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underwater cameras


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I may be fortunate enough to receive an Aqua-vu for

christmas, however, I could choose a different present if I wanted. My question is to those of you who own one of these units-has it made you a better fisherman and do you use it enough to warrant the cost? Or have you purchased it and it sits and collects dust? I really would like one, but feel there may be better ways to spend $300. I do already have a vexilar, so understanding what is down there is not so much the issue.

Thanks again for all of the input guys!

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How often do you fish? Does it make you a better fisherman, everyone has their opinions to that question but you still have to make them bite. It does help in terms of seeing fish’s reaction towards your action of jig. You can also sight fish in 30 feet of water so you can see them sucking on the minnow, so you will give them more time, or you will see the walleye suck it in and spit it right back out. Can you live without one yes, but would it be worth your money, I say it would. The downside is they take up space and weight and when portability is the game go light go fast. One more thing to bring out, one more thing to lose. I use it to find different bottom types, but that can be found based on the pings you get back on the vexilar. Species id helps a lot too, you can move your lures away from smaller sunnies or what you think may be walleye hanging tight could be a school of suckers or carp.

Best Fishes


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I use my Aqua Vu mor ein the summer but during the time I have used it through the ice it has helped me catch more fish. One time while on the Mille Lacs mud I was working a school of eyes, I looked over at the camera and noticed a walleye sitting with my set line shiner in his mouth, the bobber hadn't moved. I set the hook and caught a nice mille lacs walleye I'll bet I would have missed if it weren't for the Aqua Vu.

Jason Erlandson

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Do you ever wonder when fishing in the summer in your boat, when you come across a school of arches on your lcd what they are?

I was floored at how many times I thought I was fishing walleyes, only to find out they were suckers with the camera. wink.gif

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I bought one about three years ago and it's worth every penny!!! Just as simple as when your fishing on a slow day it helps to see the fish....then your not constantly second guessing yourself...you know the fish are there and what they are, now you just have to figure out how to get them to bite. It's fun watching a school of perch only to have them scatter when a northern comes around, or an eelpout actually tasting the camera it's self....stupid fish, or I've actually been watching a school of active perch when a cold front passed and they all slowly sank to the bottom, put their bellies right on the sand and didn't move for about an hour. Very eye opening on the effects of fronts. Dont get stuck on the aqua-vu though...that's what I have and love it...but shop around first. There's one out there now that interests me..I think marcum makes it? Could be wrong but the lens is in a sphere and you can rotate it 360 degrees by remote....alot easier finding your bait with that option then twisting the cable on mine. Aqua-vu also has some interesting new products as well. Enjoy it...you'll love it.

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