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Tewaukon NWR

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I'm not positive but I think you can pheasant hunt Tewaukon all season but it is closed to waterfowl. I've never been there late in the season so I don't know that they ever open it to waterfowl but I could be wrong. I've never pheasant hunted it myself but have driven by, habitat looks great but I think it sees alot of pressure.

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It's a nice enough area to hunt, but last time my wife and I tried it the "locals" came around at 3 AM whooping and hollering and swearing at us while we camped in our trailer. We left and haven't been back. Sad to say there is an underlying resentment of non-residents in ND, no matter what you hear.

I think they DO allow you to hunt pheasants on the edges of the refuge after Nov. 1, but be sure to check with the Refuge people.

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I got to ask, where were you camping at? On the state ground, on a farm, or in a town?

I grew up in that area, I know it well. Generally the locals do like hunters as long as they ask permission and do some local biz when in the area. But you can encounter drunks anywhere, and odds are VERY good that was the case and not hunter bashing.

I am curious about where you camped at? Sorry to hear you got harassed, most folks are not that way there.

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Here is the web link to the Tewaukon National Wildlife Refuge web site.


Visitor and hunter info link.


Tewaukon unit map link.


Sprague Lake unit map link.


Tewaukon National Wildlife Refuge

9754 143 1/2 Avenue SE

Cayuga, North Dakota 58013


Email address: [email protected]

If you go hunt that area, bring your walleye rods too. Try casting the culverts area just before you get to the headquarters on the North Lake Road(See map). Try 1/8 oz jigs tipped with big fathead minnows and 5' minnow bait style cranks at dawn and dusk. Cast parallel to the flow generated from the Wild Rice River feeding into the cattail bay. I have caught many a nice walleye and pike there in the fall. wink.gif

Hope this helps.

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We were in a small campground just west of Rutland. Very nice little campground. IT was right on a small lake or reservoir. Does Silver Lake sound right? We spent one sunny afternoon picking up junk around the edges of the camping area (just for some excercise and to help out) and we ended up with FIVE big bags of junk. Ha!

Enjoyed Rutland and the area very much. Even motored on sown to Havana for breakfast one morning.

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Yup that is Silver Lake, a nice spot. Lots of State hunting land just East of there to hunt. In a 60 mile circle in all directions from that point the hunting is great.

The one key thing to remember about that region is get to know a few farmers and local biz folks well. Then you will have friends and hunting privileges for life. There are many hunters from many states that have been returning to that area for generations.

Knock on a few doors, meet some folks, before you know it your not sure what hot spot to hunt first.


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I am pretty sure you can't hunt pheasants on the refuge until they open it up in nov/dec to pheasant hunting. otherwise you can hunt the wma's surrounding it, but that place gets hammered by hunters, especially when they open the refuge to pheasants.

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