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what kind of dog to buy?


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Hello, im having a problem here trying to find a good hunting dog. I would love to get a lab, but we have a small 2 bedroom house and we already have 50 pound dog in the house. the problem is labs get so big, whats the smallest hunting dog I can find? Is there any hunting dogs that go 30-40 pounds? It would be mainly for pheasant hunting. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks

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check out brittanys. They are a pointing dog with strong noses and good temperments. the britts I breed are about 20" tall & 35 to 45 lb. I have a litter due anytime if you are interested in more info let me know I'll get you my contact info.

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Another option to a small but great hunting dog would be a field bred english cocker. They are flushing dogs and have all the heart and drive that the big dogs do. They are good house and family dogs too great with kids. If you're interested I can pass on more info to you.

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If you are interested in Labs take a look at the British Labs. About 3" smaller in height, and top out at around 50-60 lbs. depending on male or female. Great disposition and easy to train.

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I am also looking to buy a dog in the next month or 2. It wouldn't necessarily be a hunting dog but more of a family dog. I love labs but I don't want anything over 50-60 lbs. The post about the British labs really grabbed my attention, but after looking on the internet at pricing, I can't see spending $1000 on a family dog. Any advice on where I could find a lab something mix or a british lab that isn't too much $$$$$? Like I said I really do like labs, but I don't want it to be over 50-60 lbs. Thanks in advance to anyone who responds.

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English Springer Spaniel. Great pheasant dog and wonderfull pets. Have had them for over 20 years, they will out last many of the larger dogs in the field.

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I paid $750 for my British Lab at KT Kennels in Elbow Lake, MN. Kim and Tim are both good to deal with. They have a HSOforum with all the info if you are interested. I thought the same thing on the price when I bought mine about a year ago, but I believe it was the best money I could have spent on a dog. I love the size (maxed out at 62lbs.), great disposition, training is progressing well and my family loves the dog. Not everyone feels that is worth spending on a dog, you have to make that choice on your own. I would do it again tomorrow. Good luck in your choice.

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Sorry, just trying to answer his post, you can do a google search and find the information easy enough. That is why I did not put in my original reply.

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