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Pull Start on a 99 Xplorer 400


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I have a question for anyone who can answer it. Over the past weekend, I had my 99 Polaris Xplorer 400 out, and the last time to start it, I pulled the rope to start the machine, and the rope broke. Now the question is, how hard is it to replace/repair the rope for the pull start? I have been without the electric start now for close to 2 years, and never had any problems pull starting it until this past weekend.

Any advice, please let me know. Thanks a lot. Might have to think about trading this one in on a newer machine, if only I could get enough for trade-in.

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It's not really that difficult at all. My rope broke on my sled about 3 years ago and I fixed it by myself. Just call a Polaris dealer and ask him how much rope he would recomend purchasing for your ATV, then go to any hardware store and buy the same thickness of rope which was already on there. The only tricky part is when you get the recoil off of the machine you have to be careful because the recoil is spring loaded and if you make the wrong movements with it you probably will have some problems. One other thing is a ATV recoil might be a little harder to get at or get off than a sled.

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I am thinking that I might also need to purchase the rope from a Polaris Dealer, as it should probably have the sealed handle on it, instead of the rope running through it, being water could get in otherwise, or I suppose that I could use silicone and seal the heck out of it....As I won't be able to salvage the old handle without drilling the rope out of it.....So much fun....Seems like work is never broke, but the toys that we buy are always broke.

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