we were out the back door.

We both had the same spot in mind as I pulled out of the Lodges parking lot and headed down past the Masterbaiters shop to the ribbon of blacktop that will take us around this end of the lake. Twenty minutes later we pulled into the gravel road that winds down to the lake and to the Gray Gull resort. Hidden underneath some tall pines and just a stone throw from the water the resort is a hideout for locals looking for a good meal and a stiff drink in the off season. Known for it's cocktail hour and seafood it is about as high end of a place as there is on the lake during the summer. During the season it's long dock usually has a variety of fishing boats tied up alongside. Made to look like it belongs on the coast of some sea it has these big pilings that are wrapped in rope. They are actually old telephone poles but with the rope they look pretty sea shore like.

It gets a lot of business from summer visitors who are looking to eat fish but can't seem to catch their own. In the off season or tourist season for us it is a good place to eat and not have one of the town busy bodies looking over your shoulder when you have a few drinks with umbrellas in them. Today Gus and I both had the same idea as we sat down and ordered their BLT sandwich actually we ordered three of the sandwiches and we will split the third one. A platter of French fries and onion rings arrived first and we unbuckled our belt buckles and sipped on our drinks. It's good to be tourist from time to time.

Harland the owner and a Lodge member I might add. Wiped his hands on his lobster apron as he came over and sat down with us. A few fries sat on the platter as we munched on the last of the deep fried onion rings. Quietly we looked out at the frozen waters of the lake. Funny, it has been my experience that no matter where you go on the lake it draws your gaze. In the summer people sit here, cold drink in hand and just watch the small waves roll up under the dock. Gray gulls sit on top of the pilings or walk down the planks of the dock. Always seems to be one or two flying or gliding a few feet above the water searching for food or a tossed French fry from a patron. No gulls today but still the lake makes you look at it and just say nothing. Yup, it's a good idea having tourist days from Lake Iwanttobethere {219,749}

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Another dusting of snow falling here at the Lake, keeping it clean looking. Was in the big city yesterday, had a few things on my list that I needed to pick up and of course a visit to the daughters was in order. I made it in time to share breakfast with my four year old grand daughter. Breakfast was a mix of frosted flakes and rice krispies. But the frosted flakes have to be put in the bowl first then the rice krispies poured on top followed by milk. To tell ya the truth it was not all that bad of a combination. I ate my cereal while we were in deep conversation of her planned play date later in the day. Picking up the bag of quilting material for the wife I was on my way with a promise to call later and hear how the date went.

A few more errands were ran for the wife then I had some time for myself. A few freight and savage shop stops were made then off to the big box store with the fishing goods department. I usually don't buy anything but looking is not really cheating on Vicki at the Masterbaiters shop. In the back of my mind I was looking for some of them fancy swim baits, the hard body ones. I found a few locked up in a display case, I knew right away I could not afford them but had to look. Eighty-nine ninety-five for a six inch hard body bait. Yup, that's what the price tag said, Nice looking bait but I don't think I would throw something like that into the waters of Lake Iwanttobethere. Just to many northerns that would love to rip that off my line and hang it on their trophy log on the bottom of the lake.

The Lodge survived Gus and I taking the afternoon off to go to lunch. As a matter of fact there have been a few requests for Skinny's Special during the lunch rush. Both Gus and I looked at each other and shrugged our shoulders, don't have a clue what Skinny was serving up. Finally Hammering Hank came in and over a mug of coffee he told us what the special was. Skinny got mixed up on a couple of orders as he was trying to watch his soap opera from behind the bar and cook at the same time. Orders got mixed on the grill and the best way is to describe what it turned into not what it was intended to be. On the grill Skinny had cooked American fries with diced onions, some ham chucks along with pork chops. A couple of eggs cracked and fried over the top. This was all served on platters with toast and a ladle of chili poured over the top. Everyone cleaned their plates and now today they are asking for it by name. I was surprised there was no Wild Turkey involved till Hank said Skinny was cleaning the grill between orders with it.

So today finds me working here at the Lodge, have already been out with the big push shovel cleaning the walks around the Lodge. Before the lunch rush started I replace a light fixture in the hall and even had all the parts and tools on hand. That might be a first around here. As long as the ladder was out I clean some broken balloons from the rafters and changed a few light bulbs. Even found a small platform resting on one of the cross braces, Hmmm right in the spot where that other helicopter came from on New Years Eve. Not saying anything I looked down from my advantage point on the ladder at the members sitting around the Lodge. I was looking to see if anyone was watching me with any interest. But true to form most Lodge members look the other way when there is any work going on. From Lake Iwanttobethere {221,880}

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A few tourists were in the Lodge this morning looking to check the place out. Seems they had read about it while doing one of them there web searches on their cell phone. After ordering a breakfast and trying to get the morning discount by asking if there was really anything to saying HIYA Gus told them the discount is real but ya have to say HIYA as you come in the door. He, Gus then looked at me and shook his head while rolling his eyes. After the middle age couple was done eating and enjoying their second mug of coffee they waved me over to chat. I laid down the morning paper and took my glass of juice over to where they were sitting.

"So you from around these parts?" Asked the fellow

"Born and raised " I answer

"Anything to do during the off season here" asked the lady with him.

"What are ya looking for" I asked

The guy answered " Well we have a few days to kill and we are looking for sight seeing mostly, but if there are activities ?"

"Hmmm" I made it look like I was busy thinking and rubbed my bearded chin a few times, then I took a sip of my orange juice before setting it back on the table and pushing it around a little. Looking at Elmer sitting on the wicker couch in front of the TV I pointed at him and told the couple. " That guy there is the one to ask"

They both turned in their seats to see Elmer sitting on the wicker couch, Pepper the pit bull next to him. Elmer had the remote in his right hand clicking back and forth between his two favorite soap operas. His left hand held on to his glass of Wild Turkey trying to keep it away from Pepper so she could not lick the amber fluid sloshing around over the two ice cubes.

The lady turned to her husband and said "I think he is a little busy, don't you think dear?

"Nodding his head up and down her husband turn back to me and agreed with his wife. "Is there someone else?

"Well you could read the place mates that your plates are on, they are printed with all the activities planned for the town this month" I then smiled and walked away.

As I walked back around the bar I could hear them behind me sounding like the pigeons on the roof. Making cooing sounds and scratching their egg off the place mats so they could read what was underneath. A moment later the man was once again trying to gain my attention.

"Sir! Can you direct us to this Mabels Sauna House and do they really chop a hole in the ice for you to plunge into?"

With a grin on my face I walked over to the Lodge deck window and pointed down the street at the old clapboard building with the wood sign MABEL"S hanging from the rusted chains. "There she is"

The couple got up and left money with their bill face down on the table, putting on their coats they were soon out the door and heading to Mabels. Gus and I pulled some chairs over to the deck window where we will have a good view of the ice behind Mabel's, Should be an interesting afternoon, from Lake Iwanttobethere {222,586}

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Now that was pretty slick, just got in from cleaning the cabin roof off of all the lasts snowfall. Sunshine Ray was a tad off in his forecasting as we got some lite snow coming in off the lake yesterday afternoon. Trouble was it kind of parked itself right over this end of the lake and kept snowing for hours instead of just an hour. I would say we got about ten inches of that real light picture snow that looks so good. With no wind everything has ten inches of snow standing on it. I went out and brushed off the deck railings and headed to the garage only to find that I was out of gas for the blower. I drove the Dodge into town just cleaning the snow off the windshield for the trip, looking back in the mirror I left a blinding cloud of snow in my wake coming off the roof and out of the box.

