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Fishin report for Lake Iwanttobethere..

Bobby Bass

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Was surprised yesterday with a sunny day and although it was not really a warm day it was good enough weather to take a stroll. I started off by just talking a walk across the yard to Elmers cabin. I knocked on the door and entered the kitchen to be greeted by Pepper. I gave her a bone from the dog treat box and she and the bone headed to the living room couch. Calling out Elmers name I did not get a response but I could hear the faint sound of music coming from the basement. Making my way to the basement door I could make out the Grateful Dead's One More Saturday Night coming from the old eight track stereo. Bet ya didn't know Elmer was a deadhead! Carefully easing my way down the narrow old wooded stairs I could see Elmer on the far side of the basement, his hair, what is left of it wrapped in a red bandana. His wired rimmed glasses hanging low on his nose and his arms cover in fine sanding dust. Standing on the stairs I look down at the Lucy II The boat was looking good under the glare from the hundred watt work lights surrounding her.

Working my way around the boat leaving boot prints in the fine dust on the floor I got Elmers attention. He gives me a nod and I watched as he worked on some fine detail sanding up on the bow of the boat. After some small talk and turning down an offer by Elmer to do some sanding I was back on my way. Sun up a little higher in the sky and I made by way along the path and back to my side of the pines. Getting into the old Dodge I headed off for town. I had the thought of a couple of slices of pizza on my mind for lunch. I came around the bend and found Hammering Hank and Skinny along with Reed the Realtor parked along side the road to the old trailer park. The road had been widen and the snow banks pushed back with Hanks plow truck and now it went deeper into the old park past where Del has his trailer. Stopping I rolled down the window and Reed in his brown suit and parka made his way to the side of the truck and gave me a HIYA. Marv was going to need to get his Air stream trailer off the ice here soon and has been in discussion with Reed over buying the old trailer park. Del from the Sub shop has a trailer on the property and has been acting as a caretaker in the summer. Looks the deal is going thorough and they were making a site to park the Air stream. A few more minutes of small talk and I was again back on my way into town.

Drove by the Gulp-N-Go and see they fixed the new electronic sign out front. Last week they had a new sign installed so they could flash the prices of gas and sales going on inside the store. They had one of the high school kids set up the sign and he had a bunch of gibberish that no one could understand on the sign crawling across. We found out later that he was text messaging which worked out well for the high school kids but us older people need things spelled out for us. Now we might have to pull over to read the sign but at least we under stand what it says. On to town I went passed Reed office and saw that Doc Burriem was in. The tell tale sign of his car tied with the rope to the parking meter gave him away. Doc still can't forget the days when he made his rounds by horse and buggy and had to tie the horse to the railing so she would not head home without him. I pulled into a parking space right in front of Del's Pizza and Sub Shop home of the famous Pizza Cannon.. Going in I was greeted with the smell that only comes off a pizza oven. A few people were sitting at the red and white checker covered tables enjoying the afternoon buffet. Del was behind the counter twirling a circle of dough for show. Not making a pizza he was making pretzels. We made small talk while I waiting for the next round of buffet pizza to come out of the oven.

Told him I saw that Hank was out working on the trailer park and he said Marv comes in a lot and that he was going to buy the park and Del could keep his trailer out there. Del lives upstairs of the Pizza shop and likes to get away when he can to the old trailer. Someday Del confided in me that he would like to have a house with a basement. Just a dream of anyone who lives in a trailer. While I was waiting on my slices I looked over the Pizza Cannon. It is on the deck just off the main shop looking out over the lake. The cover was off and a grease gun was laying on top of it. Del told me he was working on it before the lunch rush and will be firing off a few pies later in the day. Picking up my slices my next stop was the Lodge.

Well I didn't make the Lodge, the pizza was smelling so good that I started to eat while I was driving. It just so happens I ran out of pizza the same time I was waiting for a car to pull out from Amy's The thought of some apple pie was a good one so I took the just vacated parking space and I went into the bakery. Amy had already seen me coming and as I came through the door she held a man size slice of apple pie and a matching size glass of milk. Amy went back behind the counter as she was busy. Lunch time here at Lake Iwanttobethere and not much time for chit chat. I went back to the Dodge and decided a stop at Marv's bookstore and a nap in that old stuff chair was next on my list. I'll have to finish my stroll another day. From Lake Iwanttobethere. {91,704}

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With readership tailing off to almost nothing the Lake is going to shut down on this site for awhile. The story continues, you will just have to look a little harder to find Lake Iwanttobethere...

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A quiet has settled in here at Lake Iwanttobethere. We are in that time of the season where the town goes quiet. Local business owners are off on vacations and wife's and relatives are in town running the shops and stores. Even the Lodge has reduced hours but the back door is always open. A few fishermen chasing pan fish on the lake but most of the houses are all off now. The orange barrels are stacked neatly on shore and with the snow melt they will find there way back behind the Lodges garage. The best ones anyway. The others will be returned to the county storage area to be picked up in a few months when the road construction season begins again.

Smelt run is a few months away and now we will work on projects around the cabins and the ever present Honey Do List. Cabin fever will set in here soon unless we get a few snow storms to get us active. Sun is a little higher in the sky every day and the snow is going down some from the warming days. Most of the Lodge member have left town, they are all on a cruise. Me, I have stayed behind because I am the caretaker of Lake Iwanttobethere. Kind of nice to have the Dew Drop Inn all to myself. So I am going to sit on the deck and enjoy a cigar, watch snow melt and look forward to spring. I am sure there will be new stories to tell when the cruise is done. From Lake Iwanttobethere {91,813}

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The past few weeks have been hard on me, I went and saw Doc Burriem and he put me on one of them Carb diets. Well he sent me to this nurse named Cindy in the city and she put me on the carb diet. Well so for the last few weeks I have been counting carbs and reading the back of cans. Finding out that I have not been eating as healthy as I can. Have to rethink eating cans of them little Vienna sausages with crackers in the boat and my pasta dinners can no longer look like the plates on the packages. Can't have my can of pop anymore and now when I do have pop it is poured three fingers deep in a tumbler and savored like it is a fine double malt. You sip it instead of drinking it. I had French fries last night and that was a treat. The wife counting them on to my plate two at a time. I made her stop and do them over one at a time so it would seem like I was getting more. I know it is good for me and I will be better off in the long run, But I sure do envy the grand kids wolfing down them chips and hot dogs and following it with cans of pop. Maybe that is why us grand parents keep feeding the kid's goodies when they come over, someone should enjoy themselves.

Town is quiet, not many tourist walking the streets and I think almost everyone is on the cruise. Just me and Marv in town as he did not think he should take a vacation from the new bookstore so soon. Even Amy's bakery is quiet. No smell of bread in the morning and I do miss that. Warm out today, 45 on the bass thermometer and that is with a cloudy sky. There is water running down the drive and I had to go out and chip out a trench so it would find it's way to the ditch and not run down the center. Since I am the town's caretaker I did have to make my rounds. Was down at the Masterbaiters bait shop and checked the level on the water in the back tank. Those in the know will enter through the unlocked rear door where on the porch there is the self service minnow tank. It is on the honor system and you can either drop money through the mail slot on the inside back door or wait till Vicki comes back from the cruise and settle up. The only business in town that is staying busy is the car wash. With the warming weather the floor is staying wet as people are washing the salt from trucks and cars and I have seen a few trailers with snowmobile's come out.

