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TV in the shack


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I have 13in. color tv with a built in vcr- ac/dc. I've used it for quite a few years. Works great. I have a regular tv antenna from radio shack, about $28. I run a pole through my roof so I can lower the antenna to travel. When in use I can turn the antenna pole from inside the house to tune in the channels. My buddy has a dish just like at his home, but he has never gotten it to work in his ice house yet. So far my set up has worked great.

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i have directv in the perm shack. when i moved to the new home i accidently grabbed it..(for the rv and the fish house) our realtor was less than pleased i might add....she was freaking out because i took it with, but i needed it for my toys....whats a guy to do. the new owners of the old house never said a thing....me-1 realtor-0

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