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Ice Fishing Tournaments

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If you know of any ice fishing tournaments, would you mind letting me know? I want to have a listing at my store and also on our web page. With the limited number of Trap Attacks around the area, I feel more people will be asking about any tourneys. Any help is appreciated!!

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I'm interested in listing tourneys around the Tri-State area to provide a service for people that live around here.

WhackinPerch: My store is Dakota Angler at 1120 East Benson. Hope to see 'ya sometime!

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There are always two tourneys out here on Kampeska, one over on Reid, and one on Poinsett. Im not so sure what the dates are on those tourneys, so i guess im not too much help. Cant wait for early sloughsharkin'!

I chum kitty cats to lure in Large Sharks!

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