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Question - Ag Zone


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I saw something this weekend in my area that I am a tad confused on.

I know, understand, and agree with the concept of no ATV travel in road ditches for the sake of nesting birds until August 1.

Well, someone took a hay cutter to several miles of county road ditch, cutting the inside slope, and the ditch bottoms in areas that were not too steep.

Does not this violate any rules regarding the protection of nesting birds?

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The ditch riding law only applies to the "agricultural zone" which is defined as south of the line roughly from Moorhead to Taylors Falls along Highway 10 and Highway 95.

No matter where the ditch is, it is state property and it isn't legal to mow or maintain as if it were ones own property. As far as cutting hay there may be some type of permit available through the state but I can't say for sure.

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this is one of my biggest pet peeves. why does anyone need to mow the ditches? with the lack of nesting habitat we already suffer from here in MN they feel a need to go and take what little remaining cover there is. take a look at ditches in iowa and both the dakotas and you will rarely ever see on mowed in nesting season (although i have been seeing an increase in cutting hay in ditches in some parts of n dak). something needs to be done about this issue!

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No matter where the ditch is, it is state property and it isn't legal to mow or maintain as if it were ones own property. As far as cutting hay there may be some type of permit available through the state but I can't say for sure.

Actually, I am required to mow the ditch roadside on my property. It is regulated by the township and I can be charged if it isn't maintained.


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The road in question was a county road.

We cannot ride an ATV in a county or state ditch line in the ag zone until August 1. A big reason for this is bird nesting, which I agree with.

I found it odd that a mid size tractor cutting the ditches flat with a haybine followed a few days latter by a round baler without someone crying foul to be a little strange.

It just seemed odd to me. I should call my local CO and get his thoughts on this.

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jev is completely right. ditches along state highways or interstates fall under the state. ditches along county roads fall under that county. township roads fall under that township which almost always have a deal with the county for management of those roads and ditches, with mowing most often being the responsibilty of the person whose land abuts the ditch.

the reason given by government (townships, counties, and state) for mowing ditches is to reduce the risk to drivers from deer etc entering the roadways. in other words to provide more sight of possible hazards.

i feel this is a big problem in this state and needs more people to speak out against mowing these ditches. the simple thing of leaving these ditches unmowed during nesting season will do alot to mitigate the lack of other nesting cover. all one has to do is take a drive through the cpountry side to realize these ditches are about the only cover ground nesting birds have left in this state!

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Jev, I stand corrected. I automatically just assumed we were talking about state highways. I know county roads and township roads are different and have different rules in each county and township.

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