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Drilling holes in a pull-type fishhouse



Just curious, how do most guys dril holes when they park their fishouse. Do you set the house and then drill holes or do you mark the holes, pull the fishhouse ahead and drill them and then back the fishhouse over the holes and set it. I"m trying to figure out the "cleanest" way to do it as I am planning to buy or build a pull-type fishhouse. Thank you for any replies!


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8 answers to this question

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Depends on the type house. Experiment with your new one when you get it. I've read about guys pulling it forward and then backing up to the EXACT same spot but I'd have to see it to believe it. For me: drop it down, give it heck with the auger, and shovel out the excess slush that gets on the floor. No physics, math or any kind of dam science required. Heck, bring an extra 12er and you wouldn't even have to invest in an auger.

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I have a "drop tongue" on my house and it along with the axle drop allows me to bring the house half way down to about 10" off the ice and drill my holes..

Clean them out(toss shavings under house) and drop it the rest of the way and skim anything missed !!

I start my auger, let it idle lower my house half way and drill the holes.

Takes about (5) minutes total from start to drop !!

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He is something that my dad tought me. Take a 5 gal bucket cut a hole in the bottom, you may need to cut the whole bottom of depending on the size auger you have. When you cut the hole in it cut it about 1/2 inch larger than the auger you have, example if you have a 8" auger cut a 8 1/2" hole in it. When you drill the hole in your house place the bucket up side down place the auger throuh the hole. Drill your hole and most of the slop will be contaned by the bucket. Good luck I hope I wrote this so you can understand what I am getting at. Mac

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Another worry might be the exhaust from the auger from fully drilling the holes. Again, it depends on the house. If its really well vented or has big doors, you should be ok. I have a buddy with a 16' house that can mark the holes, pull forward, drill and clean up and back the house smack on the holes again and be well close enough for using the holes with no troubles.

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I built a box that has a hole and part of a 5 gal bucket on it. All the ice shavings are pulled up through the bucket into the box and are carried out the door. Don't get my carpet full of ice and water that way.

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I'm with Tahoe on this one. My house has the drop hitch but it doesn't even need to be dropped to drill the holes. Once the right spot is located I just pop the hole covers, start the auger (let it warm up) and drill the holes. Leave the holes covers off and the door open for a bit and this will clear the smoke from the auger.

Once that's done the scoop for banking the house is used to take the shavings from out under the house (they work great for banking the house when there is little snow). After you do this you need to back up the house about 6" and drop it down and you are ready to fish (takes about 5-10 minutes depending on the amount of ice). The reason for the slight backing up is that it compensates for the slight offset of dropping the house with the drop hitch, otherwise you may find part of your holes under your house.

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I dropp mine half way because at that point mine goes "striaghtdown" without the front shift..

Otherwise I must remember to drill to the front of the holes in order for them to center, ( I forget alot)so I drop it half way lol

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I just drill the holes from inside the house with the house in the raised position. Then I take a snow roof rake and pull the chips to the outside and use them for banking the house. If the ice is real thick I drill first and clean out the chips and then lower the house and drill out the remaining ice. You may have to modify the snow rake a little. Take the top part of the rake off to fit under the house.

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