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Arctic???? Cat


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I have a 2003 Arctic Cat 400 ACT. I love this rig... 7 months a year. As soon as it gets cold, it does not want to start, and if I get it started does not want to run. I have followed the manufacturers cold weather starting instructions to a tee, same result. I am hoping that this is something as simple as a carb adjustment.

Anyone else experience the same troubles? Any ideas for a fix?

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Well that is not what I wanted to hear. I just bought one this summer and that was one thing that I asked the dealer. His 1st sugestion was to use there synthetic oil. I haven't got enough miles on yet to switch over to synthetic yet but I will be shortly. He also told me that "if you have trouble starting it in the winter bring it in and we will get it to work for you" He sounded pertty confident about it but I guess I will see what happens when (or if) it gets cold this winter.

Almost forgot - he also said to keep fresh gas in it.

Any body else had any experiance with these machines????


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Good luck getting your problem solved. Just to let you know, I have a 2000 Artic Cat 500 Automatic and it is the best cold weather starter/runner and out of the Hondas, Polarises, and Yamahas that I'm around ...... it's not even close.

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This rig gets used on a daily basis, so keeping fresh gas in it is not a problem. All other Arctic Cats that I have used or have experience with seem to have no cold weather starting problems, that is why I am hoping it is a simple tune up or carb adjustment issue. The thing is that it starts and runs great during the warm months of the year, the time of year that it makes me money. I am hessitant to go monkeying with the carb and create a problem that wasn't there before (if it works don't fix it rule). During the winter it is a recreational vehicle or a implement of convenience rather than a necessity like it is during the summer. I guess a call to the dealer is the best bet to see if this is a problem they know about and have a fix for....$$$....

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I have a 2003 Arctic Cat 400 4x4, and I love it, even in Winter. I use the choke to start it when it's cold, and run it with the choke on until it warms up, and I have zero problems. Remember, it's a 4 stroke, they don't really like cold weather, so use the choke until it warms up and it should be fine. If it isn't, then you need to have it checked out.

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