The cruise seems to be going well. Vicki has sent me a few short e-mail's and she must be staying busy as the messages are short and rather abrupt. I wish she would send me more information but I guess I will get updated when they all return. From what I have received so far the Johnson brothers did go water skiing behind the cruses ships zodiac, they were wearing extreme weather survival suits and other then a brief encounter with a killer whale they made it back to the ship. Skinny has found dating the local gals interesting as they are bundle up so well all you can see is their nose. He figures that is why you just rub noses with them. He did have a brief encounter on shore with a polar bear after mistaking it for one of the local gals just dressed in white fur. He blames it on some bottle brew that they just call Parmigan. I guess it is not to be confused with our Wild Turkey. Well I have to return to making rounds, still have to take a stroll down main street and make sure all is in order. From Lake Iwanttobethere {91,900}

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Mr. Bass,

I wanted to try and read Elmer's message and so I downloaded some software that was supposed to translate things into English. I ended up with some &&^$# stuff called Babylon that has now taken over major portions of the way my computer does business. If you feel the urge I suggest you do not encounter Babylon on your computer and limit those contacts to books you may pick up and read while in your old recliner. If possible it would be appreciated if you would translate Elmer's message. Or if there's some old Navy guys who could do it that would also work.


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Received a message from Elmer on the cruise. He did not know if I had receive his Morse code message that simple said f e e d p e p p e r Which I had of course already done. His latest message was better then the Morse code but still was not as modern as I was expecting, here is what I received.

Hiya STOP trip has been interesting so far STOP should have packed more warm clothes and food STOP fishing has been excellent off the fantail STOP skinny has met a native girl STOP also has met her family, they are pretty good shots STOP johnson brothers think they might have found another flavor for their beer STOP think the trip might be longer then we were told STOP hope to break free of the ice pack before the current takes us farther north STOP feed pepper STOP

That is all I got. Some kid on a bicycle delivered this to the Lodge early this morning. It was typed on some old faded yellow paper and he asked if I wanted him to sing it to me. I could see no reason why so I just gave him a quarter tip and he was on his way. There was also some GPS numbers but I have misplaced them. Looks like there will be some stories from this trip when they return.

Sunshine Ray went on the cruise but Stormy Clearweather is still here manning the station. She is predicting a snowstorm here in the next few days. Might be interesting as most of the town is on the cruise including Frank the plow driver. Ten to fourteen inches of heavy wet stuff is heading our way. We will have to see if it actually makes it as Stormy is still pretty new here and she does not know the effects that Lake Iwanttobethere can have on the weather. If worst comes to worst I can drive the snow plow. I had some practice on it and now that I know not to drive in reverse trees should be OK. Besides how hard can it be to just plow forward? You can see most of the mailboxes now and no one has any garbage cans out since they are all gone.

Saw Hunterdown off the point fishing yesterday. Was out there most of the day along with a few others. Houses are all off and just a few people sitting on buckets fishing. Might be me but I thought this season went by pretty quick. Now with daylight saving's time already here it is still light out at seven in the evening. If it would warm up some we will take some of the Lodges deck furniture out and get that's set up. This snow might set us back a little but this time of the year it will be a good chance that a few days after it falls it will be melting. Well, that's all I have to say today, Going to take a shift by the short wave radio, we have been keeping it on in case we get a call from Elmer. Good excuse to sit by the fire with Bud and Barney. From Lake Iwanttobethere {92,021}

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HIYA from the Lake. I am thinking that we might just be over the hump here and spring might really be on its way. The far side of the lake hit minus thirty-eight the other night so it has to get warmer because I don't think it can get any colder. Snow storm came and went, not a typical March storm as we only received four inches here at the lake and some strong winds but no damage and nothing really to write about. Stormy Clearweather was a little off in her prediction as the storm went around the lake to the West and was not much of an event here. I was looking forward to driving the grader and after an hour long search I did find the key to the locked cab. You would think Frank the plow driver would have a better hiding place then in the bottom of the can of coffee grounds.

Here at the Lodge the heavy drapes have been pulled open and some of the heavy chairs have made it out on to the deck. Even a picnic table was pulled out to the edge of the parking lot so it now can get some morning sunshine. Received a stack of postcards from the cruise ship. The temporary mailman was making his deliveries and was in here having lunch and was complaining about some of the address. Looking over the cards I offered to just stick the cards in the Lodge members boxes as they were all to members. Having nothing better to do I was sitting at the bar sorting through the cards and having a Hamms..

From Tess to her father Marvin, We are doing fine dad, good trip so far, like a second honeymoon as we are fishing.

Elmer to Chuck, Make sure Bobby feeds Pepper.

Big Earl to Junior, Try and get rid of that valentine's candy or start rewrapping it to make it look like Easter stuff.

Mindy to Nytelyter, O Honey I am so sorry about leaving you at the dock, call me!

Frank the plow driver to Marvin, Please check on my plow I have a bad feeling about Bobby.

Sunshne Ray to Stormy Clearweather, winds out of the North at 15 temp 12c pressure rising

Doc Burrieum to Doc Burrieum, Wish you were here!

Johnson brothers to their dad Gus, We found this beautiful beach. It was right on the water.

And a lot of cards with just pictures of icebergs and polar bears and one from Skinny showing a scarf with a nose sticking out from it. With the word HOT printed next to it... Well I sorted the cards and put them in their proper mailboxes and went back to my Hamms. Sun a little higher in the sky and Stormy is in here having lunch. She says that we may hit the mid forty's here on Saturday and Sunday. Sounds to me like good days to do some BBQing on the lodge's deck. So for now have a good day from a quiet Lake Iwanttobethere. {92,142}

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A quiet Sunday here at Lake Iwanttobethere so I decided to take a drive. From my secret stash of cigars in my office I selected a long burning one and I grabbed a bottle of pop from the cooler. Lodge was pretty much empty and Gus was drinking coffee alone with the Sunday paper at the end of the bar. I gave him a short wave and headed out to the Dodge. Thinking maybe I should stop at the car wash but decided to head out in the other direction. Past a lazy rotating Windy the windmill I settle in with smoke curling up from my cigar and the window rolled down with the heater on medium. Driving along at just a littler better then a grouse hunting pace I followed the road as it winds around the lake. Dangerous time of year to be driving as the pot holes are hidden by snow melt water. A few were deep enough that a small dog would have to swim to get across.

Sunny and warm but not so warm that a little heat was still needed from the Dodges heater, but you had to have the window down to take in the fresh air and to let the smoke from the cigar escape. The sound of tires crunching on gravel was a welcome sound, so much better than traveling in snow. Even the sound of splashing water going through the pot holes was a sound missed. I did however have to re lit my cigar once as I had my hand hanging out the window and hit a pot hole with a little to much steam. The water splashing up to get the windshield and fender dousing my cigar. No problem as I just stopped and put flame to cigar and was back moving a moment later. This is the time of year when there is no color in the woods. Just dirty snow and the white of birch trees. A few green pines and the flash of a mailbox. A few or Reed the Realtors signs are scattered about, marking cabins for sale. The blaze orange standing out against the drab landscape.

Drove by the Chicken Shack, shades pulled down tight covering the windows and a sheet of plywood across the entrance door. The awing covering the parking spaces where you can park and place orders for chicken and burger baskets was dripping water. Snow still looked cold in the drifts underneath, protected from the sun by the awning. The road sign said opening May First, still six weeks away. I drove by and had the thought of crispy chicken, coleslaw and french fries planted in my head. Up ahead another truck coming from the other direction, slowly creeping along. Someone else was out for a Sunday drive and like me they to were in no hurry. We past slowly and gave each other the nod of the head and a passing wave. An older gentlemen and his wife I am guessing, she was looking off into the woods and he was driving with one hand on the wheel and the other hanging out the window. Like a young kid he was catching the breeze in his hand, letting it dip and then go skyward. I looked up and followed them in my mirror as they paused at the Chicken Shack before moving on. Thinking to myself that the Chicken Shack missed out on a few customers just now.

