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Lowrance Minnesota MMC chip.. Now there is a full list of lakes..



15 answers to this question

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Thanks for the update. Not a bad list, although as a X15 owner, I really would like to see the Navionics Premium package of lakes available for the X15. That package has most of the lakes in the Hutchinson area, while the Lowrance chip only has one from what I can see.

I would also like to see a sample of these lake maps. Curious as to the level of detail in the non-HD maps.

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Is this on the Lowrance HSOforum? I found a list on there but it is not a PDF file so I am not sure if I am looking at the right thing. Also does this MMC chip confused.gif contain detailed bottom contures? If you can't tell I aint to up on these GPS units. I would like to buy one with detailed lake maps but don't have a clue what to get. I have kind of looked at the ifinder h2o but have not done much reasearch yet.



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Here's a list of the HD lakes..

Detailed Description

Lowrance created a plug & play chip with 268 Minnesota lakes of which fifty eight are high definition LAKEMASTER/PROMAP lakes, roads, fast redraw, zoom levels to .03 miles and many more details. This chip works in ANY LOWRANCE mapping unit that takes an MMC chart.

Minnesota Lakes Surveyed to (1-3) ft Contours included on the NEW LOWRANCE/LAKEMASTER chart.

Incredible Detail!

Alexander (Morrison Co.)

Arrowhead (Crow Wing Co.)

Bald Eagle (Ramsey Co.)

Bertha (Crow Wing Co.)

Big Cutfoot Sioux (Cass Co.)

Big Marine (Washington Co.)

Big Trout (Crow Wing Co.)

Big Watab (Stearns Co.)

Carlos (Douglas Co.)

Cedar (Wright Co.)

Clamshell (Crow Wing Co.)

Clearwater (Stearns Co.)

Cross (Crow Wing Co.)

Daggett (Crow Wing Co.)

Darling (Douglas Co.)

Edward (Crow Wing Co.)

Fish Trap (Morrison Co.)

Forest Lake (Washington Co.)

Geneva Lake (Douglas Co.)

Girl Lake (Cass Co.)

Green Lake (Kandiyohi Co.)

Gull Lake Chain (Cass Co.)

(Margaret, Nisswa, Ray, Roy, Upper Gull)

Hubert Lake (Crow Wing Co.)

Ida Lake(Douglas Co.)

Island (Crow Wing Co.)

Le Homme Dieu (Douglas Co.)

Leech (Cass Co.)

Little Pine (Crow Wing Co.)

Loon (Crow Wing Co.)

Lower Hay (Crow Wing Co.)

Lower Whitefish (Crow Wing Co.)

Mille Lacs (Aitkin Co.)

Miltona (Douglas Co.)

Minnetonka (Hennepin Co.)

Mississippi Pools 4 & 8

North Long (Crow Wing Co.)

North Round Crow Wing Co.)

Osakis (Douglas & Todd Co.)

Otter Tail Lake (Otter Tail Co.)

Pelican (Crow Wing Co.)

Pelican (St. Louis Co.)

Pig (Crow Wing Co.)

Rush-Hen (Crow Wing Co.)

Shamineau (Morrison Co.)

Sugar (Wright Co.)

St. Croix River (Washington Co.)

Upper Whitefish (Crow Wing Co.)

Vermilion (St. Louis Co.)

Waconia (Carver Co.)

White Bear (Ramsey Co.)

Whitefish Chain of Lakes, (Crow Wing Co.)

Winnibigoshish (Cass Co.)

Woman Lake (Cass County)

And a list from the pdf file..

Lake Name, County (High-Definition Lakes are in RED)

