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I'm waiting.....

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You don't really mean a goose egg do ya? I mean, C'mon, me and Duey bagged one wiley old long tail off a heavily hunted WMA on Sunday. Say it isn't so. I wanted to hear stories of multiple flushes, confusion on which rooster to shoot, that sort of thing. Just what exactly led to your birdless outing.

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Where did you guys go in SD?

I will stay away from there, heh, heh, all kidding aside, I am planning on going towards the Aberdeen area next year as long as my other dog doesn't get hurt again blush.gif

When does their deer season run?


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Sorry to hear that, I thought you guys were maybe setting us up till you could get the pictures posted or something. Stinks when you anticipate a great outing and then the weather or something else out of your control screws it up. Do you have another five days left or are you guys done for the season out there?

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Hey Dano, Hows it going, good to see ya sold your boat. Sorry about not getting back to ya on that, ended up with the other one, and then school got real busy. Why don't u hunt in N. Dakota? I've been hunting since opener and especially in the past month and havent gone a day without jumping or seeing a rooster. Theres some great land within an hour or two from moorhead. Lately a bad day has been jumping 5-6 roosters along with 15-20 hens. I don't have a dog being in college, so I go with some guys and drive until i see one go down, or walk the frozen marshes. I bet we walk by just as many as we jump. My friend went down last weekend near henkensen and got 18 between him and his dad for 3 days.

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Hey ya fishlakeman, thats no problem(about the boat) I wasn't in any hurry to get rid of it. The fishing seemd to start picking up though again, right before I sold it, but I coouldn't resist cash. Why not hunt ND? well, I guess I should have stayed away from that other forum, kind of made me abit... well I wont get into that. I could also hunt with some guys I know that farm around the Lisbon area, but no hunting at all is worth it to me when you have to hear NR this NR that all day. anyway, have you been hunting the appleton area at all this year?

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The rest of the crew bailed on me and hunter2 for the Sunday hunt in a different area of the state. When in doubt, follow the IBOT's. We got 4 birds and lost another 2. Several whiffed shots. Could have used the pack of hounds we had the day before in the big areas. No plans to return to the Salem area any time soon to hunt public land. Very few hens even.

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Yea, I only went on opener to Appleton, the birds are down from last year, but still managed to get 7 between 5 guys with some easy misses. Lots of corn was still up too so that hurt. My cousin has been almost every weekend to Appleton and has had good success. Good hunting, but not as good as last year.

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