I found myself at one of the small lake access that is somewhat hidden and pulled in and parked at the frozen water's edge. Getting out I brought my pop with and I lean against the warm fender of the Dodge and looked out on the frozen lake. Standing water puddles were scattered on the surface and it did not look like it was something I wanted to drive on. No tire tracks that I could see and the garbage can was empty. Cigar half gone now I got back in the Dodge and headed towards the Lodge. Hard to drive slow as I was going back the way I came. A few minutes later I came up on the old couple. I eased up on the gas and followed at a distance. I didn't want to make then drive any faster than their relaxing pace. They must have seen me and pulled off to the side, the hand of the driver waving me to pass. I drove by and the lady in the passenger seat gave me a little wave and I returned it. Soon they were gone from sight in my rear view mirror. Heading for the car wash, dripping in pot hole water I thought it was a lovely day for a ride here at Lake Iwanttobethere today..{92,185}

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Still quiet here at the lake, town still has some traffic moving along the street but that will change here in a few more days. Have received word that the cruise is just about at an end and everyone will be back on the road and heading home here on Sunday. Some more post cards arrived yesterday and from what I read on them they were tired, hungry and looking forward to getting back to Lake Iwanttobethere. Several cards did make reference to the lack of Wild Turkey and no one up there had even heard of Hamms. Skinny should have most of his stitches out by the time they return back to the lake and food poisoning is not all that fun. But all n all it sounds like everyone had a good time, the scenery was great food was good as long as you liked a lot of fish.

Back home here the last few days have been a little on the cool side. Lots of sunshine but just not warming up much. All the easy snow has melted and what is left has a hard crust that just dares the sun to try and melt it. A few geese went over the cabin yesterday and I was looking for the old goose to peel off the flight but they just kept flying. Might be a little early for that. St. Patty day at the Lodge was pretty quiet, we had a so so crowd as most members were out on the cruise. We still have some green Hamms left so there may be a glass or two to share. Has been cool enough that we have a fire going and we are not alone as I still see smoke curling up from chimneys at sundown. Wood pile here is getting down and I will have to go to the main pile and haul a few loads closer to the cabin. I did take the hose out from the greenhouse and washed down the sidewalk around the cabin and garage. Just could not go any longer looking at that loose rock and twigs that had gathered over the winter.

On a more promising note the cucumbers and a few of the tomato seeds have popped up and are showing some green. A good sign when I see something growing in the window sills. Looking forward to moving them out in the greenhouse here in a few weeks. Have been spending some time out there doing a little cleaning, never seem to get that all done in the fall. Had a fire in the fire ring to, that helped move the snow back some more. Will be able to put a chair out there and will not have to sit on a log much longer. The temporary mailman has been under load. I think Mark the mailman might have planned his vacation at the right time. A lot of seed catalogs and fishing catalogs have been arriving this week. A young guy, every time I see him he is talking to himself. In a brief conversation he told me he is from the big city and most of his mail routes there are in apartment buildings. He just has a bank of boxes to deliver to. Here he has mailboxes that he has to drive in four wheel drive to get to and cross over down trees and puddles that make him want to put on a life vest. Guess I never thought about what Mark the mailman takes for granted. I didn't mention that the mail is delivered by boat in the summer.

Well March is better then half over, April next up to bat and we should start greening up here. Small creeks are flowing with water and still lots of ice on the lake but it is looking a little weak. Early morning is best as the nights are still cool and the skim water is freezing over on top. Few fishermen are still making the walk out with sleds and five gallon pails. Crappies have been hard to come by but gills are still biting. The river down on the far side of the lake has been putting up catfish, of course you have to know what you are doing but D.T. and his dog Grace have been down there every evening doing well. Bailiff has been at the Lodge as he is not one for walking on the ice when he can be laying in front of a fire with unattended drinks close by.

I did spend a few hours working down at the Masterbaiters shop this past week. Some deliveries came in and I did not want Vicki to have to fight her way past the boxes to get into the shop. I did some unpacking for her and I saw she has a lot of them new swim baits with the paddles on them. I had mentioned them and she went out and put an order in. I set a few packs off to the side for myself as it looks like something I will try out this summer. It's good to work at the bait shop as I get first pick. Well back to paper work here at the Lodge, have to take advantage of this quiet time. Fishing contest to work on for the Lodge and then we have all the events that go on during the summer. Before you know it opener will be here and we will be having get togethers and the tourist will be coming through the door. Fish to be caught, stories to be told and cigars to be smoked. From Lake Iwanttobethere have a good one. {92,235}

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Hard time to get to the Lodge today. We seem to have a little weather outside. Freezing rain is falling and anything and everything has a coat of ever thickening ice on it. It is suppose to warm up this afternoon so it should start melting here soon and then we will just have the rain to contend with. Place does look like a ghost town as there is no traffic moving that I can see here from the Lodge and no one has ventured out onto the ice of Lake Iwanttobethere. I think we can put it on the board that ice fishing has come to a close here at the lake. Can hear the sound of the sump pump running in the Lodge basement. The ground is still frozen and with all the water it is pooling on top of the ground and finding it's way into the basement. Gus has the fans on down there and made sure the pump was working. Only a few guys here in the Lodge as we are still waiting on the arrival of the charter bus and Reeds RV returning from the cruise. They were due today but I am sure the weather will delay them. Last I heard they were making good time after they had to pass the hat to buy gas. Seems Reeds RV needed a few repairs and the travel fund was running low.

Saw a few more geese winging across the lake, freezing ran does not seem to be a problem for them. Nothing else moving that I can see. Glad we have a full wood box, even though it is not really cold out that damp rain seems to make ya sit a little closer to the fire. So I have paper work spread out in front of me, drapes are pulled open but no sunshine coming in. Seven weeks till fishing starts, and the days are dragging a little. Rain in the forecast from Stormy Clearweather so this week is pretty much a wash. Might even get some snow in a few days, that will make things interesting. I am not going to complain as the rain and new snow melt will add water to the streams and keep our lake levels up. Smelt will be making their way to Mystery creek here soon which means the park will have the tent up for fish fry. Skinny and Hammering Hank have a long list of things that need to be tended to on their return. Digging out the mini donut trailer is right there near the top. Can't wait to smell donuts again. With all of this rain it is going to take care of our snow to. Soon as that is gone the gulls will be back in the morning doing their march across the park and the softball field.

Next day--

Lost power yesterday afternoon so I could not continue with my update. Windy the windmill was working but others were without power. I left the Lodge to see what I could do to help and found several tree branches down on the access road and also a few trees. The rain had stopped but the wind had picked up and now you could hear the sound of breaking branches and the wind making a whistle noise through the ice covered branches. Driving back towards the cabin trees hung out over the road under the heavy weight of the ice. I thought I heard thunder once or it might have been a bigger tree off in the woods falling. I arrived at the cabin and there was a large branch down across Elmers drive. Changing clothes and keeping an eye over head I got the chain saw out and open the driveway up so Elmer could get in when he gets back. I took a few pictures and made my way back up the drive to my cabin.