Ada, Cass Crow Wing 4 , Hubbard Little Grand , St. Louis

Reno, Pope

Agnes, St. Louis Cutfoot Sioux, Cass Little Mantrap, Hubbard

Rice, Stearns

Alexander, Morrison Daggett, Crow Wing Little Pine, Crow Wing

Ringo, Kandiyohi

Andrew, Kandiyohi Darling, Douglas Little Rock, Benton

Ripley, Meeker

Arrowhead, Crow Wing Dead, Hubbard Little Wabana, Itasca

Roosevelt, Cass

Baby, Cass Dead, Otter Tail Little Webb, Cass

Round, Crow Wing

Bald Eagle, Ramsey Dean, Wright Lizzard, Cass

Rush, Chisago

Bass, Itasca Deer, Itasca Lizzie, Ottertail

Rush-Hen, Crow Wing

Basswood, Lake Deer, Itasca Lobster, Douglas

Rush, Ottertail

Battle, Itasca DeMontreville, Washington Long, Hubbard

Sallie, Becker

Bay, Crow Wing Detroit, Becker Long, Kandiyohi

Sand, Itasca

Bear Island , St. Louis Diamond, Kandiyohi Loon, Crow Wing

Sauk, Todd

Belle Taine , Hubbard Duck (Round), Hubbard Lower Bottle, Hubbard

Serpent, Crow Wing

Bemidji, Beltrami Eagle, Hubbard Lower Hay, Crow Wing

Shamineau, Morrison

Benton, Lincoln Eagle, Kandiyohi Lower Mission, Crow Wing

Shields, Rice

Bertha, Crow Wing East Battle, Otter Tail Lower Prior, Scott

Side, St. Louis

Big Boy, Cass East Leaf , Otter Tail Lower Spunk , Stearns

Snowbank, Lake

Big Cormorant, Becker Edward, Crow Wing Lower Twin, Wadena

South Center , Chisago

Big Fish, Stearns Elizabeth, Kandiyohi Lower Whitefish, Crow Wing

South Farm, Lake

Big Marine, Washington Elkhorn, Kandiyohi Madison, Blue Earth

South Lindstrom, Chisago

Big Oak, Pine Farm Island, Aitkin Mann, Cass

South Long, Crow Wing

Big Pine, Ottertail Farm, Lake Mantrap, Hubbard

Spider, Itasca

Big Portage, Cass Fish Trap, Morrison Maple, Douglas

Spring, Scott

Big Rice, Cass Fishhook, Hubbard Maple, Wright

Stalker, Otter Tail

Big Sand, Hubbard Florida, Kandiyohi Marion, Ottertail

Star, Otter Tail

Big Sandy, Aitkin Foot, Kandiyohi

Mary, Douglas

Stella, Meeker

Big Spunk, Stearns Forest, Washington

Medicine, Hennepin

Sturgeon, Pine

Big Stone, Big Stone

French, Rice Melissa, Becker

Sugar, Aitkin

Big Swan, Meeker

Games, Kandiyohi Middle Leaf, Otter Tail

Sugar, Wright

Big Thunder, Cass

Garden, Lake Mill, Douglas

Sullivan, Morrison

Big Toad, Becker

Geneva, Douglas

Girl, Cass

Mille Lacs , Aitkin

Swan, Itasca

Big Trout, Crow Wing

George, Anoka Miltona, Douglas

Tamarack, Pine

Big Watab, Stearns

George, Kandiyohi Minnetonka, Hennepin

Ten Mile, Cass

Big, St. Louis

Grand, St. Louis

Minnewashka, Pope

Tetonka, Le Sueur

Big, Todd

Green, Chisago

Minnewawa, Aitkin

Tom, Cook

Birch, Cass

Green, Kandiyohi

Minnie Belle, Meeker

Traverse, Traverse


Grindstone, Pine

Mitchell, Hennepin

Trout, Itasca

Blackduck, Beltrami

Gull, Cass

Moose, Itasca

Turtle, Itasca

Blue, Hubbard

Harriet, Hennepin

Nest, Kandiyohi

Turtle, Ramsey

Blue, Isanti

Height of Land , Becker

North Center , Chisago Upper Bottle , Hubbard

Blueberry, Wadena

Henderson, Kandiyohi

North Long, Crow Wing

Upper Mission, Crow Wing

Boot, Aitkin

Horseshoe, Cass

North Star , Itasca

Upper Prior, Scott

Boulder(Bull), Hubbard

Howard, Wright

Norway, Kandiyohi

Upper Red, Beltrami

Bow String, Itasca

Hubert, Crow Wing

Olson, Washington Upper South Long, Crow Wing

Buffalo, Wright

Ida, Douglas

Osakis, Todd Upper Twin, Wadena

Burntside, St. Louis

Independence, Hennepin

Otter Tail, Ottertail Upper Whitefish, Crow Wing

Calhoun, Hennepin

Irene, Douglas

Owasso, Ramsey Vermilion, St. Louis

Carlos, Douglas

Island Resevoir, St. Louis

Pelican, Crow Wing Wabana, Itasca

Cass, Beltrami

Island, Crow Wing

Pelican, Grant Wabedo, Cass

Cedar, Aitkin

Island, Hubbard

Pelican, Ottertail Waconia, Carver

Cedar, Rice

Island, Itasca

Pelican, St. Louis Washburn, Cass

Cedar, Wright

Jane, Washington

Pickeral, Itasca Washington, LeSueur

Centerville, Anoka

Jessie, Itasca

Pike Bay, Beltrami Washington, Meeker

Chisago, Chisago

Johnson, Otter Tail

Pine Mountain, Cass Webb, Cass

Clam Shell, Crow Wing

Kabetogama, St. Louis

Pine, St. Louis West Battle, Otter Tail

Clearwater, Stearns

Kandiyohi, Kandiyohi

Plantaganett, Hubbard West Leaf, Otter Tail

Cokato, Wright

Knife, Kanabec

Platte, Morrison White Bear, Ramsey

Coon, Anoka

Koronis, Stearns

Pleasant, Cass White Earth, Becker

Cotton, Becker

Lac qui Parle, Chippewa

Pleasant, Ramsey White Iron, St. Louis

Crooked, Cass

Le Homme Dieu, Douglas

Pleasant, Wright Willmar, Kandiyohi

