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Speak to your kids for safeties sake

Ed Carlson

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A quick note for safeties sake. The local and regional rivers and urban ponds are crusting over with ice. With everyone home for the holiday kids like to roam the outdoors searching for “Something to Do”.

Please take a moment and chat with them on the dangers of this early ice. All to frequently we hear of tragedies due to this early testing of the ice. So lets all take the time to speak to these young voyagers on ice safety concerns.

Have a safe and happy holiday.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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I agree that the kids need to be talked too. The problem is when they see adults out on the ice on some lake and they think that all lakes will be safe. So those that are going out on 2 inches of ice are really setting bad examples for the kids.


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first of all..us going out on 2 inches is our risk..we take the proper precautions..whether it is ice picks or a life preserver..you cant blame the people who are fanatics for doing what they do..if you dont talk to your kids then they will never now..so it is the PARENTS responsibilty to tell there children and watch them..no fish is worth getting killed over but we have our limits..joe

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Great point Ed.

Actually had this conversation this afternon on the way to my Bro's for Thanksgiving dinner. My son saw that some of the ponds were getting ice. First thing he asked was when are we going out?

I explained to him that the ice is too thin for even him to go, and then we stopped and tossed a decent sized rock into a pond. It went right through.. he said, "I'll wait until Christmas time to go, OK?"..


I think sometimes we all need to take into consideration how safe we're being when we gout on early ice. I won't tell someone not to go when there's 2", but I won't personally do it.

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I didn't mean to upset anyone when I mentioned guys out on thin ice. It is just hard sometimes to explain to kids why there are adults on ice and I am telling them that they should not be going on the ice. I talk plenty to my kids about ice and water safety. I agree that everyone has their own choice and I am all for that. Good luck on the early ice.


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Yea good point Ed I always made it a point to go over the dangers of ice with my sons when they were young. I have always had a respect for it having lost 2 cousins many years ago who had been playing on a newly frozen pound outside there home younger one went through first and the older one tried saving him they pieced the scenario together by the articles of clothing found on top the ice and now days it is made more dangerous by the amount of holding ponds being built in new subdivisions with backyards abutting the shoreline

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Not too many worries with my girlfriend's kid. Unless I'm with him, he's nowhere near a body of water.

Last year, I purposely took him to Cenaiko Lake to check out the ice and ice fishing. We picked up garbage that was strewn all over the ice, and I took him to the "thin ice" area where they stock the trout for the winter months. He knows exactly what the thin ice signs look like.

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