Lot was pretty full of trucks with plows as I pulled into the Gas-N-Go. Drivers stood holding travel mugs of coffee, some big enough to hold a gallon of coffee as they chatted. Filling up the five gallon gas can this time all the way I made my way past them to pay. I almost got back to the truck before Mike called me over and I got sidetracked in conversation about the couple that jumped in the lake yesterday. Seems a couple had been at Mabels and ran out to jump in the lake. The Johnson brothers had just finished cutting a hole for their dark house when the couple slipping and sliding ran past them and jumped in the hole. The hole was a little deeper than they thought and it got to be quite the adventure getting them back out on to the ice and then back to Mabels to warm up. Was good to hear about what happen on the ice as Gus and I could not hear but only watch from the Lodge.

I drove back to the cabin just as Elmer was turning the old tractor around to make another pass up his driveway. Coming to a stop we exchanged HIYA's Elmer told me he was about done and that Tinker was due to be here around noon to clean the roofs off. I told Elmer that I should give Tinker a call and see if he could do mine at the same time. Elmer told me he had beat me to it and Tinker would do both our roofs and Chuck's to. Driving up my drive I was thinking about how much time I was going to save if Tinker was going to do our roofs. I might even get in a little time fishing later this afternoon.

Going in the cabin I poured myself a nice mug of hot chocolate before getting back in the Dodge and sitting at the edge of the drive. Right at noon Elmer came out and opening the passenger door sat down next to me. A cigar in his hand he looked skyward and checked his old pocket watch. You could feel it before you could hear it, the thump thump thump of the helicopter coming low over the lake. Elmer rolled his window up tight just as the helicopter from Tinkers Fligh In and sight seeking tours appeared over the top of his cabin. If you didn't watch quick you would have missed the low approach and hover over the cabin as the snow flew off the roof and was spread out and away from the cabin. Next was my place and as the chopper flew over head I could just make out Tinker and his son waving at us. Then it was a whiteout as the choppers down draft lifted the snow from the roofs and deck and blew it all away. A minute later and I could once again see out just as Tinker was just leaving Chucks and heading back out over the lake.

Elmer and I got out to make an inspection and it looked pretty good, a few piles of snow and some new drifts near the trees but a few passes with the tractor and we would be good to go. Let's see the people in the big city try that! From Lake Iwanttobethere {223,493}

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Guess what? It's snowing again. I am not going to complain, a little here and a little there is nice but it does add up. Already some of the snow banks are as high as the old bucket on the tractor can lift to. I have not surrendered any of the parking area or drive to mother nature just yet but if it keeps snowing we may have to get something bigger to push the banks back. Of course all of this snow has been great for business, skiers and snowmobiles have been coming and going through town at a good clip. Dug down at his garage has been working hard on snow throwers and atv's along with an occasional snowmobile that breaks down while passing through town.

Mini- muffin Monday today and I made a point of picking up a sack before coming into the Lodge. The cinnamon ones with the frosting on sure hit the spot all day long. Just as long as I keep them in my bottom desk drawer where Hammering Hank and Gus can't find them. Today being a holiday it's kind of a long weekend here. I know for a fact that several of the shanties held fishermen overnight and there was a small crowd waiting for Vicki at the Masterbaiters shop to open this morning. Once again as I drove by the Gas-N-Go there was gathering of plow drivers there. You could see the smiles on their faces having yet another day to plow. These same guys you will find drifting on Lake Iwanttobethere with their hats down low soaking in the sunshine enjoying a day on the water that was paid for with plowing snow in the winter.

I figure another three weeks of some cold weather and then maybe another three weeks of touch and go weather and then we will be all down hill from there. Down hill as in the temps will start warming up as the sun stays up a few minutes longer each day. Along with the fishing tackle catalogs that have been starting to show up in the mailbox Mark the mailman has mixed in a few gardening catalogs along with the seed catalogs. Christmas rebates are also coming from presents bought this last year and I make a point to get the mail and put the rebates away. What the wife don't see she can't spend is my motto.

Speaking of seed catalogs I think my tomato plants are just about done. Yes, I still have tomatoes plants from this past season growing in the big den window at the cabin. There are just enough ripe ones to toss in a small salad then the plants will go back outside. I'll set them on the deck and that rabbit that lives under the deck that Bud and Barney can't seem to catch will get a little midwinter treat. Yesterday the last of the apples were made into a pie, they even lasted longer then I thought they would and only one more bag of garden potatoes left and they to will be gone. Might have to expand the garden yet again this summer. Now all the grand kids want their own gardens so as long as they want to learn we will find some space for them.

There is fish thawing out for supper tonight so I can already taste what dinner will be like. Salad with fresh tomatoes, some garden tatters pan fried, some golden fish and apple pie for desert. Don't get much better for mid winter dinner here at Lake Iwanttobethere {225,276}


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Sometimes it is just plain quiet and there is not much to write about. We are caught in midwinter here for sure. Seems the same cycle plays itself over and over. It gets cold, it warms up some, it then snows and then it gets cold again. Somewhere in there we get an afternoon of some sunshine, usually just long enough for you to have some light to snow blow by. We spend time in the shanties, maybe catch a few fish but mostly listen to the sound of the Coleman lantern making that hissing sound as it burns. Of course ice fishing is as different as old girlfriends as we each have our favorites.

Some of us fish while sitting on the top of five gallon colored paint buckets and use a hand crank hole cutter passed down from a relative. White buckets are not used on the ice as they get lost to easy. Others drag stuff behind them in a plastic sled that may even pop up into a little house and yet others use a sled or atv to make the towing job that much easier. Others haul an aged wood house from the edge of the lake out a ways and fire up the old little wood scrap stove. Checkerboard curtains cover the single window and a metal scoop hangs from a rusted nail to clean slush from holes with. A single battery does double duty lighting a small bulb tossing out light till the Coleman is lit than powers the old flasher.

Yet others spend time on the ice with houses better than some cabins I have been in. Stoves and heaters and generators. Man caves on the ice they call them. You walk in and hang up your coat on the pegs provided. A couple of switches are flicked and the TV comes to life and the heater purrs. Can't complain about the comforts, the fish can't tell any difference. Not many can fish in all of them different houses. Some guys can't go without heat or their TV. Flasher not working? Might as well call it a day. Others are fine just fishing out of the wind and bout as happy as they can be if there is some sun shinning. In the end it does not really matter, it should just be what makes ya happy and what you grew up with. Elmer grew up fishing with a hand line through ice chipped out with a piece of pipe flatten and sharpen on one end. He has no problem at all fishing with Marv out of his converted airstream shanty.