Cross, Crow Wing

Leech, Cass

Pokegama, Itasca Winnibigoshish, Cass

Crow Wing 1, Hubbard

Lida, Ottertail

Pokegama, Pine Woman, Cass

Crow Wing 2, Hubbard

Linwood, Anoka

Potato, Hubbard

Crow Wing 3, Hubbard

Little Boy, Cass

Pulaski, Wright

Minnesota Region MMC Lake List

Lowrance / LakeMaster ProMap Series

Upper Gull, Cass

Margaret, Cass

Ray, Cass

Roy, Cass

Nisswa, Cass

St. Croix, Washington

Mississppi Pool #4

Mississppi Pool #8

Fourtown, Lake

Okabena, Nobles

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Thanks Kylersk,

So if I read this corectly the top list of HD lakes are the ones with the finest detail and the bottom list is of lesser quality but still on the same chip? Are all of these lakes on a chip that you just stick in the GPS or do they need to be in downloaded into your comuter and then your GPS hooked up to the confuser? Sorry for all the dumb questions.

There desn't seem to be many lakes listed south of the cities.

Thanks again


Oh ya and what does MMC mean??? Thanks

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I have last years MMC card in my Lowrance LMS480.. For lakes like Big Marine, Mille Lacs, Forest Lake and Minnetonka.. they are flawless.. SPOT ON!... Perfect!... I used mine to win enough money to pay for quite a few of those cards in tounaments last year alone!

The other lakes that are on there, that are not the 1-3 foot contour need a little work yet..its still better than nothing.. but they are not the most accurate.. a few times it had me driving my boat on land if you know what I mean!

In my opinion.. WELL WORTH THE MONEY!

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Deitz, I have the same setup, I think, is the Nav chip different than the lowarance chip? I was looking at trading my Nav. chip (which is great) for the new chip but I pretty much only fish MN. I guess the Q is, do you know if the new Nav. chip has more and better maps? HTB

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htb, unless something has changed, the zoom feature on the Lakemaster/Lowrance chip is much better than the Navionics chip. You can zoom down to .02 to .03 of a mile (105-158 feet)with the Lakemaster chip and zoom down to 1/11th to 1/8th of a mile (480-660 feet) with the Navionics chip. As you fish primarily MN lakes, I doubt that there are many if any new MN lakes on the Navionics chip. Keep the old Navionics chip, get the new Lowrance/Lakemaster chip and you have probably the best combo for the same cash outlay.


Dr. Roland E. Kehr,Jr.

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If you have a Navionics Region 10 HotMaps Premium, Navionics will credit you $99.50 towards the New HotMaps Premium-N. The new card has over 3,000 lakes and sells for $199.00. Go to the Navioncs site to get the detailed information on the lakes covered, and the detail levels. The old card was 64MB the new card is 256MB. Oh, Navionics will take competitor's cards on trade ins, I think the credit is less. But if you can sell your old card to a friend for a good price, I'd go that route.

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Thanks for the info. guys. I also found a little info from Nav. HSOforum. From what I could tell the Low. chip dosn't have Rainy or Kabatogama but it does have a better zoom in feature. The Nav. chip has over 800 lakes in MN alone plus the few from Wis. that I will fish on rare occations. Too much info. now I'm confused. HTB

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
    • We have bought a new boat, which we will be picking up this spring. It is an Alumacraft Competitor 165 sport with a 90 horse Yamaha motor. I will be buying and installing a trolling motor,  wondering if I can get some recommendations on what pound thrust I will want for this boat?  Also, I will be selling my old boat, is there a good way to determine the value on an older boat ( mid-80's with a 75 horse 2-stroke  Mariner motor)  I will appreciate any help with these questions.
    • Sketti...  not out of a jar either!
    • Lol yeah I watched that
    • I went ahead and watched some of the MLF coverage.  Wheeler didn’t make the cut but the bigger story was the Poche/Avera fallout.   Kinda funny listening to both sides of the story and putting together the scenario, reading between the lines.
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