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Fishin report for Lake Iwanttobethere..

Bobby Bass

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Well in a typical Lake Iwanttobethere vacation I am heading to the big city to go on vacation for awhile. Off to traffic lights and stop signs, drive through for burgers and movie theaters with more then one movie showing at a time. Walking strange streets where everyone does not know your name and heading to the hardware store and not knowing where everything is. The daughter has moved to a new house and repairs need to be made and some remodeling done. I just hope I can get all the tools I need in the Dodge. The old saying is the only tool you need is a hammer and if that don't fix it then it is an electrical problem. But I have a feeling that rule will not be enough.

Of course I will find time to shop some of the local bait and tackle shops and there is the sport show that is coming while I am in the big city. I might even have time to go there twice. In the back of my mind we are thinking of maybe planning a fishing vacation for this summer, what better way then to go on vacation to go plan a vacation. Will be a good chance to check out the boat show and talk to some fellow lodge owners and managers. I might post about the trip but the wife has said I can't take the laptop with so I will have to find one of them cafes that boast of special coffee and Internet access. Until then Hammering Hank is in charge of the Lodge and he don't type much. From Lake Iwanttobethere have a good one. {123,247}

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Good to be back at the Lodge here at Lake Iwanttobethere. Don't think I could spend much more time in the big city, everyone in to much of a hurry to get somewhere. I must admit I did enjoy getting passed by people in a big hurry only to roll up to them as they waited for a red light to change. I would pull up next to them and give them a nod or a wave and they would sometimes wave back at me, not always with all of their fingers pointed up in my direction. Took me a few trips to find my way around the big box store looking for supplies. On more then one occasion I would have to find a clerk to help me locate something. Thing about them big box stores if you get someone out of their department they are lost. I missed Big Earl and Junior who never hesitate in telling you exactly where something is that you need and might even have an idea for something that would work better and sometimes even cheaper.

Don't even want to talk about the big sporting store I went to, kids working there were more interested in reading their text messages then trying to help a fellow out. They did have one of them cyber cafes close but I was not going to pay five dollars for a cup of coffee that I could not pronounce. I spend some time picking out a few cigars at the local smoke shop as that was one place where it was a much more relaxed pace. So the week was not lost, lot of remodeling work was done, a lot of painting and moving furniture around. Pictures hung and I stayed away from discussions of drapes and pillow colors. Daughter gave me some grief on all the tools I had in the Dodge but funny how we seemed to have need for almost all of them at sometime or another.

Today finds me on the end of the bar here at the Lodge, a stack of bills to be sorted through and bright sunshine coming through the deck windows. Some dripping water coming off the roof and splattering on the rails before landing on the deck and then slipping through the cracks to the ground below. Ice town is busy as doors are open and tip ups are scattered about. Radios are blaring and they compete with the music coming from the speakers at the skating rink. The little kids who just a few weeks ago were skating with chairs are now buzzing around the rink like little nats. The luge is busy as kids are trying to see how fast they can go and the girls are learning how a little smile and a hug gets their sled dragged up the hill by a young man who does not know any better. Small fire going in the fireplace as the sunshine coming through the windows is giving us some free heat. Mid February here and the days are growing longer and there is even some talk of open water fishing mixed in with the story of the one that got away today.

I figure I'll do a little paper work and then take a ride down the luge and see if I can get the door of my shanty open. Maybe spend some of this sunny day on the ice drowning a minnow or two myself. I got me a cigar here that needs to be smoked. From Lake Iwanttobethere {123,659}

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Another sunny day here at Lake Iwanttobethere, that makes three in a row! Parking lot is wet here at the Lodge as the sun is warming the pavement and slowing working on the snow banks that circle the lot. Last night a few of the guys got together and we drove into the big city to attend the boat show. We had a reason to go as Del from the pizza and sub shop was looking for a new trolling motor and we thought we would use that as an excuse to go. After paying our parking fee at the ramp entrance we found a parking space and had to walk through construction and up some stairs and down some others till we finally found our way inside the big arena. There were a lot of people there already and the doors had only been open for an hour. I guess a little cabin fever is starting to tug on everyone. We separated into two smaller groups with one group heading for the beer garden and Del and me heading for the trolling motor booth.

We had to make the walk down the aisle of booths with resort owners looking to make bookings. We were unprotected as we walked almost alone. For some reason I felt like I was in that old poster from the seventies that shows a couple of buzzards sitting high up on the leafless branch of a tree looking down. Walking down past the resort booths we had that feeling of being watched and we tried hard not to make eye contact. The resort owners on the first night of the show were looking for anyone to talk to and held out flyers and waved business cards in our direction. We made it past the booths to enter an area of the arena that looked like a storm had hit. For as far as the eye could see were docks and empty boat lifts stacked on top of each other. Beyond this maze was the trout pool with the metal chain fence around it. This was good as it kept you away from the pool itself and the fishermen who were trying to catch the stocked trout swimming in the pool or should I say snag. As we walked by I was almost nailed by an errant set of a young lady, beer in hand trying to yank a trout out.

We found the trolling motor booth and he had none for sale, he was only there to promote the brand. Asked a few questions and moved on our way. Got some free jerky from a booth and as we chewed we looked over a 80,000 bass boat. Payments were only six hundred dollars a month for the rest of your life. Seems every year the motors hanging from the boats just seem to get larger. I felt like a little kid as I had to look up to see the tops of 250 hp motors. Pontoon boats with not one but ten seats with more stuffing in them then my easy chair back at the cabin. If you were looking for a row boat or even just a small fishing boat this was not the place to be.

We arrived back at the lake not to much past supper time. The lights were still on at the Masterbaiters shop and Del made a deal on a new trolling motor with Vicki and fifteen minutes later was on his way home. Should have just stayed and saved ourselves the gas money as Vicki's price was fifty dollars cheaper then the boat show special. At least now we know Del is good for a round here at the Lodge, from Lake Iwanttobethere {124,045}

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Sitting here on the deck of the Lodge I have some sunshine coming through the clouds from time to time and a little cool breeze off the ice of the lake. Sitting in my winter coat but not wearing any gloves I have nice little cigar burning keeping my fingers warm and a cool Hamms on the arm rest not getting any warmer. No need for a can cooler on a day like today and no worry that the last sip might be a tad warm. Not much going on today besides the normal events of a Sunday here at Lake Iwanttobethere. I did see Chuck and the IRS agent Alice drive by in Chucks truck. Have not seen to much of Chuck as that is what usually happens to a guy once he starts dating, he does not show up around his usual haunts. Car wash has been busy, you can see the trail of water out the exit where cars and trucks have left the building. Some go right out on main street while others make a turn into the parking and the drying area. Some guys will come out with a rag or towel or some of the big spenders will use a yellow chamie cloth or one of them wow towels.

We got one of them there little electric battery cars in town now, the solar powered kind. Scary little thing as you don't hear it coming down the street till it is on top of you. They are in the car wash every other day, something about keeping them panels that the car is covered in clean. Some talk the other night about using it for road hunting, should be able to glide right up on top of a grouse and not hear ya coming. Of course it would have to be on some dry pavement as the thing is not made for any kind of off road use. I have not talked to the owner but I think it belongs to the bed and breakfast place on the other side of the lake. The one that Elmer got kicked out of a few years ago.