So I sit here in the den with smoke curling up from my cigar sitting in the ashtray next to the mouse pad. Frank came by in the grader just a little while ago and I am sure if I walk down to the end of the drive there is a ridge of snow that should be removed. It's not snowing but there is an overcast sky. Kind of a bright spot where the sun should be this time of the day. Honey Do List has a glass of juice sitting in the center of it. With any luck the moisture from the glass will drip down onto the pad messing up the writing so I will not be able to read it. At least that will be my excuse for not getting anything done today from it. Just feels good not to do anything today but enjoy myself doing it.

Even Bud and Barney are doing nothing today, both of them are just laying on the couch hoping to get some sunshine through the big window. I did see Bud get down and go around to the side of the couch to where the control for the electric blanket rest. The wife likes watching TV wrapped up in her blanket in the evening and leaves it on the couch during the day. Bud long ago learned to use his paw to turn the blanket on. I didn't think that was to unusual till I watched him adjust the heat setting one day. So maybe I'll finish my cigar, drink my juice then go clear the bottom of the drive. Might even find my way out on the ice and drown a minnow or two, from Lake Iwanttobethere {226,540}

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Had a close one there today boys! I was sitting in my lazyataboy chair thumbing through fishing catalogs earlier this afternoon. I had a pencil stuck behind my ear and a notepad hidden under the catalogs and as I found something interesting I would make a notation in the notepad. The wife came up behind me and I thought for sure I was busted. But all she was looking for was to remind me that when she went to work that I should wash some clothes this afternoon. Now washing clothes is no big deal, been doing it for years. It's not like I had to haul the clothes to the local stream and beat them on a rock, no matter what she tells her friends. Every time I do a load though I make a point of showing the wife what I have done. Kind of like a dog that brings you to the new hole they dug in the flower garden.

Well, the wife thought it would be a good idea for me to get a few loads done. Looking at her over the top of my glasses I reminder her that Sunshine Ray is predicting it to get down to twenty-five below tonight and not much above zero tomorrow. She stood in front of me with arms crossed and said " So what's your point?" I answered with " Don't you think the heat from the dryer would help heat the cabin tomorrow, not to mention we could put a turkey in the oven to help heat the kitchen" This got her sidetracked as she started to think about what she had on hand to go with a turkey. She left the room and I returned to my catalogs, my diversion working as planned. Of course now I am thinking about that new clothes dryer that I bought her a few years ago, still sitting in the box I brought it home in. 150' of perfectly good clothes line.

We did get a few hours of sunshine and the heat felt good on the hardwood floor of the living room. As the sun tracked across the sky the dogs and cats had to get up and move a few feet to stay in the sunshine coming through the window, leapfrogging over one another to the next warm floor space. I found myself moving from the lazyataboy chair to the couch at one point to stay in the sunshine. I had the radio on, quiet like in the background. I stop going through the catalog and listen to a story about how out East the schools don't let their kids outside for recess when the temperature dips below forty degrees. As the story went they were commenting on how in Minnesota the kids were still out playing in minus ten degree weather. Made me remember about my days in grade school when we were encouraged to just put on a jacket when it went below zero here at Lake Iwanttobethere.

Pretty sunset tonight as just a few wisps of clouds in the sky. Looking at the setting sun there was a few shanties with smoke coming from their stovepipes. Always are a few guys who will go out and spent the night on the ice when it gets this cold. Some say they catch fish to, but I think that is because it is so cold they stay up all night. Come morning you will find them at the Dew Drop Inn or the Sunshine Cafe. Hands firmly wrapped around hot coffee mugs, still wearing their parkas and sorrel boots. We all did it at one time or another. We don't do it now because we sit in shirt sleeves grinning and elbowing each other in the sides before saying " You remember that time when it got to thirty-nine below and we ran out of wood in Melvin shanty" or was it forty-nine below, hard to remember now a days, but them was the good ole days, from Lake Iwanttobethere {227,935}

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I need a drink, three fingers of Wild Turkey over two small ice cubes is just what the doctor ordered. Tax season is here. Desk is deep in paper and forms, almost forgot about getting w-2's out and 1099's not to mention renter's forms. Ribbon of paper tape from the adding machine is dragging off the desk and out into the hallway. Gus just came in with an envelope of receipts that he had forgotten about behind the bottles of spices on the top shelf in the store room. I often wonder why the new year does not start in the spring when everything is actually new. That would mean that taxes could then get started in mid summer or so. If that was the case then I could just go out and relax in the Puddle Humper and put taxes off for another day. A nice thought but I am done for the day I think. Time to lite a cigar and put my feet up. I just kind of push the paper tape back inside my office and eased the door closed, tomorrow is another day.

Last night was cold, not as bad as the night before but we do have the sign up for members to carry a piece of firewood in when they come into the Lodge. The wood box is about half full as is the Lodge with members. Both fireplaces are tossing heat into the main room and a few tables have been moved in closer to them. Popcorn machine just finished a batch and the smell is strong in that part of the Lodge. The yellow glow from the bulb is diffused by the oil stained glass. A hockey game on the TV and a few tables are supporting players in a mini cribbage tournament. A few guys are in the hallway looking over the lake map of Lake Iwanttobethere. A few new grease pencil marks have been added showing the where abouts of a crappie bite. Of course the marks are not exactly right on the spots but if you know the code you know which way and how far you have to move off the mark.

I hear tell that in washrooms in the big city like in the bars and such ladies telephone numbers are scribbled on the walls, Here at the Lodge fishing spots are scribble in pencil on the walls. Mostly done to confuse fishermen or maybe to get back at them. Joe Flint who lives on the lake came in with a really nice walleye the other night. For a beer he would tell you right where he caught it. This morning portable shanties were scattered all over the lake, each one on the spot that Joe told them he caught his fish on. To me it looked a lot like the fish that he caught last year, that one was frozen to when it came in the Lodge. Hmmm

Well football game tomorrow, the Lodge will be open for business as usual, We have fans from both teams here so it might turn interesting. The home team never even made it to the playoffs so everyone had to pick someone else to give them a reason to keep watching football. I do know that Gus is serving cheese and sausages at half time. Time to sign off and head back to the cabin. Got the Dodge running and I hope it will hold the heat till I make it back to the cabin. The holes in the floor are making it more and more a just for summer truck. From Lake Iwanttobethere {230,251}

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The start to a new week here at Lake Iwanttobethere. Just days away from being done with January we now face the short month of February. I tend to look right past February and into March, a long month of thirty-one days but only because at the end of it stands April and melting snow! With melting snow can open water be to far behind? OK, I might be pushing the rest of winter a little, but we are about halfway through. Sporting, fishing and boat shows will start to be held and visits to the local tackle shops will increase. Guys will be looking to pick up ice fishing gear at a discount and stocking tackle boxes with new lures that have caught their eye for open water. In e-mail's and long telephone conversations trips will be hashed out between buddies who may only get together once a year at a landing to a new lake.

Fly in trips may be discussed and memories of old trips will be hashed over. The worse trip ever does not sound so bad when talked about twenty years later. The fish caught always seem to be a little bigger and the portages made even longer. The storms were windier and the skeeters were like musketeer's. Everyone was always in better shape then than now and sleeping on the hard ground is not something to even be considered for this years trip. As each year passes it gets harder and harder to get everyone together for a weekend, let alone a week. To many people and to many things to do tug at your time. Usually there is one of the guys who takes the lead and just picks a date and a lake and if you can make it that will be great. If not done that way that no one gets anything done till it's too late.