Seeing all the ice on the trees and having been in a few ice storms before I retreated to the deck and took out a cigar. In the half hour or so that it took me to clean up Elmers tree the temperature had gone up a degree and that was the difference maker. The rain had started back up again and was no longer freezing. The ice was starting to loosen its hold on the trees and without any warning ice started to fall from the trees and with the weight of the ice gone the branches shaking themselves stood upright again. Like a Lord of the Rings movie the trees came alive, fling ice from themselves to rain down on what ever was below. Ice falling on the tin roof of the shed sounded like small arms fire. Some ice even made it as far as the deck and it shattered when it hit at my feet. I moved back a little closer to the cabin wall and watched. Like a hail storm there was to much to see at once. From small little piece to tubes of ice as long as your arm the ice fell from the trees. It lasted a good twenty minutes judging by my cigar. It left me with some more branches for the fire ring and a hole in the greenhouse. I am sure not many people got to enjoy the falling ice and now it was just raining again.

This morning as I drove into town I had the window down on the Dodge. Sounds of chain saws working echoed around the lake. The zid zid of branches being trimmed along with the long zeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee of someone cutting a tree could be heard. I expect we will have chain saw music for a while. Most residents of the lake are not here and will have a surprise when they make it to the cabins in early May. By then we will have green up and the broken branches and down trees will stick out or be hidden from view. Neighbors will clear neighbor's drives and cabins will be checked for damage, Calls will be made and Hammering Hank and Skinny will have more index cards with jobs written on them. For most they will have missed the storm and the trees are not very good telling they're stories. For me, it will be another memory of Lake Iwanttobethere.


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Dear Mr. Bass,

Now that you have received proper clearance, let me officially introduce myself. Let me start by apologizing again for the presence of black, unmarked SUVs in the Lake Iwanttobethere area over the last few weeks, a necessary precaution, you will, I'm sure, agree.

As was shared with you previously, my husband and I, heretofore known as Sissy Fishy and Dewey Fishy, are looking to be relocated, I mean retire, to a rustic out-of-the-way spot in the north woods. Lake Iwanttobethere is the perfect retirement retreat for us, according to tourist testimonials, local reputation, and satellite imagery.

The work on our new lake home at Little Bay Around the Corner is nearing completion, and we hope to use local help for the finishing touches. We are eager to be assimilated into your community; it is important to us that we be seen as locals to your area. We may even hire you to coach us in the local dialect.

We are also interested in operating a small shop in town, in the spirit of the local flavor, called Fishy Gifts and T-shirts. We will contact Reed, the realtor, regarding store-front availability.

I look forward to meeting you; I have read so much about you in your file, I mean your Fishin report, I feel like I know you like a brother.

Looking forward to a quiet, anonymous retirement, Sissy Fishy

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Keeping to your cover story I will from this point on refer to you as Sissy and Dewey. I must remind you that the lake here is a small town and does lack in some of the things that you may have become accustom to. We might be called "Quant" by some but I prefer our small town ways. Cell phone coverage is not that great and as you settle in you will find some rules we have here might seem old fashion. I should also point out that everyone knows everything about everyone here. I had to really reach out and squash this message here as I am assuming you want as few people as possible to learn of your cover story. Lucky for you most of the town has been on a cruise and just in the past few days have returned. The SUV was not noticed and with your prefab cabin going up on Little Bay the ice storm covered it. As soon as the trees green out it will be fall before anyone can see it from the road.

You can use the Lodge a drop point and I am sure Dewey would enjoy joining the Lodge and using it as cover. Of course you will have to get your mail from Mark the mailman unless of course you use a p o box in which case you could just go to the post office. I am sure you will have that all covered. So enjoy your stay here at the Lake and I am looking forward to your new business venture. {92585}

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Silently Sunday just about over with here at Lake Iwanttobethere. We received a surprise visit of sunshine and it felt good sitting on the banks of the river with the sun in our face. Yes, the steelhead are running in a small river on the far side of the lake. Season is open there and as we usually do we made the trip there this morning. Chuck and Elmer after sleeping twenty-four hours straight on Saturday are now back in the Lake Iwanttobethere time zone. The charter bus came in on Friday night and not too long afterwards Reeds RV limped in behind it. The RV is still parked in the Lodges parking lot as it needs some repairs before Dug can get it down to his shop and really look at it. I think they got a fill of some bad bio diesel as she didn't smell quite right when she came in to town. Didn't have that greasy French fry smell, had more of a stir fry aroma coming from the tail pipe.

So anyway with a stop at Amys bakery and some loose meat sandwiches and hot coffee packed away in the cooler we made the drive to the far side of the lake. Did notice a lot of storm damage on the way and Chuck and Elmer grilled me over the storm. In turn I was trying to get stories about the cruise from them. I learn a little more about the Skinny and the bear encounter and also about the native gal that Skinny was seeing till her dad stepped in. Johnson brother's water skiing in survival gear was a hoot but I guess you had to be there for it. Killer whales I learned can really swim fast and they can also jump out of the water with proper motavation. I guess Tess was pretty surprised when she was in her stateroom bathroom taking a shower and looked out the window to be eye to eye with a killer whale. Also learned that a cruise ships swimming pool is frown upon as being used as a live well and the hot tub was not meant to be a bait bucket. Even if they were both not heated. Crab is good, but not fourteen days in a row.

Well we made it to the river and found a parking space not to far from the water's edge. Still snow on the ground and the ice storm had left a lot of small branches broken and laying on the ground. Had to be careful walking with the waders on as you did not want to send a branch through. Thinking a head I had already brought along a tire patch kit and had it in my back pack. Trouble is the pack was back at the cabin sitting right on the counter were I left it. So I was extra careful on my trip to the water's edge. Already the shore was lined with other fishermen. Dressed in various states of cold weather head gear and vests of questionable age they were spread out along both sides of the shoreline. I slipped into the water alongside Chuck and watched as Elmer made his way down to a small rock that he considers his lucky spot. He once caught a fish off it and now it is his first place to make a drift. The sun was climbing higher in the sky and it was a Kodak picture scene laid out in front of us.

Cold water with an occasional chuck of ice flowed past us. Small boils where water bulged over submerged round rocks. Snow covered shore lines disturbed with the fresh tracks from fishermen walking along the river. Clean areas going into the water like otter trails where fishermen had either on purpose or by accident had entered the water. From time to time the sharp call of a fishermen announcing gleefully that there was "A Fish On" Lines retrieved and a path created for a rod held high and the arc of line out into the deep water as the fish took the angler downstream. After the fisherman passes the lines return into the current and the drift of colored yarn or a bag continues. Minutes later a fishermen returning to his place, A smile spoke of success and muttering under the breath spoke of a lost battle.

Settling into the rhythm of the river I make a toss up river and with pointed rod tip follow the line as it goes beneath the surface. Feeling for a tap or a bump that is out of place from the countless taps and bumps before it. I was surprised to lift my tip and find weight on my line, I think the fish on the other end was as surprised! Lifting rod up high I searched for the proper words and then Elmer at my side shouted out "Fish On" Looking around it took me a moment to see that others were looking at me. Mumbling something about a fish being on I followed the fish as it took me down the bank. Fishermen parted as I made my way, stumbling and rumbling down the shoreline. The Martin reel in my palm singing that happy sound of drag being worked and the tell tale zipping of line through ice covered guides. In a few minutes I was at the edge of the pool where the water went slack. Gaining with each turn of the handle I was making up line that I had lost. The rod throbbed in my hands through my gloves and my fingers were no longer cold. To my feet the fish came and turning on its side it waited for me to pluck it from the water.

