Well I was able to order a marcum 560 and it arrived yesterday. I noticed last night that the camera was having trouble going all the way back and forth, well it did today when I was fishing,, it only rotated about 1/8-1/4 of the way around at most and the lights didnt come on one time. I am pretty frustrated having just shelled out over $600 and having it not work right out of the box. has anybody else had troubles like this?
Ryan Berger
Well I was able to order a marcum 560 and it arrived yesterday. I noticed last night that the camera was having trouble going all the way back and forth, well it did today when I was fishing,, it only rotated about 1/8-1/4 of the way around at most and the lights didnt come on one time. I am pretty frustrated having just shelled out over $600 and having it not work right out of the box. has anybody else had troubles like this?
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