With a lake and a date it is written on a post it note or scribbled on a calendar and circled in red or blue. Guys while on hold tip back in office chairs and the colored circle catches their eye. Minds wander to distant waters never seen, small lapping waves on pebble covered shores. A loon floating a nine iron shot away from shore. Cell phones turned off and dust covered truck windows. Back of suv's piled to the roof in gear and sleeping bags and boats secure under their covers. Two gas stations stops and a days travel later, only asking for directions once you arrive at your resort. Maybe even on the shores of Lake Iwanttobethere you drive down the last gravel road and find a parking spot on the grass. The hand painted sign on a split piece of slab wood announces that yes, you are here.

Doors slam echoing in the quiet and legs stretch in old leather boots or shoes that are not worn enough. For some reason you talk quietly in hush tones almost like that is what is expected of you. But then uncle Kenny will step to the water edge and yell like a ten year old, his shout echoing back at all of you again and again. The spell broken you are free of the office and yes, you are at the lake! Or here, at Lake Iwantttobethere {231,840}

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Almost balmy out with the red needle on the snow covered bass thermometer right on the twenty-five degree mark. Two days in the row like that and I am almost ready to break out the flip flops. No sun to speak of, just an overcast sky and a yellow glow just above the tree line. I did get some fishing in last night as I spent the evening at Hunterdowns shanty and enjoyed an eight course meal. We had fish, tatters and a six pack each.

Today I spent time in town running errands and doing some shopping. There is a difference between the two mind you. Shopping is usually with a list from the wife and errands is shopping for things that I think we really need around the cabin. I was at Ma and Pa's grocery waiting on a cold cut order. Pa wearing his white apron was fiddling with the settings on his slicer as he knows I like my cold cuts thick. I like only having to put one thick slice between my pieces of bread. As I was waiting a couple of fishermen came in and were talking loudly as they quickly made their way up and down the few small aisles. The usual small talk of what rods they were bring and if they should use the ATV or maybe the snowmobile would be a better choice. Then some talk about the trailer that is still in the snow bank and maybe it was time to dig it out and just put a for sale sign on it. Then talk got a little quieter as they started talking about what lake they should hit first and that such and such did pretty good on it last night and then they saw me. Making some muffle coughing sounds they nodded as they walked past me and the meat counter. Pa looked at me and just grinned broadly as the slicer was humming away and thick slices of ham were falling on themselves and the white wrapping paper.

Ma tallied up their purchases and they were out the door a moment later, the bell over the door ringing away as they left. Ma smiled at me and rang up my cold cuts. Pa came from behind the meat counter and said " Well I guess there secret lake is still safe" the three of us chuckled some and I headed for the door before remembering I was not done yet. Turning back I walked down the can goods aisle and picked up two cans of stew and then back to the meat counter for two pounds of the short polish sausages that Pa makes. I owed Hunterdown a meal and we were going together later in the week. I like to simmer the stew on the wood scrape stove and then after we eat the stew and rinse out the can we add water and put the cans back on the stove. We then add the short polish sausages and cook them slow, perfect for snacking.

Having gotten everything I was back in the Dodge and driving down main street. About put my head through the ceiling of the truck when I hit a new pothole, I rubbed my head and mutter out loud about that being a new one. Can't complain to much as I made the mistake of doing it in a conversation with Doc Burrium once. I then got told of the stories of when Doc was new in town and you had to drive the horse buggy on the mud main street of Lake Iwanttobethere. Even worse when they got the main street paved in pine that looked like railroad ties. Now you want to talk about a bone jarring ride, No need for speed bumps in them days. Even so I will add the new pot hole to my list of ones to avoid. Should be interesting come spring to watch the tourist find it though, Well guess I better get the cold cuts in the fridge but not till I make me a nice thick samwitch, from Lake Iwanttobethere {234,453}

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Yet another fishing catalog arrived today, Frank the mailman dropped the catalog along with some bills in the mailbox. The bills found there way to the top of the desk in the den and the catalog made it to the end table by the lazyataboy chair. Perhaps later if there is nothing to watch on TV I'll flip through pages and compare prices with other catalogs. But by this time of winter I have already narrowed my need list down. The "Want" list however is an ever ongoing venture. I have several plugs shaped and waiting to be painted in the wood shop. I have enough parts from last winter that there is no need to order anything to complete them. Having seen the prices on some of these swim baits I am now thinking maybe I might have to try and make some of my own. Elmer said he would be interested in helping out so I am sure there will be a few lost evenings in his basement workshop.

Spent some time working on taxes, nothing good was happening there so I was looking for an excuse to put them away. As on cue Bud starts barking and the door bell rings. Opening the door I am greeted by the express guy with a box. Exchanging HIYA's I take the package to the kitchen and tearing off the wrapping paper I see it is a box of fruit. At Christmas time a friend who used to live on the lake but now lives in Texas sends me and the misses a box of fresh fruit. Here was another box and a card from the company saying I had won a drawing. Of course I know it is just the companies way of trying to get me to join the "Fruit of the month club" the card finds the garbage can but the fruit finds the shelf. Grapefruit, apples some oranges and pears that were hanging from trees forty-eight hours ago. I'll eat the pears and apples and the wife will take the oranges to work with her. When I tell the daughter we got grapefruit from Texas she will make an excuse to drive over. If I could find me a nice little bass lake with pear trees on the shore and watermelons in the fields I do think I could build a dock for the Puddle Humper and stay a while.

Powell makes his way back to the lake every summer and we fish a few days. He has a standing offer for me to go to Texas and return the fishing favor, someday I'll take him up on it. Wiping away the sweet juices from the dripping pear that I just had to sample I return to the den and see if I can find something else to sidetrack me. Sitting back in the chair I notice some dripping water coming off the eves, did not think it was that warm out. But while I was in the kitchen the sun had managed to come out from behind the clouds and that is all it took to start the snow melting. Didn't last long as it just teased me a little before the clouds covered it back up. Chance of some snow developing and might be enough that I will have to shovel. I swivel the chair just in time to catch Elmer and Marv going in the back door of Elmers cabin. Marv there seems to be carrying a bucket kind of low, that of course means there is some fish in it. I look at the clock and note the time, I'll give them about twenty minutes to clean the fish and get the oil in the pan hot before I mosey over and invite myself for supper.

I did notice at the General Store yesterday that Big Earl is hard at work. Displays are being changed and already there are seed racks out and valentine candy and hearts near the front door. Might be me but the seeds being out seems a little ahead of schedule. The toy section is gone and has been replaced with the expanded garden section. Won't be long and the water tanks converted into duck pens will be down the center aisle. Of course baby chicks will be falling all over themselves under the heat lamps, but that is I hope at least another month away. Fishing section has not changed, matter of fact Junior was putting up an order when I was there. Nothing worse then mid ice fishing season and you can't find anything. Well I think twenty minutes are up, I have to find the ice scraper I borrowed so I have an excuse to go knock on Elmers door, from Lake Iwanttobethere {236,121}

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I was just thinking of a few ways that you know it's midwinter. This morning I walked out onto the deck and even though it was cloudy outside the first thing I said was that it was not to bad out. Then I glanced at the bass thermometer and saw that it was only twenty degrees out. Now for the end of January that is a nice number to see here at Lake Iwanttobethere but that same number in September would put a chill down your spine and make you pull your collar up around your neck. All I did was head for the dodge and didn't bother to zip up my jacket let alone put on my gloves. I am not going to say that I rolled the window down on the drive into town because twenty is still cool when it is coming up through the rust holes in the floor.

