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thumb extensions


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has anyone put on a thumb extension on there wheeler? do you like or dislike, pros and cons.which one is better? also has anyone convert ther thumb throttle to a twist throttle on there wheelers? pros/cons and likes and dislikes. thanks now go getting mudding but ride by the law!

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When your thumb is froze, then you'd like a thumb extension wink.gif Unless you're racing, I haven't seen too many covert to a twist throttle. It seems you can mantain a more constnt speed with the thumb throttle in rough terrain with all the weight of the machine shifting your balance.

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I own a 660 grizzly, I put a 2 1/2" piece of 5/8 garden hose on mine I love it. depending on your bike you should be able to find a similar solution for nominal cost if you dislike in the trash it goes no harm no foul.

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Twist throttles and ATV's dont mix at all.. I highly recommend not going there.

We altered one atv in the past (suzuki 500 quad) and it was a death machine in any type of terrain... you would grab the bars to try to get a *grip* and what would happen half the time was the throttle would get *gunned*.

Even any time when turning the twist throttle was moody... motorcycles you dont have this problem because you dont turn the bars nearly as much, and the bars have a completely different layout(for lack of better term).

It can be fun to gun the throttle on occasion, but its best that we intend to gun the throttle when it happens, not accidently climbing a creek bank or a knoll(examples)and ending up flat on our backs with a machine on top of us ooo.gif.

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