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yellow labs ears


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i have a yellow lab about 2 years old. he has an ear that seems to have fliud in it ALL the time, you can hear the fluid in his ear when you move the base of his ear. is there a way i can take care of this or any sugestion on what to do hes always shaking his head. thanks scott

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I have had the same problem with some of my dogs in the past. I took them to the vet and said it was in ear infection. They gave me some antibiotic and some ear drops. They cleared up in about a week after starting that.

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My yellow had ear problems at that age too. Got tired of paying the vet so I got serious about preventive maintenance. Used a product called Oti-Cleans (sp?) routinely but especially after water work in the summer. My trips to the vet really decreased once I started using the stuff. I would recommend the product or something similar especially if you're dogs in the water alot.

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I would agree with proactive measures of cleaning with a solution. My 7 month old YL had an infection at just under 4 months and we got the same antibiotics and it cleaned up. Now I clean ears once a week by putting in solution and swabbing out. Certainly now that we're hitting the water every other day...

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I had the same problem with my Yellow a few years ago. Took her to the vet and he diagnosed a yeast infection in her ear. Prescribed some drops and instructed me to clean the ear daily with either an otc cleaner or a mild dish soap and water solution. The problem didn't go away for weeks. I took her back to the vet and he decided that he had misdiagnosed the yeast infection. It was a bacterial infection. Once I got the correct medication, the infection cleared up in a couple of days. My recommendation would be to get your dog to the vet and get some meds. I hated to see mine suffer like that.

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Just went to the Vet with my Chocolate & she had a yeast infection in her ears. The Vet told me this is common in the summer because of the bacteria in Lake Water & to start cleaning the dogs ears every time she does her water work. The Oti-Clear wash solutions I was told helps the dogs ears dry-out better after cleaning.



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My labs in nasty slough water every day. I got some stuff from my vet. I use it every 10 days to 2 weeks. It's called Epi-otic. I fill the ear canal with the stuff, massage in well, wipe out with cotton balls till ears are clean. Works great. No ear problems at all anymore.

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Weekly or bi-weekly cleaning absolutely works. After three or four expensive vet bills, we finally learned that, and have not had a problem since. We just use over-the-counter product from pet supply store and cotton balls.

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