So I did. A thing of beauty in my hands. I removed the hook with my thumb and finger and held her firmly in my hands. Elmer made a comment of a nice one their son and I turn her over to look at her. Just a tad over twenty-six inches she was released back into the river and with a quick flick of her tail she was gone from view. I made my way up the bank and walked along the trail back to where Chuck was still drifting, looking for his first fish. Pressure off now I had won the buck we always bet for first fish. Back in the water I went and for a while there every bump was treated like it was a fish and I raise my tip expecting to be reward with some weight. After a while the sound of chattering teeth got to be annoying and I was going to say something to Chuck when I realized it was my teeth doing the chattering. I turn to tell Elmer maybe we should call it a day and he was not at my side. Instead he was sitting on a stump, drinking steaming coffee and just finishing up one of Amy's loose meat sandwiches. I made my way back up the bank and took the offer of coffee. Standing looking at the flowing water I watched as an eagle and then another riding the wind soared above river. High riding and gliding they to I think were doing some spring fishing.

I looked back down to watch the river and saw the bend of a rod and a fishermen working his way down the bank. Another fishermen had taken my spot but I had gotten a fish so I was OK with that. We decide to call it a day and the three of us made our way back to the truck. Not walking as quick as we did when we came, might have something to do with standing in the river or maybe because we were a little older then when we came. Waders to the back and rods and vests to the side we climbed in the Dodge and adjusted the heat vents. Ride back was side tracked by a stop at a small tavern. There was a fire in the fireplace and a little warm brandy was just the ticket to finish off the trip. There would of course be tomorrow to do it again. From Lake Iwanttobethere {92,614}

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HIYA from the lake. Getting a little busy around here or maybe it seems that way now that everyone is back from the cruise. Once again the smell of baking bread and rolls drifts in the air coming from the direction of Amy's shop. The bell over Ma and Pa's grocery is jingling away as people are picking up their cold cuts. The door is open at the General Store and Earl can be seen, broom in hand with his red apron on just inside the door. Shovels are still stacked outside the door but now garden rakes are next to them. A stack of metal pails has also appeared as the maple sap has started running and you can never have enough pails. Yesterday I spent the better part of an hour cleaning snow off the Lodges big deck. The heavy wet snow fell over night and with the strong winds blowing off the lake some drifting took place. It being spring time and warm out the snow was thick and heavy like cotton candy and just as hard to move. I took several breaks and cracked the handle on one of the shovels trying to lift the snow up and over the railings.

I don't know what we did to have mother nature so upset with us. An ice storm but a few days ago that snapped trees and left a mess to clean up, now the heavy wet snow and gale like winds. A few robins are around the lodge and they look as confused as we do. We moved picnic tables and no sooner had we moved them and the robins were inspecting the snow less ground where they sat. Some geese have also made their way here to the lake. I watched for a while resting on the shovel as they did practice takeoff and landings on the ice out front of the lodge. With several on the ice already they would come in two or three at a time, honking away like they were talking to the control tower. Heads stretch out and legs down they would zoom in on a long glide path only to touch the ice, skid a little and then pull back up for a second go around. The entire time the other geese would be honking back at them. I don't know if they were waving them off or honking out encouragement. Was nice to hear the honking in the background even if it did start to snow again as I was working.

An occasional boat on a trailer can be seen on Main Street, heading to the car wash or maybe to Dug's for some work. Sometimes just being pulled around town to catch a breeze and blow the cobwebs off. Boats are coming out of the back of the pole barns and they just seem to need a little ride on the road to loosen them up before being put back in the front of the garages. Pot holes are filled with snow again but now we have an idea where they are at. When the weather warms and the snow melts again they will fill with water but this time we will know where they are. But some people will still be surprised, they will be the ones with the water splashed up and over the top of their hoods or down at Dug's looking for an alignment. Lake Iwanttobethere's golf course has a sign up saying they will be opening soon, that could be months away though. Lots of signs around town saying that same thing, "opening soon" Like at the Chicken Shack and the Gentlemen's club. Ski hill says closing soon but they are down too just one run now. Mystery Creek is getting some attention as guys drive by slow now. Looking to see if the ice has melted away from the banks. Smelting is on people's minds but it will be a while before the little silver fish start making their way up towards the old mill and the brewery.

Chuck is busy next door, he has already started boiling down sap and a batch of syrup has been made. He took advantage of the snow and using an old Buick hood dragged more wood down to the driveway to keep his fires burning. The lights are all on out at Root Beer island. Mindy and Mandy must be hard at work making root beer. They will be ready in time for the Smelt fry tent down at the access. Monday and Tuesday the Lodge meeting rooms were busy as they were the fifth Monday and Tuesdays of the month and the Lodge and Town hall meetings were held. I have the minutes around here somewhere but I seem to have misplaced them under the fishing contest applications. Like I say we just seem to have gotten real busy around here. So I hope you are checking out your boat, cleaning reels and sharpening hooks. Won't be too much longer and you will be thinking of taking a trip to the lake and hopefully paying us a visit here at Lake Iwanttobethere.. {92,697}

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The sun made a surprise visit here at the lake today and it was a welcome sight! Also my granddaughter showed up as the ladies went into the city to do some shopping. They had neglected to tell me I would be spending time with the granddaughter. I acted gruff and told her, the wife of all the projects that I had scheduled to complete today on the Honey Do List. They of course would all have to wait now that I was baby sitting.. As soon as the Jeep went down the driveway the grand daughter and I high five-ed each other and found the hidden jelly bean jar.

With jelly beans and chocolate milk we sat on the couch and caught the last inning of a baseball game on TV. It was repeat from last season and I knew they were going to win as you don't show losses over again. It was good timing as one inning was all that the patience a two year old had in her and the jelly beans were running out. Next we checked the bass thermometer and it was above fifty so we put on coats and boots and with Buddy and Barney we took a walk in the yard. Of course we did this at the pace of a two year old which made me take baby steps. A tour of the deck was in order and I am sure we both saw things differently. Her from around 30 inches above the ground and me a couple of feet higher. I looked at the deck and how it had weathered the winter and she looked through the cracks at the ground below. She walked through puddles of water I stepped over. She dragged her feet through mud leaving little boot prints behind I left depressions that soon filled with water. She has a thing about dog [PoorWordUsage], and there was sure enough of that as the sun was melting snow and showing off the results of many visits out doors by Bud and Barney. I walked behind her and she made a point to scold the dogs on what they had done. The dogs being dogs don't have a clue as to what she is shaking her fingers at them for and just continue to walk and pause when she points at them.

We inspected the area where the new playhouse will be built this summer for her and her cousins. My turn to point fingers and tell her about how I am going to build it and what it will have. Now she does not have a clue what I am talking about and both her and the dogs look at me and smiled back. To the lake shore is our next stop and the ice is pulling away from shore some. The sun feels warm but you can feel the cold coming off the ice. We both tuck our hands in our pockets and look out at the ice. Being a little higher I can see out a little farther but we both are seeing the same, just ice. Putting our backs to the lake we make our way back up towards the cabin. We are sidetracked by a set of deer tracks that she walks in. Trying to stretch to put her feet in the tracks she is a little short. A squirrel on the ground catches her eye and she calls my name and points in the direction of the gray tail in the brush pile. Bud sees the squirrel and the chase is on, well kind of a chase. The squirrel scampers up a tree and sitting on a branch looks down at Bud and scolds him. Sure seems to be a lot of scolding going on today.