I am thinking that cabin fever might come a little early to the lake this year. Not any special reason why just seems that after such a cloudy winter having several days of sunshine is giving people that little urge. Well that and the fact that I saw Elmer and Marvin out in their parking lot of their store with a fly rod casting to a puddle. I stopped and looked on and after a moment I realized I was not the only one who was watching. A few of the older gents were across from me making comments and catcalls at Marvin as he wrapped the line around the awning on one of his back casts. A challenge was called out about see if you can do any better and was answered. Now there were several guys taking turns laying down casts on the puddle or at least close to the puddle. Not being much of a fly caster I just watched for awhile.

Another sign of spring was Sheriff Tim's dog Bailiff walking down the street with a wet belly. Won't be long now and all the dogs with be sporting wet paws and muddy bellies. The rag box will come out at the cabin and be placed by the back door to clean Bud and Barney off when they come in from their walks. Well time to move the chair a little so I can follow the sun across the deck here at Lake Iwanttobethere 124,407}

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Bobby Bass is the manager of the Lodge here at Lake Iwanttobethere. He is also the part time building inspector, a part time fishing guide, a handyman and a wealthy hundredaire. The lake does not have a millionaire or for that matter a thousandaire so Bobby fills the niche as a hundredaire. He usually flashes a hundred dollar bill to pay bills with. Of course most of the time the bills are around ninety-eight dollars or so but Bobby always leaves a tip.

From time to time Bobby forgets to use the spell check and some of his writings may have a different meaning then what was intended. Then again sometimes it is done on purpose just to see if people are really reading what he is writing. Being the building inspector and the manager of the Lodge puts Bobby in contact with a lot of people during the course of a day or an evening for that matter.

The story here is not so much about Bobby as it is about the Town and waters of Lake Iwanttobethere. Bobby has been telling the story for over four years now and there are hundreds of stories about the lake and the people who live and visit here. The stories like the lake are never ending and there always seems to be something going on and most of the time Bobby finds himself in the middle of it.

This new web site is a place for the stories to find a home so to speak. The stories are out there to read but the Town fathers found some extra money ( cash from the two parking meters on main street) and decide they would take a step forward and put the Lake out there on the Internet map.

The town and Bobby always encourage you to stop and visit us here and add to the ongoing story as Bobby can't always be everywhere. Some of you have already been here and are members of our Lodge or you may have spent some vacation time here. Still others may think back to fishing with grandpa in his old boat and he would tell you stories of a place he used to come to. You would sit and listen to gramps with a warm soda and worms that were starting to smell a little as they cooked in the hot summer sun. The lake is really not that far away, just over the hill around the bend and just past where the Peterson barn was before it burnt down. If you get that far then you just have to go a little farther to where the produce stand is come fall. From there your nose will take you the rest of the way, past fields of corn and trees heavy with big pie apples.

You will hear the mooing of cows from McDonnell's farm but keep an eye out for the old one horn bull that walks the banks of the little creek that is filled with brookies and lined with ripe berry bushes with fruit as big as your thumb. Here you can sit in knee deep lush green grass along the bank and a bologna sandwich never tasted better. Ducks swim along the banks and deer will come down to drink and not even look at you twice. Bees hum in the background and birds chirp just out of sight. Clouds float across the sky and when you lay in the grass and look up they make pictures of pirate ships with billowing sails or lions and tigers.

Time has a way of standing still here at Lake Iwanttobethere, fishing may not always be great but it never seems to be really bad. Coffee tastes a little better, beer is a little colder and friends seem to be a little bit closer. All you need is just come visit us here. From Lake Iwanttobethere

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Taking it kind of easy here today after yesterday afternoons events. Some how I got involved with the Luge competition that took place in the afternoon. Several of us were sitting around the TV here in the Lodge and we were watching some of that snow boarding and trick skiing. We started talking about the Luge and the two man bobsledding and well before you know it we were outside looking down our very own Lake Iwanttobethere Luge.

Well it did not take to long to get organized as we sent Elmer down to the bottom of the hill with a red flag which he would wave when ever a rider past him. Marv was the top of the hill official and he took times, that and he had one of them stop watchie thingies on his back east watch that he wears. We only had a few cow bells at hand as we had noticed that it is a big thing ringing them cow bells when racers go down the hill. Big Earl who just happen to be having lunch said he would go first as he had to get to his shanty anyway. With his feet hanging over the front of the plastic sled and his head hanging over the back he almost looked like one of them Lugers. I think he might have had a brief second thought and was trying to sit back up when Marv with his boot pushed him off the edge and the point of no return.

The run was rather quick, even for Big Earl. The sunny days have polished the run into an ice covered rut going down the hill. There might have been a steering problem as Big Earl could not see over the top of his gut since he was on his back and also it might have been a good idea to have had a sled with handles on it. Earl skipped through the first turn and with the sound of cowbells being rang went on to the second turn. I think this is where we first heard the screaming of Earl over the top of some ice fishermen who seeing Earl had taken their metal minnow buckets and were pounding on them with their ice scoops.

After the third turn there is a long straight away to the ice of the Lake with a little bump where the hill meets the lake ice. Well a little bump if you are sitting upright on your sled with your feet over the sides to slow you down. But in Earls position he did as they say "Get a lot of air" The landing could be heard all the way to the top of the hill and the echo a moment later. Elmer waved the flag over his head and Marv hit the stop on his watch and we had a new course record. This of course was relayed down to Earl who was still laying in his sled moaning a little.

The rest of us on top of the hill decide that anyone of us could break the new Luge record if we wanted to but thought we would leave it to Earl. We then retreated back inside the Lodge to watch some recorded ice dancing. From Lake Iwanttobethere {124,798}

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Big Earl is OK, I just saw him here at the Lodge this morning. He was here to accept his bar beer coaster that we had printed his Luge time on and added some gold ribbon that we found in one of the Christmas boxes in storage. Kind of looked just like one of them Olympic medals if you squint your eyes and till your head to the side. As he was showing it off to fellow Lodge members he was speaking about how good shape he was in and that the rest of us should start working out. Actually, with open water fishing coming up he might have had an idea there. I should start working out some and get my arm in casting shape. I made the mistake of telling my wife this, I of course said it in jest, she thought I was serious.

I sure do hate it when I become one of my wife's hobbies. She with some time on her hands and a reason to now go shopping went and got me a excise dvd. Sixty minute workout it said on the cover. I figure I should get through the whole thing just in time for opener. To make her happy I put it in the player and hit fast forward, well I saw a problem right away, it had a whole section on doing ups! I don't do ups, I don't do sit-ups, push-ups and no way do I do pull-ups! I do downs though. I sit down, lay down I can still get down. The only ups I do is the U.P.S when they bring me fishing tackle.

Her second dvd was called the wonderful world of juicing. The price on the dvd said it was on clearance for ninety-nine cents, she bought it at the dollar store. I was a little bit skeptical that this was really a good idea. I browsed the dvd and it basically said I should juice to help clean my system out. Vegetables make good juice along with fruit, not so well with ham and eggs. It also tastes terrible when you put it on a bun. She also bought some low cal bread for me, not bad if you eat it by the loaf. Ever try them rice cakes? She con me by saying they taste just like them rice crispy treats. I took one bite and fed it under the table to Bud who ran off to the living room with it. A moment later the traitor was back and he placed the entire rice cake on top of the kitchen table in front of the wife and left.