Another way to know it is midwinter is when you drive by the guys at the car wash and they are holding their hands spread out to show different sizes. Like what a fishermen does to show the size of the fish he caught or in most cases lost. Not until you get close can you hear the words that go along with the arm waving. They are talking about the sizes of pot holes that have appeared in and around town. You know it is getting bad when you follow the county truck and they are swerving to miss holes in the black top.

I had to go into town for a appointment with Doc Burriem, I had some blood taken for some testing and the results were back from the big city. Seems like a lot of people who live where it snows are deficient it vitamin D. There was one of them studies that show that if you live where it is cold and don't spend enough time out in the sunshine, which by the way makes vitamin D for you then you can become deficient. So you would think with all the time I spend outside I would be fine, but nope I was on the low low side. Doc gave me some of these big horse tablets to help get me back where I should be and said I should be thinking about taking a supplement. I am thinking that this could work in my favor. What better way to get more sunshine then to spend more time fishing?

So as I see it I can spend more time fishing which in turn would be good for my health since I would be making vitamin D no way the wife could not tell me not to go fishing. I did spend some time on the Internet this afternoon doing some research. With all the good things that beer can do for you I was looking for some information to support drinking more beer. I was thinking along the lines that maybe there is a beer out there with vitamin D in it. Or at the very least vitamin D could be added to. I didn't do any research on my Wild Turkey as I like to drink that neat.

You would think that would have been enough for an adventure with the good Doc but he also told me the x-ray that I had done on my ankle came back as having a floating chip in the joint. Now I have to go into the big city in a week and see some other doctor about taking it out or leaving it alone. I am thinking I would rather get it taken out before fishing starts as it is the foot that controls the trolling motor. I'm afraid to say anything about my wrist or he might have me in stitches for the rest of the winter. Well time to go down to the Lodge and have a few beers, I am sure there must be some vitamin D in it and I should start on my therapy, from Lake Iwanttobethere {238,724}

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Lake is getting some slush on it and it is getting to be a problem for some. Seems like every other day we are getting a few inches of snow, just enough to keep adding to the mess. Luge is busy and we are scratching our heads why we never thought of building it before. As with everything even the mayor was here and wants to put a town tax on it. Of course the locals would not have to pay as it would be covered under the HIYA discount. But still the mayor wants to tax it along with rasing the fee for the city's one and only street light. Enough said on that topic as I am close to breaking the rule about writing about religion, politics and mother-in-laws.

Granddaughter #1's birthday and party yesterday, was surrounded by pony tailed little girls running around like a small school of fish, Just like the fish they would turn as one and dash a way. I got her a tackle box for her present and it went over better than I thought. I added a few bobbers and hooks along with some plastic grubs. The granddaughter knows how to fish so she thought this was a cool present. After putting in the plastic inserts she arranged her new tackle by color, not a way of sorting that I would have thought of. I jokingly told her not to share her tackle with her dad. A few minutes later she had a padlock on the tackle box!

A sleep over was planned and the granddaughter came to me and asked if I would give her another present. I asked her what she wanted and she told me to take her brothers home with me. Laughing I told her that is something I could do. Her and her friends then darted away in search of something else to do. Boys came back to the cabin with me and since the wife was at work it was men's night. We made a stop at Amy's and picked up a couple of loose meat sandwiches and some donuts. The boys each got there own small bag and a secret wink from Amy.

Now I just happen to have a dvd that I had ordered for the boys to watch. I knew we were going to have a mens night. As we brought our sandwiches to the theater, which is a converted bedroom here at the cabin we set up the tv trays. We were just sitting down when Elmer came in through the door. Boys invited him to the theater for mens night and now we were ready to watch until another knock at the door. Chuck came in with pop and popcorn and found a place to sit. I didn't even go back to the theater but waited a moment because I saw lights coming up the drive. Hammering Hank and Skinny knocking snow of their boots and holding Kit Kat bars and chocolate cover raisins mumbling something about Movie Night.

With no more lights coming up the drive I returned to the theater to find the couch full and kids on the extra beanbags on the floor. My chair was the only place left to sit and I turned on the player. The movie for men's night was "How to train your Dragon" with the wife not home we cranked the volume up and turned off all the lights. Can't go wrong with a movie about dragons and Vikings, big swords and battle axes. When the movie ended we all headed for the kitchen for some drink refills and a few of the donuts that were left. #2 grandson asked Elmer if he trained a dragon when he was young. It was quiet till we all started laughing, but I guess you would have had to been there to see the look on Elmers face.. From Lake Iwanttobethere {239,468}

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Some lake effect snow falling here at Lake Iwanttobethere today. Sunshine Ray has reported we have a chance to receive up to six inches of the white fluffy stuff. Makes for interesting weather as I have sunshine in the front yard and snow falling in the backyard. Already have been out once shoveling off the deck as it is light and easy to move. Bud and Barney of course came out with me and I shake my head at the two of them acting just like puppies ran through the fresh snow with noses down low snorting snow. Coming up on their eleventh year old birthdays here soon and if you could take away the white hair from their faces they sure wouldn't look that old. I toss shovel loads of snow on them and they shake it off and give me that dumb dog look begging for me to do it again, so I do.

A wonderful sight I did see yesterday, I was at the car wash trying to get some of the grime off the Tahoe so it would be white again. I ran out of quarters but I did get it cleaner then what it was when drove in. Anyway I am pulling out when I look into the neighboring stall and there behind a jeep was a boat being washed! I don't know who it was doing the washing as all I could see was a cloud of steam coming up around the boat and trailer. But can spring be to far away if boats are getting washed?

The annual big sled dog race is being ran on the far shore here at Lake Iwanttobethere, for the next several days we will be getting some tourist as they come up for that event. About perfect weather conditions this year with it not being to cold and some fresh snow for the dogs to run in. I might even mosey over to one of the check points which is not to far away and take part. Might even give me an excuse to take the road that goes by the Gray Gull back for dinner. Mostly I am looking for an excuse to take a drive and enjoy a cigar. My good friend Gerry just got back from a week's long vacation on the beaches in Mexico. While he was there sleeping on the beach and sipping on drinks with umbrellas in them he also enjoyed some hand rolled cigars.

Gerry goes there every winter and on his preferred stretch of beach in front of his hotel and elderly man name Michael works the tables. Deeply tanned and with a gray beard he goes from table to table offering his services. A well-worn bag is slung over his shoulder and inside an assortment of tobacco leaves protrude. I am told that he will come to your table and as you watch he will hand roll your cigars for you. Any length and ring size any blend you want and they come no fresher. Gerry has him roll one for him every afternoon during his stays, Michael is in demand as he spends much more time rolling cigars than walking and looking for customers. From time to time Michael will sit with Gerry and they will share some time smoking a fine hand made cigar and watching the blue water lap at their feet.

