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Proud papa


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I've got to post and say thanks to all who post tips and give there trials and errors with their pups to others like me who have less experience. I've posted a few times with some questions and got good feedback and read many others who needed the same advice as I.

To my point - I brought my 7 1/2 mo yellow lab out to a game farm this weekend for her first run at birds in cover and I bought 6 chucker and hen pheasant. She's been to bird and gun intro and did great there as I mentioned in some earlier posts on "going to a pro trainer". So, I had a friend go with me and plant birds one by one in a field as I took my pup out and worked her toward them each time. Each and every time she'd follow my lead and get that nose up and get a whiff and track that bird down. I'm even happier to say that, unbeknownst to me, I have a pointing lab of sorts, she locks on the bird with a stiff straight tail until I say "Get it up Lex..." at which point she flushes the bird. We thought we lost the last - she locked on a hen twice but it ran and we lost it so I gave her a break because she was exhausted. Well, after a drink and a 10 minute rest she got up and headed into the field by herself (Love that drive!). My buddy and I thought, "Well...we better follow her", and away we went as she went right downwind of where she lost the last scent and picked it up again and tracked that dang bird down and locked and flushed it perfectly. We shot 5 for 6 and she retrieved them all to my hand and worked with a whistle blow for L, R, and away directions and come to the trill.

I know its early and this was a planted bird situation but I think I've got the beginning of a good dog. I'm hoping part of it is becasue of hard work and time spent (And yes a little money for bird and gun intro for those of you who were against it...) working on directions, obedience, scenting in the field with wings, dummy's, Wolter tricks, and other assorted stuff I've read and learned. Not to mention, great genes from Crow River and Mallard Creek kennels!

I know she's not doing this on late season, experienced Roosters, but I think she's off to a good start smile.gif


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The pup came from Dixieland's Divine Comedy "Hank" of Mallard Creek and Larkins Malarky from Crow Rivers "Mandy" and Woehlers "Dude". Training all done by by me - except for intro to bird & gun by Brian at West Country Kennels.


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