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Duck pics.


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Here's an awesome red head drake and a hen bufflehead. I shot both of them this morning on Big White Oak lake near Deer River, MN. The duck gods must've sent me the red head. I missed him 3x and he came back for another pass and I got him. He's gonna make a nice mount, I can't wait till he's done!!!



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You got me all fired up there but your photos aren't working. You are going to have to move them to a different image host. Shutterfly doesn't seem to work here anymore.

BDR recommended ImageShack to me and its worked fine since I switched over.

Can't wait to see your photos!

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I hope these work hanson. These are from Oct. 18 and 19 2004 on Bowstring Lake/River, near Deer River, MN.

3 ringbills, 1 hooded merg, and 3 bluebills 2 hunters



6 bluebills, 1 ringbill, 2 goldeneyes, 1 missed white winged scoter 2 hunters.


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