Gerry will tell him stories of Lake Iwanttobethere and all the snow and of the guys back at the Lodge. Michael who finds the stories amusing says that someday he will go on holiday to this Lake Iwanttobethere and wishes to spend some time drinking wild turkey and smoking cigars. On Gerry's last day Michael rolled his cigar for him and then added three more for free. Gerry asking what the three cigars were for and Michael said to deliver them to your friend, this Bobby Bass to enjoy. So I have these three cigars here that Gerry brought over last night. I'm thinking a nice afternoon drive is in order so I can light one of these baby's up. I'm thinking watching sled dogs and having it snow would be just how Michael would want me to enjoy a good smoke. From Lake Iwanttobethere {239,801}

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Looks like Sunshine Ray missed his forecast for today, He was calling for an overcast sky and more snow. Before noon it was a nice sunny day and barely any wind, Bud followed me outside and Barney was right behind him. I went around and collected the bird feeders taking them into the greenhouse to fill where it was plenty warm. Dogs worked their way around the lot checking fence posts and nosing drifts of snow. Big deck was checked underneath for the rabbits that have been living there most of the winter but the dogs found nothing. With feeders refilled I took them back to their hanging places. Barney had made his way down to the dock and was looking out at the frozen waters of Lake Iwanttobethere. I watched him for awhile as he stood still and just looked down at the ice from his spot. Made me think, can dogs get Cabin Fever?

I mean the snow has to get cold if you are running around in your bare feet, er paws all the time. Being as low to the ground as dogs are they must miss the sweet smell of deep green grass and that morning dew. Being able to wade into the lake water or take flying leaps off the dock. Coming out and all you have to do is take a good shake then lay on the sun heated aged old wood boards to dry. No worry about slivers as the wood is old and worn well from human shoes. No towel needed and no clothes to put on or take off. You get to sleep way pass noon and no one wakes you up because you don't really have anywhere to go. Matter of fact you can sleep till noon, have lunch and go back to napping and no one ever says anything. Maybe you get a pat on the back and get called a lazy old dog, Hey I could live with that.

Dogs life don't sound to bad but then you start thinking about it, but I guess there are a few things that might not be so good. Grand kids come to mind, ear pulling and having to get that same stupid stick that they keep throwing over and over. Sometimes they throw rocks and you have to bring them back, then they get cute and start throwing the rocks in the lake. You go find the rock under the water bring it to them and what, they throw it back in the lake! Getting food under the table that they don't want to eat. If it is not good enough for them why do you think I should have to eat it, I mean the dog. Guess that is why Bud and Barney have a cache of balls hid from the grand kids in the pines on the other side of the cabin. Might be why Barney spends so much time sitting on the end of the dock, fishing, alone. Now Bud is another story, as the Apha dog he is responsible for everything that goes on at the cabin. From answering the door to announcing that Frank the plow driver is going by to Mark the mailman is here. He baby sits grand kids and goes on walks with then so they don't wander to far. He holds the storm door open so you can carry groceries in and will even bring in firewood from the wood pile.

If someone is sick you will find Bud tucked up close always there to be petted or to look at you and listen intently at everything you say. On some rare occasions he might get up and shake his head before slowly walking away. But he soon forgets what he did not agree with you about and returns to your side. Even when the cats were but kittens he would lie on his side and let them climb on him and chew on his ears. Funny how even now when the kittens who have grown up to be some pretty decent size toms go to him and stand under him when someone new comes to the cabin. Bud and the cats look like a bad scene from West Side Story and no one messes with them. I have always been a dog guy but if Bud can tolerate the cats I guess I can to. So on that note I will get on to the Honey Do List and enjoy some winter sunshine here at Lake Iwanttobethere {240,838}

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Well it would not be winter with out getting at least one good cold. I am not the only one as the Lodge has been quiet the past week. Beer sales are down but hot toties sales are up. We are almost ready to have a coughing and no coughing sections in the Lodges main room. I was doing well till the granddaughter spent a few days with us, Her day care does not take sick kids but we offered to watch her. I should know better when a cute little blond wants to cuddle with you and a few days after she was feeling better and I started to get the cold signs. I had already schedule a visit with Doc Burriem and he simply gave me some advice for free. I can treat the cold and it will last seven days or I can let it run it's course and it will last about a week.

Monday I have to go to the big city for another test on my ankle and see if surgery is required. To many years of sports and twisting ankle when jumping out of boats and blazing trails when young. Figure I will get it attended to now and be healed before fishing season starts. I know it ain't going to heal itself. No sooner do I mention seeing Doc then guys at the Lodge give me their views on MRI's and horror stories about being in the tube. Of course then we all remember stupid things that we did when we were young like riding on the hoods of cars racing down tote roads and getting tossed off. Rope swings and cowboys and Indians with real bows and bb guns.

Big game at the Lodge today and I am here kind of helping out some. Gus is busy making wings and cheese platters and all of them other good finger foods. I will hang around till half and see if it is a game or not but I am thinking the quiet of the cabin and my bottle of cough medicine is calling me. Might be time for a little lake break so if I don't get back real soon I am busy sleeping off my cough medicine, From Lake Iwanttobethere {242,517}

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Another cold but sunny day here at Lake Iwanttobethere but there is a difference. With the sun higher in the sky it is no longer just a dim glow along the horizon but is now a real source of heat. A little steam coming off the blacktop as small piles of snow are disappearing. The melting snow turning into a trickle of water before spreading out on the hot blacktop and vaporizing. Of course we are talking really small piles of snow here but still it is a start. The piles of snow at the edge of the drive tower like mountains to the little snow piles melting but soon their day will come. Curtains are all open in the cabin and the bright sunshine is welcomed by dogs and cats alike as they sprawl across the hardwood floors. Occasional one will roll up on their back and squirm just like they do in the deep grass of summer. I'll bet they are thinking summer can come anytime.

Still cold outside as the bass thermometer shows it as ten above. Standing in the sun out of the wind you could get fooled real quick that winter is coming to an end. But go around the corner and into the shade and you pull the zipper up a few notches and the hands go back into the pockets. Of course why would you want to be in the shade so you return to the sun side of the cabin and pull the zipper back down a few notches maybe even lower than where it started. Hard to look out at the lake with all the bright light reflecting off the snow. With the clear air you can see quite a ways away and the shanties of the ice town stand out as individual houses. Has not been the best of ice fishing seasons with a lot of slush to fight with. The Lodge will be harvesting ice blocks here soon, have a feeling that it will be a very wet adventure this year.

So I was standing with a mug of hot tea at the big picture window of the cabin looking out at the ice and got to thinking what it would be like to not have any ice. My first thought was that I would not be holding a mug of hot tea as I can't stand the stuff but the steam rising helps clear my nose. My second thought was maybe I would not have a cold and then I took it one step further and wondered what it would be like to live someplace where there never was any ice at all. Someplace where you could go fishing in your boat anytime. Looking at my sun drenched easy chair I took a sip of the tea, made a face and set it down on the end table. I moved Buff the cat out of my chair and sat down in the warm leather. I squinted my eyes trying to look out at the lake till I just gave up. Closing my eyes I relaxed in the chair and felt the warm sunshine envelop me.