So now I have to watch this dvd and work out, but I have a plan and so far it has worked. I took one of them flower sprayers and put my Hamms in it. I watch the dvd and whenever the wife comes in the room I mist myself with the Hamms, it passes for me sweating. Seems the wife can't tell the difference anyway. At the end of my workout I just finish drinking my Beer from the sprayer and check off Workout on the calendar. Last night I was bored so I got a Hamms and the workout dvd and the wife was so proud that I was up to two work outs a day. With any luck by the time fishing starts I should be able to do a twelve pack! From Lake Iwanttobethere {125,852}

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Time to go to bed, only a few Lodge members left at the counter finishing up plates of ham and eggs and English muffins. We did an all nighter harvesting the last of the ice we need to fill the Lodges ice house. We had done some harvesting earlier in the winter but conditions were bad and with the ice storm that we had around Christmas time the hill was a mess. McDonnell's mules had a heck of a time trying to pull the wagon filled with ice blocks up the hill from the bay to the ice house at the time. So in kind of a spur of the moment thing several of us decide to go down and cut ice yesterday afternoon and we spent the night bring the ice up taking the long way around and up the access. Cutting ice was done in shirt sleeves as it was a very nice day and the sun felt good as long as you stayed out of the little wind that we had. Of course no sooner had we started to remove the ice blocks from the lake and Elmer was casting into the open water.

March is here and the days are getting longer and warmer. The puddles that are frozen in the morning on the drive into the Lodge are open water suitable for ducks come mid afternoon. I think I am safe is saying the cold might be done but I am sure there is some snow still to be had. Lucky for us we don't live back East where they have been living the dream, that is if you are a snow plow driver. Marv and his daughter Tess have been getting request to put up relatives who are sick of all the snow and would rather take some time and vacation with them back here at the lake. Hammering Hank has been enjoying himself as he entertains the in-laws when they show up and they all think his old jokes are "fresh" A few of the relatives have made it to the Lodge and discovered the Chili and the Coney's not to mention the Hamms with a Wild Turkey chaser.

Jason our very own well digger helped out last night with the ice hauling. We don't see him much around here during the summer as he stays busy. As soon as he offered to buy a round at the Lodge he was welcomed into the ice crew. Of course we don't want to say that was the reason why but a shot of Turkey did hit the spot. Elmer and Pepper are both fast asleep on the couch, that dog never leaves his side. Marv halfway through the night said he had to go back to his cabin for some dry socks and never returned. Hammering Hanks wife, Tess called him a few times during the night but when she knew Hank was with Skinny she knew he was working. Big Earl and Junior helped with getting the last load off the ice and since the rest of us were dragging it was perfect timing for the two of them to show up when they did.

Push brooms are now resting outside of the doors next to shovels and ice chippers. Kind of the changing of the guard. Sand is swept into piles to be reused again on new puddles that are frozen over night. Gus has his yellow mop bucket ready at the door but we have not gotten one of them really warm days where the snow melts and water gushes. Of course this all maybe just a lull in winter but I am hoping it continues. But I did see a lawn mower in down at Dugs waiting to be serviced, from Lake Iwanttobethere {127,766}

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The trouble with rain days is guys find time on their hands with nothing to do. Well here at the Lodge on the shores of Lake Iwanttobethere we have a few members who have to much time on their hands. While I was away from the Lodge for the day working on some projects around the cabin the guys started a project. If you remember we recently filled the ice house with fresh cut lake blocks and we can mark that project off as being done. Well the guys were sipping some Hamms and they got to thinking how if they ran some copper pipe from the keg out to the ice house and weave it through the ice blocks and then back to the tapper we would have very cold brew always on tap! A couple of holes were drilled through the log walls of the Lodge and through the ice house. Copper pipe was then installed and the testing started. First thing noticed that it was very very cold when it sat for any length of time. This of course meant it was the perfect temperature when the Lodge was busy but lead to severe brain freeze when the Lodge was slow.

The first solution was to increase beer drinking, that worked to a point but then guys started passing out resulting in a reduced number of members drinking which increase the time the beer was in the pipe which decreased the temperature which brought them back to the original problem again. Next solution was to shorten the length of pipe running through the ice blocks which helped but still was not a satisfactory answer to the problem. An increase in out door temperature may help in the future as a length of copper was exposed to the elements between the Lodge and the ice house. However someone came up with an idea to install a tap outdoors and was stealing beer before it could make it back to the Lodge. That length of pipe then had to be secured by boxing it in resulting once again with the original problem of the beer being to cold.

I arrived back at the Lodge today to find several members holding their heads between their hands and forcing themselves to drink Hamms with a frozen white head. Sitting at the bar I ordered a couple of Conies and a mug of Hamms only to find myself holding my head a moment later with an extremely rewarding but painful beer freeze. Gus placed a shot of Wild Turkey within easy reach and explained the slight problem. Pouring the Turkey into by beer warmed the beer a tad and I could sip it slowly while I thought over the problem. The answer was easy, All we need do is add Wild Turkey to the Hamms so it would not freeze! Hammering Hank quickly added another line to create a mixer and a Case of Wild Turkey was added. After drinking the line clear of the Hamms we got to the pre mixed boilermakers and were able to slow our drinking down and see each other eye to eye again. Another simple problem solved. Lucky for us the Lodges order of Girl Scout cookies have arrived and we are now able to put a thin mint at the bottom of our mugs. The Hamms Turkey Mint mugs are a great seller this time of year. From Lake Iwanttobethere.{128,518}

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It's going to be a long Spring I fear. Another day of rain here at the lake and the snow is all but gone around the Lodge. The yellow bucket and mop are in place next to the front door and Gus keeps an eye out for members tracking in water. It seems to me that we are almost a month early for the snow to be going already. Not cold out but the trees are swaying in the gusts of winds coming off the lake. Not all the snow is gone as there is still snow in the woods and the ski hill is still white. But parking lots and main street are clear of snow and just piles of sand and little rivers of water run down the curbs. Car wash is empty but several trucks are parked outside of the Dew Drop Inn and the Sunshine Cafe. From here you can see farmers and locals in their brown coats and John Deere hats sitting shoulder to shoulder at the counters.

Wind chimes here at the Lodge are banging away in the breeze. Bud and Barney both are stretched out on the floor in front of the main fire place. The warming temperatures have reduced the need for firewood and the sign at the door requesting that you bring in a stick of wood from the pile has been taken down. As a matter of fact we were to haul in wood this next weekend and get the pile set up for next season but we may wait on that as Sunshine Ray says more rain is on the way. Good thing it is not cold as if this was snow we would be buried. No one is complaining about the rain. The lake needs the water and sooner or later it will clear up and with sunshine the rain will have cleaned things up around town.

