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Lab in heat...


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My female is in heat (her first cycle) confused.gif. For the last week I have been fending off local stray male dogs. In fact, the other night a male tried to dig into her kennel!! The grass was dug out all the way around the kennel. Last night I woke up to two males fighting. I finally just put her in her porta kennel (inside the garage).

A lab is in heat for 21 days. How long can I expect these frequent visitors? It's like a war zone out there!

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It will keep up till she ovulates and then a few more days beyond that. My gals usually are ready to be bred sometime between the 11th and 16th day, 48 hours of ovualtion plus another 48-72 hours beyond that, that puts you between 16 and 21 days... If the males are going that nuts she is probably ready to go right now... Keep a good eye on her and it should be over in 4-5 days.

Good Luck!


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Thanks L4M!

Wow, I did not realize what a pain this was going to be.

My plan is to get her bred in a few years, take a pup and then get her fixed... But I am not sure if that will be worth the hassle.

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I get all my girls spayed but I believe, in general, they come into heat around 9 months and then about every 6 thereafter. My guess is she missed the 9 monther so 15 would be the first?

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I'll echo the "be careful" recommendation. My uncle had a brittany in heat in an outside kennel. A stray black lab scaled the 7 foot fence (no roof) and took care of business which resulted in a litter of some goofy lookin muts.

Boys will be boys grin.gif

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