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Need help with puppys gross behavior


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Our 4 month old pup has been having really bad breath lately and today my daughter discovered why. He eats his own [PoorWordUsage]. We have had many dogs but never had this probelm before any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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There was a topic on this recently..... not sure, but I think it was titled "My dog is gross" or something to that effect. Sorry I can't be more help. My pup is going to be 5 months old next week and I haven't had that problem. She thinks just about everything else is edible, boy if I had a nickle for every one of my kids toys I've taken away from her I'd probably have enough money to pay all her vet bills. wink.gifgrin.gif

We've trained her to do her business in a specific area in the yard, and I, or whichever of my sons that happens to be in sight, wink.gif cleans up after her every day or so. I've got more of a problem with her eating the little clumps of wet grass the mower leaves behind. confused.gif

I'm sure it won't last long...you may just want to clean up after the pup each time.

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I started the prior thread. I believe it was titles "Help My Dog Is Gross". Well, she stopped munching on lawn sausages a few months back. With her, I think it was because she was teething & they were frozen. Sounds nasty doesn't it! It made me gag to see her out there doing that. My guess is that your dog will grow out of it. I tried products like Deter, etc. They didn't work for me. I'd ask the vet. The term is coprophagia. a.k.a. eating [PoorWordUsage].

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M.S.G. they sell it at Cub foods and the like. It's also called ACCENT. Why this works I don't know, but I sprinkle it on all 3 of my dogs food and after a day the one that eats poo stops. He'll walk up to it smell it and turn around and walk away. My vet told me to do this and it's save for the dog, give it try..

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Riley, my now 4 1/2 year old yellow, dined on her dung constantly for about her first year or so. I tried everything....sour apple, tabasco, red pepper, etc, right on the piles, and she did not care. I'm embarrassed to say, I even sat and watched out the window, and nicked her with the e-collar when she would pick it up. I have no goos explanation for you, but I think it was just a puppy thing for my lab as she has since simply grown out of it. Good luck Saddie.

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I think its possible there is some undigested food that goes through them and thats what they smell


We have a winner!

Thats exactly what the best in the business theorize coprophragia to be. I cured my dogs of it (and many others have also) by switching to a high quality, easily digested diet.

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