The deer have returned to the woods, no longer are they wandering down main street when I come to the Lodge in the morning. Ed and Eddie the squirrels have also made an appearance as I see them coming down the trees low enough to catch Peppers eye. She takes off after them and tries to run up the tree only to fall back down to the ground. Ed and Eddie sit on a limb out of reach and chatter away at her and so the teasing begins. No robins yet but I suspect it will not be long. Girl scout cookies are here and that of course is another sign of spring. The ten o'clock freight is loud now. With the heavy moist air and no leaves on the trees to muffle the sound of the horn the train sounds like it is passing just outside the Lodges windows. Bud gets up from his spot on the floor and like a kid goes to the Lodges deck window to look out. With a sigh he turns and goes back to the fire, makes two complete circles and then lays back down. Barney just opens one eye and watches, not making any effort to move he just closes the eye and goes back to sleep.

A few members in the Lodge, and just the sound of the TV on in the background and the clinking of spoons in coffee mugs. The yellow light from the popcorn machine shines on a fresh batch of popcorn and there is the smell of bacon in the air as Gus is making Hammering Hank breakfast. The wind has picked up some and now you can hear it howling in the pines outside of the Lodge. Grabbing my coat I step out onto the deck and staying out of the wind I look out over the lake. The red needle on the bass thermometer is just pushing the forty mark and rain drips off the eves to hit the deck and then disappear in the cracks between the boards to fall to the ground below. A few pine cones have broken loose and they are pushed by the wind till they to fall over the side. I watch as the wind tries to grab them and push them along the ground. Funny how standing outside in the rain and wind in a heavy jacket watching pine cones blowing along the ground feels like the right thing to be doing on a day like today. From Lake Iwanttobethere. {128,763}

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Yesterday afternoon we sat on the deck of the Lodge in our shirtsleeves! Lounging in the sunshine we watched the bass thermometer hovered at fifty-five above! Water dripped from the last of the melting ice in the valley behind the chimney and for the first time in many months there was no fire in the fireplace. Bud and Barney were both lying on the dry decking and their snores could be heard over the sipping of cold Hamms and the slight coughing of Marv as he tried a new cigar that was a tad harsh but paid for.

Conversation bounced around some until we settled in on the topic of dogs. Marv made the announcement that he was thinking of adding a dog. Now in these parts owning a dog is an important decision and everyone has thoughts on what you should have. Marv made the comment that one of the first things he noticed when he came to Lake Iwanttobethere is there are dogs everywhere. Not like back east where they are walked by paid walkers or seen yelping in cars but here they are everywhere. Looking at Bud and Barney sleeping on the deck I didn't think twice about what he had said till I got up to get another Hamms and saw Pepper sleeping on the couch with Elmer. Sheriff Tim was coming in the door with Baliff at his side for lunch and Dan and his saint Grace were just going out the door going back to work at the parts store.

Marv was telling Hammering Hank that it seems here at the lake every shop owner had their dog with them at work. It is kind of second nature to enter a shop here and pet the owner's dog before moving on to take care of business. Even places you don't think have dogs do, like the General Store. Very few people ever see Goliath, Big Earls dog. That is because it is nothing more than a little teacup poodle that sleeps all the time behind the counter. But from time to time she will get up and put a paw on the store microphone and bark for attention. Little teacup sounds like Goliath and so the name has stuck for her.

Mindy and Many have their German shepherd Hans who makes people think twice about visiting Root Beer Island after dark. Amy has her black Newfoundland that looks like a bear and is the reason why she never has any day old donuts. Even Doc Burriem has his pointer that rides shotgun with him when he makes house calls. Now that he started the conversation we started thinking over what shops in town do not have dogs in them. It was a good topic to spend time on while we sat in the sun. So Marv is thinking of a dog for the smoke shop/bookstore, another sign Spring is in the air here at Lake Iwanttobethere {129,092}

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A little trouble here at the lake the past few days. The weather was so nice that Mark the mailman did something he has almost never done except during fishing season. He took some vacation time. Well the problem was with his replacement, they sent a guy up from the big city to do Marks route and he, the replacement had a few problems. First off Lake Iwanttobethere has a few different ways of looking at mail delivery. In the summer as I am sure you all know the mail is delivered by boat to mailboxes that are on the docks. In winter if the weather is bad and the snow is deep he will round up a few dogs and hook up the dogsled. The problem that the new guy had was with the addresses, Lake Iwanttobethere does not have any numbers on their cabins or business or for that matter not even the town hall.

For some reason since the new guy had the census forms to deliver this was a problem. Talking with Doc Burriem I had to agree with him that it could not be that big of a problem since he had a form for everyone in town and that would mean that he would just have to stop at every cabin in town. What does he need address for? He did manage to get all the shops along main street and just left all the rest of the mail on Marks desk and returned to the city in his brand new van. I guess he was not one of the regular replacement postal workers who would have just went along with one of the girl scouts when they were making their cookie deliveries.

SO now at the next town meeting there will be a discussion about adding house numbers, just so happens that the first Monday of the month is next Monday and it will be brought up at the meeting. I suppose I should also remind everyone that the 5th Tuesday of the month is coming up and the Lodge will be having their meeting. Hope you can make it as the next one won't be till the end of June and a lot of fishing stories will be told between now and then. Speaking of fishing the water is high at Mystery creek and I see several fishermen wading around with their long rods. Even Hunterdown has his truck parked at the rest and is offering fishing lessons.

I think I wrote not to long ago about no robins being about, well that has changed in the past week as they are every where now. Along with them dang crows that have really moved into town and are doing a job digging through the garbage cans. A few gulls are here but nothing like the army that will appear later in the spring. For now about a dozen birds sweep the park looking for anything they can eat before moving on. The small flower garden at the town hall has a some green coming up, don't know what it is other then it has to be a bout a month early. Big Earl at the General store is already on his second order of leaf rakes. Guess a lot of people did not get to their yards last fall and are just now making up for it. Even heard the sound of a lawn mower running yesterday but I am pretty sure there is no grass to be cut. Seeing rakes standing next to snow shovels is still a pretty common site around town as well as snow blowers not to far from garage doors.

Been splitting wood and stacking it out back, Good year for wood as unless something happens here it will go down as a mild winter. Ice house is back alongside the garage and it is empty. Grand kids will take it over for the summer and use it as a play house. The wife has been updating the honey do list adding some projects from fall that did not get done. For now I have been hiding the list under some seed catalogs and keeping her distracted with paint chips for the livin room that I may or may not have committed myself into painting. From Lake Iwanttobethere enjoying an early spring! {129,436}

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Weather has cooled back off here at Lake Iwanttobethere and in the morning puddles in the pot holes have ice in them again. That time of year when things just look dirty out. The county did come out at our request and make a few passes with the street cleaner. This did help with main street but we need a good rain to really get things clean. Car wash has been busy as everyone in town has by now gone through at least once. Several boats have also been seen around town with this early thaw and people are already thinking about crappie fishing. Sunshine Ray was having dinner down at the Dew Drop Inn and clamed that we may see mid sixties by midweek and this little cold spell will soon pass.

Del from the sub shop has his boat out behind the business and during quiet times has been back there working on it. New carpet and a replacement deck are going in and already he is making plans for fishing a few spots that he has heard about. With ice fishing all but done it is quiet around town. Mystery Creek is the only hot spot as fishermen are down their wading and tossing at the loopers. The parking lot always seems to have a few guys in waders hanging over the sides of a pickup chatting away. The access down at the park has the ice pulling away from the shore and people come at lunch time to sit and look out over the water, eat lunch and count the days.

