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Open water flasher on ice


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Being somewhat strapped for cash. I am on a three year plan for the big three of ice fishing (power auger, portable, and Vexilar/LX3). I have decided to not get the Vexilar/LX3 this year, but I came across an older Lowrance flasher made for open water. Has anyone ever tried using one of these through the ice? Using some small diameter PVC and a the top of a 5 gal. bucket I fabricated a bracket to keep the tranducer pointed at the bottom. I was just wondering if anyone had any other ideas for making the most of my rig. (I was also going to fill in the battery comp. with that spray foam.)

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I admire your innovation. Sure, it will help your ice fishing. You'll see fish. You will not see your bait very well unless it's rather large. These older flashers just don't have the same power as the MarCums and Vexilars.

If it's your only option, definitely use it. It will help. At least you'll know if suspended fish are present and where to put a bait.

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Try to purchase a wide 19 degree transducer for that Lowrance. I'm sure that they would have one for that model as there are still a lot of them in use and transducers are fragile and always need replacing!

A 19 degree transducer will pick up a crappie minnow for sure, so look for a new transducer and see what happens! shocked.gif

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