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Black Lab Limping


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How long has it been. You might want to consider [GULP] the Vet, My Vizsla tore a ligament in her knee, so now she is on bedrest and Rimadyl for the swelling. The vet might just prescribe Rimadyl for the inflamtion to help it heal.

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Check in between his pads on his paws. Mine was limping around and it turned out that he had a twig that was stuck in there and it only hurt him when he would walked on it a certain way. Worth a try before the spendy vet bill.

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Hate to even put this in writing so knock on wood when you read it. If it's worst case of torn ACL, the sooner it is treated, the better the recovery. Less time for arthritis to get started. I would reccomend a vet visit to someone who has experience with ACL problems. Hopefully they will rule that out right away.

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Thanks guys,

It's his front right leg that he favors. Sunday moring after we noticed it we put pressure under his leg by his pit( the wife used to be a message therapist )you could see him muscles twitch. That's why I was thinking that he pulled a muscle. We adopted him a couple years ago and he is a very good dog, doesn't know a thing about hunting but he tries. Stays close which is nice. I say that because I don't really work him hard and I've been giving him rest. I will see how he is doing when I get home.

Thanks again.

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How old is your lab? I have a black lab that is 6 yrs old and he started to limp the day after we got back from pheasant hunting. I was worried so I took him in to the vet and he couldn't feel and see anything wrong. He was saying that it could of been a pulled or strained muscle caused by all the running and excitement of going out hunting...He told me to just give him asprin and watch him. He is as happy as ever and out running the fields once again.

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Thanks guys,

I think he's 6 or 7 yrs old. I don't think it is his hips because when he sits he will lift his front leg to ease the pressure. It's his front right that seems to be bothering him. I also haven't noticed any ticks.

I'll give him some asprin and try top keep him away from the springer.

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