Vicki at the Masterbaiters shop is busy changing her displays around. You have to walk over boxes stacked on the floor and the place is pretty much a mess. No one complains as it is like Christmas with presents scattered all about. Ice fishing gear is heading for the back room and top water lures are taking their places on the peg hooks. Long rods are reaching for the ceiling and the short little ice rods are all on sale. A bin is filled with spools of line and plastic baits from last year. If it is not priced all you need is to ask Vicki and she will come up with a fair price and is willing to deal if you want to. A couple of fish baskets hang up by the front door covered in spoons. A dollar each the yellow sign says or six for five dollars.

Big Earl is back at his front door to the General Store, the shovel has been replaced with his trademark broom and a bright red apron covers his blue flannel shirt. The cart is out on the sidewalk with bags of grass seed and leaf bags. A metal garbage cans holds dipping nets for the smelt run that will not be to far away. Inside along the main aisle are several metal one hundred gallon water tanks each with a heat lamp hanging over them. Baby chicks and ducklings waddling on small legs inside. A special table is set up near the cash register with reduced prices on Easter candy, Looks a lot like rewrapped Halloween candy to me. Only thing safe to buy is the butterfingers candy bars, you can't tell if they are a week old or a year old, they taste the same.

Reed the Realtor is in his office and a sign across the window saying he does Tax returns covers half of it. Both parking spots in front of the parking meters are full and even Doc Burriem is in, his car tied by the bumper to the parking meter. Doc is not working but he has his TV on the golf channel. Using his umbrella you can see him taking practice swings through the glass. Pretty much a quiet day here at Lake Iwanttobethere not a lot going on but if you stop and watch there is always something happen. I pause to watch a young gal cross the street, a brief gust of wind shows a little naked ankle. Been months since we have seen any skin around here, from Lake Iwanttobethere {129,596}

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HIYA from Lake Iwanttobethere, well I have decide to throw caution to the wind and embrace Spring as coming early! The past several days I have seen and heard geese flying overhead, honking away you can hear them coming and they are easy to find in the sky. I always wondering what they are honking about, for some reason the " Are we there yet line " comes to mind. The lights have been on late over at Chucks garage as the Maple sap is running and Chuck is boiling out in the garage syrup building. The smell of wood smoke and sap is heavy in the air as we are having perfect weather for harvesting. The bass thermometer is going below thirty at night and today it is forecasted to be in the mid fifties. Chuck is already predicting he is going to have an excellent run and I brought over my empty bottles to be refilled.

Yard around the cabin has been raked up and leaves moved to the compost pile. Fire pit has been burning the past few nights as broken branches have found their way to the pit. Ice is pulling away from the shore and Barney has been making his inspections of the shoreline, was even sitting on the dock for awhile yesterday. Bud and Pepper have been chasing a rabbit around the cabin. Well Bud starts off and takes a few running strides and is quickly passed by Pepper in full pursuit. Bud just kinds of pulls up with that look on his face that all of us old guys share. That if he wanted to he could run after the rabbit but why should he? Both Bud and Barney are just a few short weeks away from there tenth birthdays, kind of a big event for them. Wife is evening planning a birthday party for them.

Chatting with Elmer last night and he brought up that he has not seen a deer in a couple of weeks now. Another sign that spring is coming as they have moved back deeper into the woods. The smell of a skunk interrupted our conversation as I went to check on Buddy and Barney and he went looking for Pepper. Getting a dog sprayed is another sign of spring. Wife has sheets hanging on the clothes line and one line has a row of towels. She is seen chasing Edd and Eddie across the lines with a broom as the squirrels still think it is their private highway. I could help but why would I, as we know like Bud and Barney, I am an old guy. From Lake Iwanttobethere {129,692}

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Bobby Bass has been suspended from the Lodge as Manager. At the Tuesday Lodge meeting an outside audit revealed that Bobby has been reportedly giving away candy to not only the local but visiting kids and that he has been routinely pouring double shots of Wild Turkey and not charging for them. Also an inventory of his office shows several thousand red and white spoons that can not be accounted for. So until this matter can be cleared up a new stick has been stuck in the hasp of his office door and he is banned from the Lodge. A sad day indeed here at Lake Iwanttobethere, now we don't get our turkey for free! Hammering Hank acting manager.....129,785....

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Well with the old cola sign that hangs on the wall outside of room number eight here at the motel hovering at sixty-five degrees in the shade it is hard to not stay for a few more days. Of course having caught not one, not two but three fish before noon today makes it an easy call. Three steelhead found their way to the bottom of my net and I missed two more. All had witness watching and right now I am the god of the river. If the old motel had a bar I would be in it and drinking for free I think. Two of the fish, well I was just at the right place at the right time and I was even paying attention to my drift. The third one was a surprise as I was getting ready to move in the water and lost my balance a tad. The abrupt footing change made me lift my rod tip and a surprise to me there was a fish just as surprised on the other end.

In the small water the fish didn't have much of a chance to make a good run and after one trip up river and then another trip down river she was laying in the slack water on her side. We both took a moment to catch our breath and I with some help from another fishermen released her to watch her slip beneath the surface and with a quick swish of her tail disappear. I sloshed my way up the bank and sat on a fallen birch tree. Rod resting against my shoulder I watch as water rushed by and a red squirrel from a near bye pine started to scold me or congratulate me on my catch. Either way I was in a good mood and the squirrel could not change it.

I took the now familiar trail back to the motel and made my way up the gentle grade to the motel. Hanging waders over the rail to dry I pulled a chair from my room out onto the porch and took a load off. The sun warmed my pants legs and I was comfortable in my flannel shirt. It being Sunday the owner had a bbq going off to the side of the parking lot and I could hear the sizzle of burgers as he flipped them with a long handle tong. The smoke flared and rose skyward as there was a brief flare-up from the juice of the burgers on to the coals of the grill. A brave crow walked along the edge of the driveway in the general direction of the grill. Waiting it's chance it stayed just out of range of anything the owner might have close at hand to pitch at it.

A couple of guys walked by and made mention of the fish I caught, smiling broadly I made light of the fact that I had caught three fish that morning and yes I would be going back out later this afternoon. The owner waved me over and held out a plate with two hot burgers, melting cheese flowed like lava down their sides. He asked " Staying or leaving" I replied that I would be around for a few more days... {130,095}

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Bobby Bass is the manager of the Lodge here at Lake Iwanttobethere. He is also the part time building inspector, a part time fishing guide, a handyman and a wealthy hundredaire. The lake does not have a millionaire or for that matter a thousandaire so Bobby fills the niche as a hundredaire. He usually flashes a hundred dollar bill to pay bills with. Of course most of the time the bills are around ninety-eight dollars or so but Bobby always leaves a tip.

From time to time Bobby forgets to use the spell check and some of his writings may have a different meaning then what was intended. Then again sometimes it is done on purpose just to see if people are really reading what he is writing. Being the building inspector and the manager of the Lodge puts Bobby in contact with a lot of people during the course of a day or an evening for that matter.

