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first aid kit


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1.) Superglue - works as a good patch system if your dog gets a good gash. I also carry a staple gun to keep a wound closed until I can get them stiched up.

2.) Iodine - to clean out wounds, or gashes

3.) Gauze - to wrap a cut

4.) Tape

5.) Bendaryl - You never know when your dog will get a reaction to something in the field.

6.) Pliers - Porcupine quills are a bear to get out.

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My breeded said to have a jug of isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol in the case that the dog over heats. Pouring it over the neck (and body) will evaporate much quicker than water, helping cool the dog quicker. I have a whole list of things, I will try to grab it from home.

oh yea....and EMT gel was another good one.

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If you type "ready dog products" into a search engine, it will come with the site with the 1st aid kit that was being sold at Game Fair. We bought 2 of the kits. The trauma aid kit is very extensive and even has a pull out kit to take to the field with you.

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