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Pup Names?


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I would start and do an online search for puppy/dog names. There are many sites that help give direction and ideas. Naming your new pup should have some personal significance and/or originality. Also, be sure to keep the name simple, such as Grace, Emma, Rosie, Abby, Ellyn, Ruby, Jessie, etc. Write down the "liked" names on a sheet of paper. After compiling the list, sit down (alone or with family members) and narrow it to a single favorite choice.

Have fun finding the right name and enjoy your new pup.

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I just finished reading Richard Wolters book. He stated to make sure that the name doesn't sound similar to a command. His example was Beau sounded a lot like Whoa.

After picking out the name, go to the screen door and yell it as loud as possible. If it isn't a name that can be screamed choose a different one. grin.gif

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I like to name them after my favorite things in life. Currently I have Gunz (I like both uses of the term) and Ammo. Years ago I had a yellow named Suds because I like beer. Perhaps a night with some heavy drinking will give you some insight? Good luck with your new pup!

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I'm partial to one syllable names, saves breath over the lifetime of the dog. Also, all three of our dogs obviously have names but it seems that over time they get nicknames, our y lab, Brit, is generally called [PoorWordUsage]sie (okay, please don't tell anyone she's called [PoorWordUsage]sie) and answers to both names. Our Golden Jenny is called VV. Jake our other lab is Snake. They've never comlained. Have fun picking the name, I've found it's also hard with kids in on the decision process, I just pick the names and tell them, it avoids conflicts.

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I agree about not having the kids involved. If I had let my son in on the naming of our pup, I would be stuck with a dog named Nemo. How fun would that be yelling Nemo, Nemo, Nemo? I can hear the jokes about Finding Nemo.

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