The story here is not so much about Bobby as it is about the Town and waters of Lake Iwanttobethere. Bobby has been telling the story for over four years now and there are hundreds of stories about the lake and the people who live and visit here. The stories like the lake are never ending and there always seems to be something going on and most of the time Bobby finds himself in the middle of it.

This new web site is a place for the stories to find a home so to speak. The stories are out there to read but the Town fathers found some extra money ( cash from the two parking meters on main street) and decide they would take a step forward and put the Lake out there on the Internet map.

The town and Bobby always encourage you to stop and visit us here and add to the ongoing story as Bobby can't always be everywhere. Some of you have already been here and are members of our Lodge or you may have spent some vacation time here. Still others may think back to fishing with grandpa in his old boat and he would tell you stories of a place he used to come to. You would sit and listen to gramps with a warm soda and worms that were starting to smell a little as they cooked in the hot summer sun. The lake is really not that far away, just over the hill around the bend and just past where the Peterson barn was before it burnt down. If you get that far then you just have to go a little farther to where the produce stand is come fall. From there your nose will take you the rest of the way, past fields of corn and trees heavy with big pie apples.

You will hear the mooing of cows from Mcdonnell's farm but keep an eye out for the old one horn bull that walks the banks of the little creek that is filled with brookies and lined with ripe berry bushes with fruit as big as your thumb. Here you can sit in knee deep lush green grass along the bank and a bologna sandwich never tasted better. Ducks swim along the banks and deer will come down to drink and not even look at you twice. Bees hum in the background and birds chirp just out of sight. Clouds float across the sky and when you lay in the grass and look up they make pictures of pirate ships with billowing sails or lions and tigers.

Time has a way of standing still here at Lake Iwanttobethere, fishing may not always be great but it never seems to be really bad. Coffee tastes a little better, beer is a little colder and friends seem to be a little bit closer. All you need is just come visit us here.

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Well just a tease of rain here in the past few days, Fishing has once again slowed in the river but now the smelt are running. Down at Mystery Creek a few fires are burning along the shore and pickups and a few campers are parked along the access road. Smelting has always been a hit or miss kind of deal. I heard the strongest run was midday and of course there were just a few fishermen around. It did not take but a few swipes with a dip net and the five gallon pails were filled with the silver little fish. I was on my way back to town from my little vacation and saw a couple of guys trying to drag a seine to shore. The center of the net was bulging with fish and they ended up dropping an end to let some fish out as they could not complete the pull.

I pulled the Dodge off to the side of the road and with smoke from my cigar curling out the open window watched for awhile. The trees along the road are budding and already I see a few orange barrels from the county marking a dip in the road. With my cigar growing short I continue on in to town and the Lodge. I park in my usuall spot near the Pine on the end of the lot near the back door. I walk in and it takes awhile for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. Gus, standing behind the bar with a white towel in hand is rubbing the inside of a square bottom mug. He looks up as I come in and merely grunts in my direction. I turn to go to my office and find a new stick in the hasp. I remove the stick and lay it on top of the door trim, might need it later.

Sitting on my chair is a milk crate filled with mail, pink phone messages and invoices. I somehow have a feeling that Hammering Hank did not find any time to get around to any of them. I see my boxes of fishing lures have been re stacked and a new case of Turkey with a red ribbon sits behind the door. Even my humidor is filled with cigars. I go back to the bar and Hammering Hank nods at me over his Hamms and Elmer sitting on the couch with Pepper gives me the briefest of waves. Doc Burriem comes in with Reed the Realtor and they make there way to the bar. Gus pours them both coffee and then they notice me. A couple of more nods and they continue to talk about painting the porch on their shared office building.

I return the nods and walk around the bar to the deck windows, I pull the drapes back and look out over Lake Iwanttobethere. A month out from fishing season and it is good to be back. From Lake Iwanttobethere {130,458}

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Well I am still buried in paper work here at the Lodge. A lot to catch up with. Gee a guy takes a few days off from work and no one can cover for him. The milk crate is about half empty and that is because I just took all the phone messages and tossed them into the fireplace. If they want me I figure they will call back again. Lately evenings have been busy here as we are getting tourist coming in after an afternoon of bird watching. Well not the bird watching you may be thinking of as we are in a hot zone for soaring raptors. With the warming temperatures and light breezes the hawks, eagles and owls have been moving through the area. A excellent spot is the road that winds around the top of hawk ridge. The birds coming down the lake catch the thermals there and ride them up and over the ridge.

We are not talking about a few hawks here, on a good day a couple of thousand birds will float up and over the ridge. Along the road birders will line up their cars and early morning brings on jockeying for prime spots. With camera tripods set up and coffee steaming from cups teams set up to take pictures and write in their journals what is spotted for the day. Not to be out done during the quiet times you can hear the sound of grouse on the hillside drumming. As dusk approaches the Peepers add to the choirs as they start singing down in the valley and the wetlands. Add to that the occasional car horn warning that they are coming around the bend and it is not quiet on the hill.

Boat access even has a few wet trailers parked along the side. A few guys have been out crappie fishing although the reports of any catching has been almost nothing. Smelting is still going on down at Mystery Creek and as always it is hit and miss. No rain now for over a week and the steelhead fishing has slowed. Might pickup if we get some rain and some water back in the rivers. Trees are budding and robins are here in full force now. Even the seagulls have triple their numbers as they march through the park at first light.

Car wash parking lot is always wet now during the day as boats are being hauled through to be cleaned and trailers with snowmobiles are also seen. Big Earl at the general store has replaced his snow thrower on the front porch with a lawn mower and a new garden tiller with a yellow tag sits next to it. The sweet smell of outboard motor exhaust is in the air at Dug's garage. The doors stand open and both water tanks always seem to have a motor idling away in them. Hammering Hank and Skinny are seen always in a hurry going somewhere. The work truck loaded with dock boards and ladders. As a matter of fact I even heard the thump of Del's Pizza cannon firing a test pie out across the bay just the other night.

After a quiet winter the lake really seems to be coming alive here early this year. I guess with the snow going fast and warm weather coming early and staying that will happen. We are still weeks away from fishing but I am hoping this time will move quickly. Won't be long and we will all be sitting in boats looking back at the shore instead of sitting on the shore looking at the water. From Lake Iwanttobethere {130,771}

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Well, as on clue mother nature let herself be seen and felt the other day. It started off nice and the red needle on the bass thermometer hanging on the wall was nudging seventy by late afternoon. Then you could see a gust of wind carrying dirt and dried leaves like a wall down the dirt road. When you can see the wind coming like that you know a change was in store. In just a few minutes the temperature dropped thirty degrees and the wind stayed constant from the North and off the lake. That night we had frost and there was no sign of an early spring as furnaces kicked on over night and chimneys once again had smoke rising from them.

The next morning found crappie fishermen heading out dressed in their duck gear and thermos replacing cold sodas in the boats. Guys trying to play golf on the newly open course watched as the wind did what ever it wanted to with their balls. With the lack of rain when a ball hit the green it ran quick and far and if the wind was at it's back they usually didn't stop till they rolled right off the green. Guys stood with their backs to the wind and hats pulled down tight. Yes spring was back at Lake Iwanttobethere and right back on schedule.

