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ATV Bucket Rack


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Cabela's are showing a rack that mounts to the rear rack on the ATV. It holds three 5 gallon buckets off the rear of the rear rack. Does anyone have one? Is it strong enough for a sit-n-fish minnow bucket? Looks to be made of solid round stock metal. Should be strong, I would think.

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I bought one a few years back...a guy on this site was selling them (Sand Burr, or something like that, was his screen name). If it is the same thing, it is a slick deal. And yes...it will hold a full bait bucket.

I wonder if the guy is getting paid for it, or if Cabela's just copied the idea...

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They work slick. I have had 1 for 2 years now. I used it bear baiting alot and they hold alot of weight. Easy to take off and on. They have a HSOforum just like your topic .com . I as well bought it off this site back then.

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Yes that was me and I appreciate all the business we received from you guys! Problem is it was not a direct copy. There version does the same thing but is not even close to what we built. We shut the bucket rack business down this year. We were very small so no one lost jobs it just freed up a bunch of time for me and Vince. Nope we don't have the money to fight them in court over this we just laid down and let them go.

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