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I've taken many recipes and advice from this site, so I thought I'd share what I did today.

1 front shoulder roast from black bear

5 or 6 small yukon potatoes

1 package fresh baby mushrooms

fresh garlic ---to your taste

1/2 stick butter

beer --- I used Gluek Pilsner

Famous Daves Hamburger Seasoning

Black Pepper

Melt butter in large pan on medium heat. Chop a couple of cloves of garlic and throw into butter. Add the bear roast and quickly brown all sides of roast.

Layer the potatoes on the bottom of a crock-pot. After the bear is browned, lay it on top of the potatoes. Pour the remaining butter and garlic from the pan over the bear and potatoes. Chop up a couple more cloves of garlic (or more, I think I used 5) and throw those in. Sprinkle on the F. D. Hambuger Seasoning and pepper over the top. Add 1/2 can of beer and 1 can of water. Cover. Turn on low and cook all day.

It's great!

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