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Are color graphs all they are cracked up to be?


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I have been pacing the electronics section @ Reed's w/ my gift certificate in hand. I have been comparing the Lowrance x-15 and the x-102c. They are comparable in price. The power and pixel count is about the same as well I believe. The 102c is color and the x-15 the standard black and white. I mainly bass fish w/ a couple of weeks of walleye fishing in the spring and fall. Any thoughts on what you folks favor? Thanks for the tips.

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ssaamm- I think its a preferance thing. I have the Lowrance LMS480. Its a black and white unit. Its pretty nice, I like it. I have a friend that has the large Color unit.. Hiw was quite a bit more, but its very nice!...The color unit might be a little easier to read, but not by much!

If I were you I would talk to Kevin at Reeds, a good friend of mine. I know no person that knows more about eletronics than anybody I know.. He would be best an answering questions.

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hey sam, I had one of the first color graphs which were then made by sitex. I really liked it, the contrast was great even in bright sun. backlit at night it was very visible too.

to me, learning to recognize where the signal is weakening or the gray line is narrowing was the key because this is what you see when the bottom composition is changing. I think the color helped me recognize this. I've caught a lot of fish on these transitions once I learned to recognize them.

on the other hand the color doesn't really show anything that any quality black and white unit with a good gray line feature would show. It's just different colors instead of different shades of white-grey-black. Of course this is after I learned on the color unit.

Haven't looked at Sitex lately, they have always been innovators

I won't pay extra money for color now but would buy it for a similar price which we may see in another couple years.

good fishin

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The power is not the same on the Lowrance color units as on the Lowrance black and white units. 4000 watts black and white X135 or LMS 480 and 2400 watts on the color X102 or LMS 332. I went with the LMS 480. Anybody know why the power difference?

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