Getting towards lunch time and we both decide we should go out and eat. Getting in the Dodge I strap her in the extra car seat and we head out. Been awhile since we have been to the House of Toast so we decide to go there. We both have a thing for the cinnamon and raisin French Toast there. We split an order and the waitress makes small talk with me. Nothing like having a cute kid along to keep your coffee cup filled. Sitting in the booth I look out at the parking lot while the grand daughter dips her toast in the Lake Iwanttobethere maple syrup. The piles of snow left from the plow at the edge of the parking lot look like icebergs sitting on the black asphalt. Left to slowly melt they drip away in the sunshine. With lunch done and a couple of free candy mints our next stop is down at Marv's bookstore. No sooner than we get in the door and Pepper is licking the grand daughters face and the two of them head off to play in some empty boxes. I find the paper and take a seat in the old stuff chair. The soft sounds of a baseball game can be heard from a small radio on the counter where Marv sits. I look at him and he points to the radio and says "A replay from last season" I nod and go back to the paper and the view of the car wash. Just a quiet day here at the lake waiting on spring, from Lake Iwanttobethere. {92,795}

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Easter weekend is here and today is Good Friday, not to say that every Friday is not a good Friday. Another sunny day and I am not complaining at all, after that long long stretch of no sunshine having some sun is a welcomed sight. Of course with all the sunshine we have had no snow or hopefully we are past that and we can start saying no rain. The ground is still very very wet as there is still snow on the south slopes and the ground is still thawing. The smells of spring are here, and the reminders of all those trips the dogs made outside all winter are appearing everywhere. Still way to wet to go out and start cleaning up so you just have to live with that fresh spring smell for awhile.

Took the Dodge to the car wash yesterday, gave it a good cleaning and had to go back for more quarters twice. Might have overdone cleaning out underneath as now when I drive down the street it sounds like a broken box spring. Going to have to do an oil change here soon and grease all them fittings underneath. Might have cleaned it, the Dodge a little to good. Geese are moving through the area. A few doubles here from time to time but now I am starting to see the long vees stretched across the sky. They to are leaving a few surprises as they go by and the car wash is a busy place. Looking more like a flight of B-52's they came over the lodge and made a deposit on the deck and parking lot. Lucky no one was hurt from the splatter.

Still no old goose, I expect to see the old goose out on the dock when I get up in the morning but still no sign of him. I have found Bud looking out that way and I think he to might be wondering if the old goose is still coming or if something happen to him. Pepper has been busy at Elmers, A lot of rabbits are around or it is just a few who have been very busy. Just a few gray squirrels though, which is fine by me, although a little red squirrel has moved into the neighborhood which makes up for all the rest. Can't go out on the deck without that pesky little thing telling anyone who will listen that I or the dogs are outside. Bud and Barney have already given up chasing it as it does not go far from the base of the big blue spruce. At the first sign of the dogs it starts chattering away and runs up to the first large branch. The grand daughter had a conversation with it and even she came back to the deck and shrugged her shoulders.

At the Lodge we are bring out deck furniture and setting up some tables. Screens are still off the windows but the drapes are pulled back to let the sunshine in. A few windows are cracked open and the fresh air coming into the Lodge and mixing with the smell of popcorn and conies is a welcome aroma. More guys are sitting at the tables by the windows and they look just like new seedling in pots. Without thinking they are leaning towards the sun as they read the paper or sip on there Hamms. No one out on the ice of the lake and from time to time a truck will pull up to the access and someone will get out. They will walk down to the edge and look out over the lake or stroll to the dock and check the open water between shore and the ice. They will get back in their vehicle and take a slow drive back around the access and then out the main entrance. A few minutes later the scene will be repeated as yet another truck will roll in and do the same thing. For the guys in the Lodge bets are placed for how long it will take before the next truck comes, as you can see it's spring and we need something to do.

A caddy comes driving up to the access and I can see from here it is Tom who steps out to walk to the dock and look out over the lake. A retired lawyer who makes his home here at the lake he wins me five bucks as I had picked someone would show up and it would not be in a truck. Tom gets back in his caddy and drives up and parks in the Lodges lot. Coming in he gives us guys a short wave and heads to the popcorn machine. I send a frosty Hamms sliding down the bar and he stops it and looks back up the bar at me. I show the five dollar bill and give him a thumbs up, He nods and popcorn and beer in hand he heads for the sofa where he puts his feet up and soon is into the baseball game on TV. The rest of us place our bets and wait for the next truck to check out the landing. Skinny makes a side bet on a motorcycle to be next. From Lake Iwanttobethere. {93,037}

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A quiet day here so I thought I would bring back last years Easter!

Easter from here at the Lake. Notice I didn't say Happy, woke up to more snow falling. Not that the snow is not "pretty" as the grand kids say, but just a little bit of an inconvenience this morning. You see all the grand kids are here and Grandma decided late last night to go out and hide the bright colored plastic Easter eggs around the cabin, outside.. A couple of problems here as I see it. One it was dark out, so we have no idea where the eggs were placed. Two, we now have new snow covering everything. Three, real rabbits like plastic colored eggs with chocolate inside of them. Would also seem that deer to like the chocolate eggs and the ones with jelly beans are also a favorite of the gray squirrels.

So early this morning the four grand kids were scrambling through the cabin looking under chairs and the sofa, behind the tables and even in the wood box for eggs. They found nothing because grandma and forgot to inform grandpa that the eggs were all outside. It didn't take long for Bud the dog to know they were hunting for something. With #1 grandson he helped search the cabin but without knowing what they were searching for they were just bring back everything. To Bud's credit he did find some things that had been missing for a while. Buff the cat has been busy. Buff thinks he is a retriever and the cabin is his at night. We used to blame the dogs or grand kids when they were here for things disappearing. I sat on the couch and with a clothes basket at my feet the grand kids and Bud brought me half rolls of toilet paper with small teeth marks, single socks, a bottle of white out, two right hand gloves. An earring, a empty jelly bean bag, a roll of duct tape and two unpainted lure bodies but no Easter eggs. The good part was that things were being found where I would never look but the bad part was the grand kids soon tired of bring dirty socks to me. Not knowing about the eggs being outside I suggested they should look higher up for their Easter baskets. No one looked behind the drapes after last years disaster. Seems the wife came home late from work and decide to put all their eggs in one basket so to speak then hid the baskets behind the drapes on the south side of the cabin.

A nice sunny Easter it was last year, also it was not in March. By the time the grand kids ate breakfast and started to search for their baskets the sun had done it's job. The baskets now looked like a chocolate omelet. Trouble was that the wife had also placed that fake green grass in the baskets. The baskets covered in plastic to keep the cats Buff and Smoky out had now melted and mixed with the grass to make a somewhat of a chocolate grass brick. With jelly beans and Cadbury egg at the center the kids spent the afternoon trying to freeze their baskets and then bust the candy back out.. Using hammers they did have a good time in the wood shop. Just when it all melted again I had chocolate all over my tool benches. # two grand son finally said that the Easter bunny did a better job hiding eggs this year and headed to the kitchen looking for some breakfast.