Fishing year round, being able to walk down to the dock and untie the Puddle Humper and ease away from the dock into a sunset or a sunrise. No rush to go fishing, no having to plan a day to go fishing. No going out in bad weather as you would just wait for a good day to go. But then I got to thinking the cons of going fishing anytime. The wife could hold me to working on the Honey Do List as there would always be another day to go fishing. There would be no adventures of opening days or the urgency of fishing before the weather turned and you could not any more. When would there be the down time to fix or add things to the boat. Would you actually fish less because you could fish anytime? Would you mow your grass because it needed mowing and you can go fishing anytime. Visit your in laws more and shop with your wife? A shiver traveled through me even though I was all cozy on my leather chair and Buff the cat had jumped into my lap and was softly purring away. On the other hand on a day like today there are probably guys down on the ice sitting back in their chairs in the shanties thinking "Wouldn't it be great to have ice year round" From Lake Iwanttobethere {244,236}

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Another sure sign of Spring, today there was no football! Lot of fishermen on the ice and the Lodge was hopping. Today also marked the second day of the ice harvest and with temperatures almost reaching fifty guys were working in shirt sleeves. Of course coats were close at hand because as the day went on the wind started to pick up some. Still a very nice day to spend outdoors. More than a few guys were hard at work jacking up shanties to get out of the rising water and back home the ice scrapers were heard clinking on driveways and decks. Brisk sales of salt at the General Store as Earl had a pallet right at the front door. More warm weather to come and I might finally get rid of that big ice dam on the North roof of the cabin.

A good harvest of ice for the Lodge and the building is packed to the rafters. Very little old ice was left and that did not go to waste as we had a couple of kegs of Hamms resting on it for the guys. With the unseasonable warm weather the guys were even sweating and the beer was really needed. Old Macdonalds horses had to take more frequent beaks dragging the ice wagon up the slope which gave guys excuses to take more frequent beer breaks. For now we had to close the Luge down as there is a rather large pool of water where the sleds come down the hill and onto the ice. It didn't take to long for some of the guys to try and water ski over the open water. Kind of makes a mess when there are skiing behind the old bomb-a-deer sleds.

Back at the Lodge there was a line down the hall to use the men's washroom. I didn't think much of it till I noticed it about the third time. While I was home mending to my cold, which by the way is still hanging on. Hammering Hank had replaced the toilet seat with one that was donated to be a replacement in the woman's washroom. The lady's auxiliary had donated the toilet seat after this years Christmas dance with directions for it to be a replacement for the rarely used one in the women's washroom. Well the men's seat had a crack and rather then go buying a new one Hank installed the replacement only to find out that it was a heated seat! No big deal if you own one but to a guy sitting on a five gallon bucket on the ice a heated toilet seat is warm surprise. Just another reason why them women spend so much time in the bathrooms.

Tomorrow or today depending on when you read this is that women's holiday, Valentines Day or how guys spend a hundred bucks and ladies spent ten and guys still don't get it right. Thank goodness I am way past that having been married for almost thirty-four years. Tomorrow the wife and I will spend a quiet evening at home watching all the grand kids as their parents, our kids go out to spend my sons money. No pressure on us, we might exchange cards. I have been giving her the same one for the past twenty or so some years. She will get me a Kit Kat and we are good to go. However tomorrow I think after the kids are all in bed we may just split a bottle of nyquil, like I said our colds are still hanging on.

So midway through February, it's dark out and I can hear water dripping from the eves here at the cabin. Trees are swaying pretty good as there is a wind coming off the lake but it is warm. Dogs keep standing at the deck door wanting to be let out. I might even uncover a deck chair and see if I can find a place out of the wind and lite a cigar. Just don't want to be to close to the cabin in case one of them ice dams break loose and slides down off the roof. That would leave a mark if it hit ya. Happy Valentine days to ya, hope the wife or girlfriend loves what ya got them. Make sure you tell them you spent a lot of time looking for that perfect gift and that you had to pay full price for it. Just a reminder that Tuesday is a good day to buy your card for next year, half price, same as the candy. From Lake Iwanttobethere {245,530}

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Soft snow at least today there is. With the sun high in the sky and a soft wind blowing walking around in just a tee shirt is no big deal today. Very little water dripping off the eves at the Lodge as most of the snow has melted and ice dams are gone having fallen to the ground during the night. Lodge roof is clean again except for the area where the dang pigeons like to hang out. Some steam rising on the blacktop of the parking lot and I think it looks like the piles of snow around the edges are receding a little. Deck door is open and we are letting some of the warm breeze enter the Lodge to exchange some of the smoke filled stale air of winter. I don't want to hint at all about cabin fever because as soon as you say that word it seems to grow by itself and everything that is unusual gets blamed on it. Gus has the BBQ fired up and is cooking brauts on it for a lunch special and of course a few hamburgers and polish sausgae have also found their way on to the grill and the smell is the first thing that hits your nose when you get out of your truck.

Guys are coming in for lunch and walking right past the front door to follow their noses to the deck door and the sizzling grill. A warm breeze is flowing up the hill from the lake and is carrying the smell of the sizzling meat right into the Lodge. Heavy flannel jackets have replaced winter coats on the pegs by the door and leather boots drag on the floor instead of the rubber bottomed sorrels. Faded baseball caps featuring tractors and shotgun makers sit on heads and hands are glove less. Guys wait their turn and then take plates with chips and brauts back out to the deck to sit on sun trenched wooden chairs and benches. Work is rarely spoken about on the deck at lunch, one of the unwritten rules of the Lodge that talk of work remain outside of it's doors. A few guys talk of snow geese and another group talks of pulling shanties off the ice after one or maybe two more good evening bites.

Still others talk of going to the big city for the boat show, they are not looking to buy anything but traditions are hard to stop. The beer is always warm there and the price is high, but maybe a deal can be found. All they need is for one guy in the group to say they are looking for a dock extension or a boat lift and the others will all volunteer to help him shop for it. There is the trout tank and seeing all of then rainbows swimming in one place makes a few of the guys twitch a little. The drive to town is usually like a bunch of kids on a Friday night outing. Never finding parking close to the doors the walk is usually made from the farest parking spot in the lot. The walks have been made in snow and gale force winds but tonight it might be made in nothing more than a spring jacket. I am not planning to go myself this year but eavesdropping on some of the guys I am having some second thoughts. Long ways to drive for mini donuts but they do taste so good when you eat them out of the grease covered bag.

Feeling a little better and the wife says I am not so cranky. Hard to stay cranky when you can sit on the swing with a good cigar, sun in your face and a dog leaning up against you. Not saying anything about cabin fever, still way to much snow on the ground and ice on the lake. But I am thinking a little about pulling the cover back a little off the Puddle Humper and maybe doing some cleaning. Another nice day for tomorrow then we might see some snow or maybe even rain if it stays warm. Still three months till open water fishing so we will have to pace ourselves with chores. For today I think sitting on the deck at the Lodge and maybe having another polish is in order. From Lake Iwanttobethere {246,918}

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Hey I am looking for ideas for this next season fishing videos. Got something you would like to see? Last year I fished with a 1953 Whirlaway fishing rod and reel and lost a bigum at the boat, introduced Fred the Frog fishing showed a 20 inch bass being caught and just caught a mess of fish. This year I am looking to refine the fishing videos and add more action. Looking to shoot a 100 fish day and also bass fishing with a ice fishing rod along with more Fred the Frog video and another try with the Wirlaway for a big bass. Got any fishing that you would like to see from here at Lake Iwanttobethere?

