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What did you buy your dog for Christmas

Mr. B

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Ok guys I am willing to bet you are like me and bought something for your dog for Christmas. What was it? I am not sure what my wife bought Maggie but I scheduled a trip to the game farm for Maggie on the 27th. 20 birds for two guys and one dog, should be a great time as long as the weather improves.

Hope every one has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

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Unfortunately, Chief won't be getting anything because that money will go to replace the coat he chewed up in the garage last night. Had brought him in to keep him warm and draped one of my winter coats over the crate for insulation. Well, the sneaky little pup got hold of it and tore off most of the collar and pulled out a good chunk of the insulation on the upper part of the coat too. Guess I'm going to have to duct tape all those holes shut tonight before I put the insulation on top...


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grin.gif Let's see. I have already taken Sam to the Game farm. He has a tennis ball launcher. He has about 6 squeaky balls. He has taken over my sleeping bag that I had in the living room I had out after Deer hunting. I just opted to get him a new ball that lights up,that will fit on the tennis ball luancher, a new delicious looking bone and pig ears. Even though he always has pigs ears on hand, he still thinks they are great!


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We got some of the standards for the dogs. Rawhides, various treats, and the old standby toys/dump.

But, last night I got a little holiday spirit, and I allowed Cota to have a special treat she hasn't had in quite a while. A good old fashioned night on the bed.

She is 10 years old, and quite honestly is a really plump yellow lab. Her size has pretty much cut out her ability to jump up on our bed. (Its a really high bed)

Shea(the chocolate lab) is a regular on the bed, but she is a 3 year old jumping bean of a dog.

So anyway, Cota had a great night last night, and pretty much didn't move a muscle all night. Sadly, when she doesn't move a muscle, she doesn't give up much room... grin.gif

Merry Xmas Shea and Cota!

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