That is when the wife came out and suggested the kids should look outside. This is when I pulled the drapes back from the patio window. Lake Iwanttobethere and swirling snow greeted the wife, Opps! was all she could say. #1 grand daughter pointed at a doe leaving front yard with what appeared to be a green Easter egg in her mouth. I can say that because I saw a gray squirrel tying to get his mouth around a bright blue egg just outside on the deck. #1 grandson saw the squirrel and with a battle cry he yelled " There taking our eggs!" They bolted to the cabin door and in pj's and slippers slipped past grandma holding jackets. They quickly fanned out searching for eggs. One by one grandma caught up to them and jackets were put on and hats pulled down over ears. #2 grand daughter did recon of the deck, Barney had gotten up and was her partner. Bud was busy chasing # one grand daughter who was running down the squirrel. The squirrel could not carry the egg and had to leave it with the yelling girl and barking dog getting close. #1 held the egg high over head yelling " I found one, I found one"

In a few minutes what was a quiet scenic postcard of a morning was now a trampled yard of footprints with dogs and screaming kids criss crossing it. Inside the daughter and her husband had gotten up and were placing a second batch of Easter eggs around the cabin. Having searched everywhere the kids made there way back to the cabin. This is when #2 son found a egg rolling under the kitchen table, being batted by Smoky the cat. Snatching the egg he yelled ' I got one". Everyone returned to the cabin and jackets and wet gloves were tossed to the floor. Cats scattered thinking they were being the hunted ones and dogs with noses to the floor paired up with grand kids and the search resumed. I stood on the deck and watched the snow fall, I caught movement off to the side and watched as the doe return. She was standing at the edge of the snow covered high grass and looking at me she bent down a little and opening her mouth she let the green egg fall back into the yard. Just kind of a mother on Easter kind of thing to do.. From Lake Iwanttobethere Happy Easter {93,073}

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Had some time to kill the other morning as I was out doing errands and I kind of was looking for a place to hid out for a while. Came up on Mystery Creek and there were several cars and trucks parked along the shoulder of the road and the small parking area. As I pulled in I recognized Hunterdowns car parked between a couple of pickup trucks. Grabbing a camera and some binoculars I headed down the trail to the creek. The embankment leading down towards the water was steep and roots from the pine trees were clearly visible. A few rocks provided stepping stones and the hillside was nothing but dried clay. Footprints stuck out in the harden clay, they could have been this years or last falls, hard to tell.

I made it to the bottom of the hill without mishap, was already thinking about how much fun it was going to be climbing back up that hill later. The trail weaves its way through the woods next to the Creek, although some would I guess it call it a river this time of year. Snow melt rushed through the creek bed and a little white water could be seen as it washed up and over rounded boulders. No shore here to fish from as it was summered in the rushing water. I continued down the ice covered path and keeping an eye out for slick spots I took a cautious pace as I moved down river. Still snow on the ground and a lot of ice over the hard packed clay. As I got closer to the mouth of the river the trees thinned out some and now I was walking in old waist high brown grass that the snow had beaten down.

I startled a fishermen hugging the bank and we both noticed each other at the same time. After a brief howdy I continued down river now walking closer to the well traveled path along the bank. A pool had another fishermen on the other side of the river drifting and retrieving. I held by hands up and apart in the universal fishermen's sign of catching any and how big. He just shook his head no and continued to make his next drift. Another hundred yards down river and a bigger pool, this one held five fishermen, two on this side and three across the rushing water. They all look up at me and paused before returning to the river and their drifts. A sixth fishermen sat in a fold up chair under a birch tree. A steaming cup of coffee I am guessing in his hand. Still walking down the trail I have not come on Hunterdown, beginning to have some doubt if he is on the river or not. Still one more big pool to check right before the mouth of the river opens up in to Lake Iwanttobethere.

Walking through some brown grass I sink up to my ankle in some mud that was hidden by the grass, With a few mumbled words under my breath I pull my now wet foot and boot from the muck and search for a better way to go around the spot. Heading into the woods away from the river I find another well used and dry trail that takes me down to the shore. Coming out on the shore I find a fishermen laying down on the sun drenched rocks watching a rod propped up with line leading out into the lake. Trying not to disturb him I walk around but he sees me and gives me a "Howdy" I return his howdy with my own and we have a brief conversation. No fish, wind is blowing in towards shore but the sun is warm and it's better then sitting at home. I agree and wish him luck, I move towards the mouth of the river.

A lone fishermen standing just off to the side of the river mouth, water washing around him and a unlit cigar hanging from his lips I recognized Hunterdown by the light glinting off his hook. I find a log on the shore and sit back to watch for a while. It does not take Hunter long to notice I am there and he turns and wades through the current and dripping water he comes on shore. We lit cigars fighting the wind and we talk for a while. A long string of geese flying low above the water attracts both of our attention. In a moment they are gone from sight. Another big vee heads our way coming down the shoreline but head off in land before they reach us. We watch other fishermen working the last pool of water before the mouth, from time to time a rod bows only to be a snag and the fishermen tugs and works to free his bait. A moment of excitement for the fishermen laying on the rocks as his rod starts jerking and line goes out, He jumps up from the rocks and heads for his rod, at the same time a seagull is flying erratically out front of his spot. Does not take us long to figure the gull has tangled in the line but soon frees itself. The fishermen reels in his untouched bait and mumbles a few words we can't hear in the wind.

With my cigar just about done I think I have killed enough time and I wish Hunterdown good luck. I make my way back to the road and this time I find a dryer trail back. My boots stay dry and the climb up the hill was not as bad as I thought it was going to be. Sure am glad that clay was not wet though. So I head back to continue doing my errands but no wasted time was spent. Washing someone steelhead fish is almost as good as fishing yourself this time of the year. From Lake Iwanttobethere {93,129}

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Seventy-one that is a nice number, seventy-one degrees above zero! In the shade no less. Lake Iwanttobethere is a busy place today. I left the cabin a few hours ago and the wife was tearing plastic off windows and putting in screens. Already there was a load of wash on the clothes lines and rugs hanging on the deck rails airing out. Bud and Barney were sleeping on the deck and would roll over from time to time to stay in the sunshine. Garage door was standing wide open and I left it that way when I headed into town. On the way I notice a lot of garage doors open and waved back at some neighbors I had not seen since fall. They were outside either hauling bbq's to decks or out working the grass with rakes.

Today was clean up day and we could not have picked a better day. Sun was out in a blue cloudless sky and it was warm and going to get warmer. As I went down Main Street I see the fire department had already been by, The street was wet from the fire hoses on the truck washing things down and now store owners were busy sweeping sidewalks and sending it all to the curb. The county in an arrangement for storing the orange barrels over the winter was here with two of them big modern street sweepers and in tandem they were going down the street leaving it looking like a dance floor behind them.

Big Earl was standing with his apron on outside of the General Store. His big push broom in hand he was done sweeping and was now just doing some greeting. His outside racks holding push brooms and coal shovels and the seed racks were out to. A few wind chimes hung from the eve and they sang away in the light breeze. The yellow price tags clearly marked. D.T. at the parts store looked like he was busy to, I could just see his head and cap through the window as I drove by. His body hidden by a stack of oil filter boxes and gallons of oil that a customer was buying. Tires were stacked outside the door and one of them leaning up against the storm door keeping it open. Which reminded me I need to go talk to Dan about some new trailer tires for the Puddle Humper. Should get some new bearings to while I am at it.

When I made it to the Lodge the lot had already been cleaned, the guys from the county had already been there. Gus had an extra crock pot of chili going as he had promised the county guys lunch was on him. They should be back around noon so I added a few more hot dogs to the cooker. Gus already had the drapes pulled wide open and the windows were open. I took in a deep breath of the fresh lake air and looked out over Lake Iwanttobethere. Still some ice but there was a lot of blue water to be seen. Going to be a busy day here at Lake Iwanttobethere {93,178}

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I was sitting at my desk here at the Lodge and I am trying to clean my desktop off. Some things are finding there way to a cardboard box to be burned in the fireplace and some things are making there way to the file cabinet and still some other things are just being shoved in the drawer to be looked at later. I did come across the meeting minutes from the last Town Hall meeting and I was going to post them for ya but there was nothing really that stood out. Was mention about changing the number of chickens you could have with in the town limits but then that brought up a question of what exactly are the town limits. That matter was tabled for a later date.