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The good the bad and the ugly of winter and I think we are at the ugly point. The mid winter melt continues but both Sunshine Ray and Stormy Clearweather are now calling for snow. Tomorrow will not be as warm as today and the overcast sky will start to drop snow by late afternoon. By itself no big deal but the new snow over the new thin ice on decks and sidewalks will make walking and driving interesting. Frank the plow driver has been very busy the past several days. With snow banks soft he has worked hard pushing the banks along the county roads back and has left behind new banks that look more like piles of coffee grounds. Only in the woods will you find white snow as the melt has lowered us to the dirty snow. I noticed on my way in to the Lodge a carcass of a deer along the side of the road, already crows were calling in the rest of the family to scavenge.

Green grass has also appeared mostly under the big blue spruce trees that hold the snow in their branches and away from the ground. Bird feeders that had been knocked to the ground now have roofs peaking up through the melted snow cover. I noticed fresh deer tracks around the apple trees, they are still looking to see if there is something there that they might have missed in one of the other hundred visits already made. Edd and Eddy run across the grass stopping from time to time to paw at the ground before moving on.You can almost hear Edd barking at Eddie " I thought you said you buried it here" What was almost two feet of snow on top of the solar outbuilding is now but a few inches deep. Took me awhile yesterday and it was bothering me all day as I worked around the cabin. There was something missing and then as the sun went down I figured it out. The furnace clicked on and the blower from the solar heater clicked off. Nice not to hear the furnace run but starting tomorrow it will be a companion again.

This time of the year I wished I had a piece of the car wash, long lines all day long. Even though it is going to snow again, that is a given trucks and cars waited to at least get some of the grime washed off. Some of the more serious washers would pull their cars into the parking lot and towel the water off, some even did a little polishing. Other would just turn on the wipers and pull back out on to main street and be on there way. A few would not be so lucky and would stop to close to the curb and be splashed by on coming traffic as they hit the big pothole at the entrance to the car wash. It can almost be as entertaining as sitting at the boat launch on opening day and yes some guys do just sit on their tailgates and watch.

At the Lodge the yellow bucket and mop sit's near the front door and from time to time Gus will swap the floor. Most of the guys are good about knocking the muck off outside and rubbing their boots on the entrance rug. Just a small fire burning in the fireplace to give the place that look for the tourist. Shanties have been coming off the ice all day, guys have been sitting on the deck watching from afar and offering helpful hints that no one can hear but themselves. Hammering Hank and Skinny have been seen with the work truck and Hank's pocket is filled with them index cards of his. Lot's of jobs to be done and with the warm weather he has finally caught up on all the snow removal on roofs. Even Big Earl has pulled his log cabin shanty off the ice today. He didn't go to far as it is just off the landing and you can still stop by and say HIYA.

Chuck was out splitting wood and you could hear the whine of the PTO on the tractor. Won't be that long and the fire will be burning and maple syrup will be a making. Been a long winter and it is not done just yet, I have a feeling that it might be an even longer Spring, from Lake Iwanttobethere {248,540}

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Well, some good news for me here at Lake Iwanttobethere, had to go into the big city yesterday for the results on the MRI on my ankle and no surgery required! Makes me a happy camper but also means a big chunk of spring will now be returned to me as I had already figured I was going to be laid up some. Once again Doc Burriem has been proven right as he had told me in my first visit that I was just getting old and wearing out. Might have a few more sore days when the ankle bothers me but I figure it will be just an excuse to spend time sitting on the end of the dock and soaking the ankle in the waters of Lake Iwanttobethere. Besides what better way to get out of some of the things on the Honey Do List if I should happen to complain the ankle is a tad sore for working on but OK to fish on!

Also yesterday Elmer was not doing anything so he tagged along with me into the big city. Any excuse for someone else to drive him somewhere. We made quick work at being at the doctor's office and then headed to a couple of the big box stores to as Elmer says " Look at them holiday specials." I was thinking Valentines Day but Elmer was thinking Christmas. Not spending any money we drove back home but not till we stopped for lunch at Mr. Scrooges. Scrooges is another eating place on the lake that we don't get to often in the off season. Since we came back the long way around the lake we drove right by and had to stop. Elmer goes way back with old man Scrooge which is actually is his real name and not what people call his eatery. We sat down and ordered up deep fried chicken baskets with coleslaw and had some pizza bread appetizers.

I would have been happy with the appetizers as they are tasty little snacks. Made from slice French bread buttered and toasted then covered in pizza sauce with pepperoni slices and then smothered in a mix of six cheeses. They are toasted again till the cheese melts and then served on heated plates. I am thinking about them again as I write this. So after a nice relaxing lunch we drove back to town and Elmer made the comment that it was time to renew his driver's license. I thought it only be fair that I was in town and close to the DMV that I would just take Elmer there then.

The DMV had moved late last summer and is now right next door to the Post office. Since they are so close they went in together and bought a new digital camera to share for taking license pictures and for making passports. It used to take so long to get your driver's license renewed as Kris the local town's artist would have to paint your picture on the little plastic card. Elmer's first driver's license was drawn in black and white! Elmer not knowing about the camera didn't want to have to spend the afternoon getting his picture painted but was impressed with the new camera. He even offered to buy a round at the Lodge, so that was the next stop.

Did I mention that our local forecaster missed the mark, again. Sunny day and no snow, but a little windy, they say the system has slowed down and will be here tomorrow. Meanwhile the Lodge was pretty full as guys had planed on snow falling and the lot had several trucks with plows at the ready parked and just waiting. Going to be on a lot of relaxing on the lake this summer, has been a good year for snow plowing and most of the guys just put the extra money away for fishing. With gas rising down at the Gulp-N-Go the lake might see a lot more of the locals fishing it then in year's past. But Lake Iwanttobethere is a big lake and lots of bays for everyone. If ya keep an eye out you might even spot the rusted out red Dodge hidden in the tall grass of a secluded landing and might find me and a friend fishing close by. You are of course welcome to stop and say HIYA and you might even show up in a fishing video. From Lake Iwanttobethere {249,345}

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Truly sorry to hear that duffman! I know that feeling.  Keep the good memories  
    • Chamois passed away this weekend a couple days short of her 13th bday. What a great dog to hang out with here at home and on distant adventures. Gonna miss ya big time my little big girl.
    • Sounds pretty sweet, alright. I will check them out, thanks.
    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
    • We have bought a new boat, which we will be picking up this spring. It is an Alumacraft Competitor 165 sport with a 90 horse Yamaha motor. I will be buying and installing a trolling motor,  wondering if I can get some recommendations on what pound thrust I will want for this boat?  Also, I will be selling my old boat, is there a good way to determine the value on an older boat ( mid-80's with a 75 horse 2-stroke  Mariner motor)  I will appreciate any help with these questions.
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