I did take advantage of the wind by getting out the leaf blower and helping some of last falls leaves that were stuck along the cabin. The wind made quick work of clearing the lot and the lake swallow up what ever landed on the surface, the old wood row boat pulled at the nylon ropes holding it to the dock cleats. Elmer had his blue tarp tied up around his dock and it billowed some in the wind. Elmer and Marv were not fishing that day so they missed the wind. Ed and Eddie the squirrels were only seen briefly. They quickly made it up their tree and back to the big nest they had built for winter. From what I could see on the ground the nest moved at least four feet back and forth in the wind, but it must be a smooth ride inside.

With the yard cleaning receiving a check behind it on the Honey Do List I retreated to the leeward side of the cabin and found a quiet place to lite up a cigar and watch the seagulls try to fight the wind. It did not take me to long to start a mental list of things on that side of the cabin that needed some attention. Gutter to be cleaned some more leaves that had found a hiding place. A collection of balls hidden at the base of a maple, am guessing this is where Bud has been putting the balls that the grand kids have been playing fetch with him. At his age he just does not want to play catch all day. Looking closer I see an assortment of sticks and that missing Frisbee. Bud comes around the corner and spots me. Before he can back up I see him and he gives me that look like he has been caught. Barney is right behind him and walks right past his brother. He sees me and the stash of toys and tries to turn away but I call them both over. They both act like it is the first time they have ever seen the collection. I shake my head at the both of them and pet them behind their ears. They turn and head toward the lake as I gather the balls and sticks. Back to the old wood box by the back door they go, they will be there when the grand kids come up again. I make sure the lid is on tight just so a couple of dogs can't empty the box again. From Lake Iwanttobethere {131,092}

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Rain, both Stormy Clearweather and Sunshine Ray agree that we are finally going to get some rain here at the lake. We sure can use it. Even though things are greening up nicely, nothing is really growing. Buds on trees are just waiting for that good soaking to burst out into leaves. Tulips are up and flowering but they look like short little guys on stocky legs. Plants in the greenhouse are doing good and the wife has her order in from the general store. She spent the better part of yesterday transplanting from Earls shipping container to small pots. Looks like the cabin is going to have a lot of flowers this summer.

Bud and Barney had their birthday they will now official be refereed to as being ten years old and not as almost ten years old. We did not tell them that they are now old dogs as they might decide all they need to do now is just lay around the cabin. They don't act like ten year olds unless you figure in that ten is just the right age to get in trouble. Seems when I was ten that was the time to get in trouble or maybe because I was ten I was now in trouble for things I was doing when I was nine but now that I am ten I am not supposed to be doing them so I got in trouble. I may be on to something there. Seems when I was twenty-one I was expected not to do the same things that I was doing when I was ten and I got in trouble for them. Then when I was thirty things that I did when I was twenty-one now mean I was in trouble for them.

Hmmm. Now that I am passed fifty and then some the things that I would do at twenty-one is now being referred to as reliving my youth which is OK now that I am over fifty but not twenty-one. Of course now I don't have the desire to stay up all night drinking and chasing women, just to much work, must be why the wife tells me to go out and have some fun because she knows I can't. So when the rains come later today I will go out and sit under the covered swing, light a cigar and watch it rain. I have been doing that since I was ten, the swinging part, we won't talk about the smoking a cigar part. Bud will jump up and lay next to me and then me, Bud and the swing will all creak away, from Lake Iwanttobethere {131,577}

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A mixed day here at Lake Iwanttobethere. It's windy with some waves on the lake and the far side of the lake is open for fishing and with a good pair of binoculars you can see a few boats bobbing on the water. Sun is shining through ever changing cloud cover as in a few minutes we go from blue sky to gray and then back halfway only to return to blue sky again. A few hawks soar high overhead moving quickly in the breeze. The two new bumpers for the old wood row boat are already taking a beating. I bought them on sale at the General store this spring and already they are starting to lose their bright clean white look. The row boat sits patiently waiting to be used. A new plastic coffee can replaces the old rusty one. The blue plastic sticks out against the old wood of the row boat and will take a little time to get used to. But the old metal can was not holding much water when it was being used to bail with. Rusty holes were letting as much water flow out as was being held inside to be dumped over the side.

We got rain but I wish we had gotten more. The peppers last night were singing in chorus and they seem to be happy on the water that filled the potholes. Trees are budding and some green can be seen along the hillside but still we don't have leaves, I suppose overnight they will just appear, kind of a now you don't see them and now you do. County was by the other day and the docks are in at the access. The orange barrels stored in the park are all gone, well almost all as Hammering Hank and Skinny have moved a few of the nicer ones behind the Lodge garage. We will use them for events over the summer here at the lake. Mystery creek is quiet, the smelters are gone and just a few fishermen are seen at the mouth. Chicken Shack on the access road should be opening soon and I am already looking forward to a deep fried chicken basket and some fries.

A few blue jays have taken a fancy to the wife's bird feeders, they fly in like bullies and move everyone else away till they are done eating. The old goose has yet to arrive. Bud checks the shoreline a few times a day looking for him. I wonder if he will show up with his new mate of last year. So every day brings changes here at the lake, Two weeks out for fishing on our side of the water and then we will start hearing the stories at the Lodge, they will of course be about the ones that got away but a lot of guys will just be happy to have the sound of water lapping against the side of the boat and the feel of cork handles once again in their hands. After a few weeks the water will warm up and the wind will turn from a cool breeze to a soft warm touch. No longer will waders be needed to launch the boats as the water will be warm enough for bare feet. Sand will feel good between your toes and there will not be a rush to put your shoes back on. The best time of the year is coming here at Lake Iwanttobethere. {131,813}

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HIYa from Lake Iwanttobethere another rain day, which is good! Still looking for a nice all day dripper but yesterday brought some showers and it did rain hard for about fifteen minutes. Today looks to be the same. I was out in the boat house when the hard rain fell and I stood in the open doorway and watched. The rain pounding on the roof overhead made a quiet echo inside the boathouse. A good sound to hear. A moment after it started the water running off the eves hitting the ground joined in the background. A few robins taking cover in the big pine tree let out a few calls and that added to the music of falling rain. Almost as on cue a peal of thunder from somewhere out over the lake rolled in and Barney who was in the boat house with me let loose a soft bark and growl.

Bud stood inside the cabin and I could barely make out his whine, he forced open the door with his nose and scamper across the deck, down the stairs and across the grass to make it inside the boathouse. Bud being Bud of course went straight threw the growing water puddles and on his arrival inside the boat house proceeded to shake himself and the rain of him and on to me. Bud and Barney touched noses and in their low growls and soft barks exchanged information. Barney sat down next to me, leaning against me and watched the rain fall. Bud went deeper into the boathouse checking to see what he had missed.

A good day to be working on the Puddle Humper, a little over a week and a half from fishing and time to fix and clean things. Cover was off and vacuum sat plugged in, Don't remember all them leaves left in the boat. Found a few candy wrappers, going to blame the grand kids for them but at least no candy stuck to the carpet. Battery is on the charger and the can of WD-40 is close at hand. Tackle boxes sit open on the work bench and I am rearranging things in them, again.

