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2yr beagle accidents on carpet


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I love my Ginger girl, but she cant control peeing on the carpet.I have used pet spot remover, and she will find a different spots,Its not because of her not getting outside.she's walked am and when the kids get home from school.Wife says fix it or the dog goes. Any other beagle owners with this problem..I need some Help!

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I hope you don't mind a little blubbering in this answer, and I appologize in advance because you're not going to like my answer, but here goes...

I've been a Beagle owner for 5 years now, we had our own little brace.

Molly was my hunter, great little upland bird dog unless a rabbit ran by. She once found a wounded grouse for us 3 hours after it had been shot by a guy in our party who was hunting in a different area. She was also the worst house dog I have ever had, she always had accidents in the house since day one, even in her kennel. Last January at almost 4 yrs old she started to lose her appetite and some weight, not your typical Beagle behavior as you know, they love to eat. She also became sluggish.

We took her to the vet and found out that she only had about 25% kidney function. After it was all said and done the vet believed that she was probably born with only one functioning kidney and it was diseased at birth. We put her down in February.

Take her in and get her tested. She never showed any other signs of kidney failure until it was too late. Kidney disease in Beagles in not uncommon and if you catch it early enough it can be managed with medicine and diet.

I wish you the best.

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is she spayed, it could be a estrogen difeciancy<<check spelling...my 1y/o lab has a incontinence problem, she has to take estrogen, after that NO problems at all. it developed about 6 months after she was spayed.

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Is she having the accidents in the same place everytime? Beagles have excellent noses as I'm sure you know and it would be near impossible to get rid of that scent, and if she can smell it she'll have the urge to go. If you aren't already doing it, kennel training is really effective. Also, if you can catch her in the act you need to "let her know" that it won't be tolerated.

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My lab had the same problem as kodiaks incontinence after the estrogen pills she has had no problems. I guess it is pretty common in dogs where they remove the ovaries when they are fixed

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