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When to Neuter?


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Well... the when to spay thread got me thinking... when's the best time to neuter? I've got a 5 month old pup... and plan on having him neutered... but have heard conflicting reports regarding when to neuter... I've heard 6 months and 1 year... any suggestions?



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Take him to the vet. My vet first told me my GSP/lab cross would be good to neuter at 6 months old. Then, as the regular checkups and shots happened my vet said," While he's here we can make him half the man he used to be." This was at 4 1/2 months old. But, for his age.....HE"S HUGE!!! I'd listen to the vet, they know best. However, for a standard answer most vets will say in the 6 month range is fine. Or so I've been told.

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I've always done it around 6 months (the vet I mean). I'm not kidding but I almost cried when I brought my lab in (he's nine now). I don't now what it was but it got to me. I got fixed two years ago and I don't think he got too shook up about it though! We've both recovered nicely. Anyway, the vet will probably recommend 6 months.

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You'll be happier if you neuter your dog early. My Dad is a vet (now retired) and he has done all my dogs at 5 months. Get them early before the male hormones kick into high gear and they won't "mark" every bush, tree, post, etc. the come across. They still wet down a few spots but not like an un-neutered male. Saves a lot on your landscaping. Also, neutered and spayed dogs are healthier. A dog that has been neutered or spayed has a much lower chance of developing cancer in later years. Those hormones are powerful and if you can shut them off early, you and your dog will be happier.

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