On another note I sure hope I didn't miss summer. Friday it was seventy-six in the shade here at Lake Iwanttobethere. This weekend found us with drizzle and snowflakes and the red needle on the Bass thermometer waver around the thirty- three degree mark. Friday evening found me on the deck at the cabin taking in the sweet smell of a porterhouse sizzling on the grill. The occasional flame licking up from grease dripping down and Bud and Barney patiently waiting and hoping something would fall to the deck for them. After supper I had a fire crackling away in the pit and with the sun setting I sat on a stump near the fire and blew smoke rings from my cigar. To make the setting complete the peepers starting singing away echoing around me.

The next morning I woke up to snow flakes falling, just not fair how mother nature just teases us. It was not a wasted day though as the town as reported earlier did some cleaning up, Car wash was busy and the General Store even stayed open a little later to make sure everyone got what they needed. Come Saturday the garage doors stayed closed and rakes were quiet as they leaned up against fences and waiting empty garbage cans. A few fishermen tried their luck down at Mystery creek, you could just see them through the trees when you drove by. Mill was busy as was the seed store as farmers in bibs stood in small groups outside of the doors. Bags of seed could be seen stacked in the rear of well-used pickups. Farmers leaned against over sized side truck mirrors chatting, they would occasionally reach in to pet the dogs riding shotgun inside.

Silent Sunday brought more of the same weather and found me feeding the little pot belly stove in the wood shop. The wife came in and asked me what I was doing? I wrote on the chalk board that I was just doing nothing, reading it she said to me " You did nothing yesterday" I wrote back that I was not done yet..

So I am hoping I didn't miss summer, I still have another porterhouse to grill, from Lake Iwanttobethere {93,285}

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Hello from Mr. Perch. Hope things are well. Had to move to Iowa to find work. I hope to take the kids camping at uncle Al's homestead on lucky bay, maybe in May if the weather is nice. Sure do miss "God's country", trees down here are called corn and the only thing taller is the wind tribines. Oh well, got a good job and can make the drive to Lake Iwanttobethere in a day anyway.

hope you did not miss summer and god bless

Mr. Perch

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A quiet Sunday here at Lake Iwanttobethere, won't be many left. With fishing season less then two weeks away the town has been busy the past several days. The town looks quiet but that is only because we have strong winds off the lake and overcast skies with a few wind blown drops of rain. Makes it hard to do anything outside as it is damp and cold but that does not stop ya from working inside. Here at the Lodge the fireplace is burning brightly, drapes across the windows are pulled back and a few water drops are rolling down the glass. Baseball game will be on the TV soon and for right now a few members are down in the basement locker room doing some sorting and cleaning. Fishing rods that were bought last summer and stored here at the Lodge can now be safely brought home. They are consider old rods now with dirty cork handles and scratched reels. The garbage can is full of packaging from new lures bought on sale during the winter and stored in the lockers. Out of the boxes and shrink wrapped cards they find their place into the tackle boxes. Most wives would not care about their husbands buying a few new lures for their hobby but part of the fun is hiding the stuff from the wife, making us feel young.

This past week at the Lodge Skinny and Hammering Hank have been busy as between putting docks out they have been hauling logs to the parking lot here. On Wednesday the Lodge members all got together and the logs in the course of an afternoon were reduced to split stacked wood for next winter. Covered in a new brown tarp donate by Big Earl at the General store the new pile sits next to what is left of last years pile. Wood chips and old leaves were raked up and into the fire pit it all went. A keg of Hamms was cracked and the guys sat at the picnic tables and cracked jokes at each other's expense. A few stumps were thrown into the fire and a few twisted crooks that were never going to be split were added. Trips were made into the woods to relive some of the pressure from the Hamms and guys came back with down branches to cover their excuses for the trip into the woods. The branches were added to the fire pit and the crackling sound of the fire was a welcomed back ground noise. As evening fell several of the guys took off for home and it just left the regulars here. Doc Burriem sat in a canvas back chair not to far from the fire. Both hands holding on to his glass of Wild Turkey, from time to time he would take a sip and gaze into the fire. Matter of fact most of us there would have to confess we did the same. Fire has a way of holding your attention and making ya get lost in your thoughts. Peepers starting singing and with the crackling of the fire and a good days work behind us we were content to just sit around the fire and let the smoke swirl around us and say nothing.

Grass is turning green and some of the trees are getting buds on them. Robins are now everywhere and the doves have made a return and now along with the pigeons have found the roof of the Lodge. Still some snow left at the ski hill and when we were working on the wood pile for the Lodge the bottom row is still frozen in the ground. Just about all the ice is gone from this side of Lake Iwanttobethere and the honking of geese is now common once again. Speaking of geese, the old goose finally showed up the other night and it looks like he was busy as he has brought back with him a mate. Maybe the old goose is not as old as we think! I was working out in the greenhouse when I saw Bud flash by on his way to the shoreline. Looking out the window I saw the old goose and a, well how do you describe a younger, good looking goose at his side. The two of them waddled across the grass and Bud came roaring in to do a quick stop before going off the grass into the edge of the water. The younger goose flared up almost like she was defending the old goose and Bud backed off only to stop and sit. Looking back at me and then at the old goose and what appears to be his new partner Bud looked a little lost. The wife came down from the cabin and with that way women have she simply said " Now isn't that nice" which translated into "The old goose has found a mate, now maybe we will see some youngings around here, my that will be nice" And I'm thinking "More goose [PoorWordUsage] to step in"...

So farmers are working their fields, Big Earl has several tubs in the store with baby chicks and ducks and geese. Feed store has extended hours and dusty pickups are common driving the main street in town. From Dug's garage the sound of outboards can be heard being tuned up and the Chicken Shack should be open soon. The gulls have returned in force and every morning and every evening they march across the softball field looking for something they might have missed the last time they were there. Telephone is ringing a little more during the day here to, as old friends are calling to check on the lake. Fishing is coming and I expect like every year it will be a good year. Have to give a shout out to Mr. Perch. Your name came up the other day at Burts barbershop and I guess I didn't even know you had moved away. Glad to hear you are still planning on coming up here to visit us and of course I hope you will stop by and say hi to us all. Being stuck in the land of corn must be a change but I am told that them corn stalks smell pretty good when burned in a fire pit, almost like birch bark if ya close your eyes. Say Perch I'll make a point of casting once for ya, maybe you will get a bite. From Lake Iwanttobethere {93,451}

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Truly sorry to hear that duffman! I know that feeling.  Keep the good memories  
    • Chamois passed away this weekend a couple days short of her 13th bday. What a great dog to hang out with here at home and on distant adventures. Gonna miss ya big time my little big girl.
    • Sounds pretty sweet, alright. I will check them out, thanks.
    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
    • We have bought a new boat, which we will be picking up this spring. It is an Alumacraft Competitor 165 sport with a 90 horse Yamaha motor. I will be buying and installing a trolling motor,  wondering if I can get some recommendations on what pound thrust I will want for this boat?  Also, I will be selling my old boat, is there a good way to determine the value on an older boat ( mid-80's with a 75 horse 2-stroke  Mariner motor)  I will appreciate any help with these questions.
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