Rain starts to let up and the sound of falling drops leave the boat house. The baseball game on the radio gets louder and now you can hear it back over the sound of the rain. Both dogs, heads down and noses working overtime slowly walk out the door and start making a patrol of the grounds. Water still drips off the eves and a small winding river of water flows down the driveway. Sky goes from a dark gray to a lighter shade, some sunshine peaks through and the wind makes quick work of shaking the branches. With no leaves yet the trees give up their water quickly and the sound of dripping water is no more.

Ten minutes go by and then both dogs appear in the doorway and sit. I hear the first splat of a rain drop on the roof and make it back to the doorway just as another small shower heads across the lake. Me and the dogs stand and sit in the door and watch the rain march across the lake and up the greening grass. It's good, we need the rain, from Lake Iwanttobethere {132,554}

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Looks like a payback day today here at Lake Iwanttobethere. As I drove into the Lodge this morning I had to turn the wipers on the old Dodge on to move the melting big snowflakes that were landing on the windshield. Wind was driving the big flakes across the road and although nothing was sticking on the ground Sunshine Ray had reported that we could get two to four inches of snow by tomorrow morning. I am not complaining though. We need the water and fishing has not started yet. I did turn the heat on back at the cabin in the greenhouse, don't want all them flowers to get shocked by the sight of snow.

I almost mowed the lawn yesterday, it sure has green up a lot in the past week, A little rain will do that but now I just told the wife how much better the yard will look after all this snow melts. As I drove past the General Store Big Earl was just rolling the cart with shovels and ice scrapers out on to the sidewalk. Livin where we live I don't Earl ever has that cart to far away from the display area. When I arrived at the Lodge there were a few pickups with boat trailers parked along the side of the lot and some guys were inside at the bar. They were going to go crappie fishing but decide to wait out the weather. With coats hanging from the pegs by the main door they were sitting in a semi circle in front of the fireplace. Not a blazing fire going but a pretty good one for it being May was burning. The drapes were pulled back from the deck doors and water was running down the glass. Snow is falling a little heavier and it is getting harder to see across the bay. Wind is starting to howl some to and I see the pigeons are having a hard time trying to fly back to the Lodge roof.

After some mornings and hello's I retreat to the office and a brown box sitting on my desk. I picked up my box opener, a 10x hook duct taped to an old screwdriver handle and make short work of removing the seal on the box. Inside I found my order of paddle baits including the big big ones that are so hard to find. I had ordered then from Vicki down at the Masterbaiters bait shop and she had then drop shipped right to me here at the Lodge. I'll have to go and see her later and tell her I got them. Gus comes into the office and asks to see what is in the box, I pulled the packing paper back over the lures and slide the box under my desk, No need for anyone to know what I caught that big northern on last year.

Feeling a tad cool in the office I get up and closed the window. I can see windy the windmill is whirling briskly on the hillside. Mark the mailman drives by and I can see he is wearing his heavy raincoat. I go back to the main room just as Hammering Hank and Skinny come in. Wet coats are hung on the pegs and they both make their way over to the fireplace to hold wet hands out to the fire. Elmer comes in the back door carrying a piece of birch firewood from the pile outside the door. He walks over to the fire and tosses the split piece of wood onto the fire. Sparks pop out and he adjusted the screen and heads for the couch. Well, I guess that seals the deal, If Elmer is putting wood on the fire we are in for some weather. From a wet and windy and maybe even a little snowy day here at Lake Iwanttobethere {132,892}

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Well, I knew it was too good to be true. I knew that the warm weather was not going to last and there would be pay back to be had. I would remind the wife every day that it was not going to last and that she was pushing that summer do list to the top too soon. In the past week we have had wind and some rain and three inches of snow. Now both Sunshine Ray and Stormy Clearweather both agree we are going to get a nice soaking rain that will turn into some more snow and then back to rain before it leaves. Add in some wind off the lake at twenty or so miles an hour and everything that can get wet will get wet. I am still not complaining, we still need the water. Several of the boats launches around the lake are showing the last cement pads above water. I know this because I took a ride around this end of the lake on Sunday. With the mother in law and all of the wife sisters at the cabin I managed to get both Barney and Bud in the Dodge with me and we took a ride.

Leaves are starting to come out of buds on the trees and the grass that is already green is now starting to grow along fence lines and up against barns and garages where the sun shines all day. Tulips are showing at least until the weather gets cold then they fold back up to wait for the next warm day. Deer that have been scarce are now seen at dusk along the edge of the roads that border fields. Peepers that were making a racket in the evening have gone quiet, a sure sign that the weather is going to change. Snow, I am not surprised, it is after all just a few days before the opener. I expected in a few days we will start seeing out of state license plates and people will come into the Lodge looking for a meal and some directions. When they leave we will make comments among ourselves about their accent and they will drive away talking about how funny we talk. Gus behind the bar will have to get used to pop being called soda and will slip a few eh's into his conversation.

Bell over the door at Ma and Pa's grocery store is ringing away as locals are picking up orders before the crowds start coming in Friday. Pa has gone modern this year as he has replaced the single bulb over the meat counter with one of them new twist lights. He tells anyone one who will listen how it only uses twenty-five percent of the juice he used to use and he got it free from the power company, that and he has another one in the back for a spare. Ma tells him he will never need it as the new bulb is suppose to outlive Pa.

Welcome sign to Lake Iwanttobethere has a fresh coat of paint on it and the park is all cleaned and garbage cans are out. Hammering Hank and Skinny have stocked the metal firewood containers and the price is the same as last season. Resorts are all open or will be by Thursday, docks are out and every night more cabin lights are on around the lake at dusk. Even the ten o'clock freight is getting quiet on it's nightly run as the trees are filling in and starting to muffle the sound of the air horn and the roar of the engine. The other night for a few minutes the steady sound of the Pizza cannon was heard as Del was pumping pies out to a group of crappie fishermen working the inside edge out off Root Beer Island. Chicken Shack is open and I know that as a fact as on Sunday I had a basket of chicken strips and shared some biscuits with Bud and Barney.

A day of rain is just going to make this place all that more busy the rest of the week. I already know several guys are waiting on the minnow deliver at the Masterbaiters shop. Like early morning rummage buyers they will line up to try and get the pick before the doors open. Speaking of I should go on down to the shop and check to see if my order of top water lures has come in, don't look like I will be needing them this weekend but one can never have enough new lures in the tackle box. From Lake Iwanttobethere


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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Truly sorry to hear that duffman! I know that feeling.  Keep the good memories  
    • Chamois passed away this weekend a couple days short of her 13th bday. What a great dog to hang out with here at home and on distant adventures. Gonna miss ya big time my little big girl.
    • Sounds pretty sweet, alright. I will check them out, thanks.
    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
    • We have bought a new boat, which we will be picking up this spring. It is an Alumacraft Competitor 165 sport with a 90 horse Yamaha motor. I will be buying and installing a trolling motor,  wondering if I can get some recommendations on what pound thrust I will want for this boat?  Also, I will be selling my old boat, is there a good way to determine the value on an older boat ( mid-80's with a 75 horse 2-stroke  Mariner motor)  I will appreciate any help with these questions.
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