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Hunting 'yotes


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I was up around Lake Wabedo the last couple days, and we tried some coyote hunting. I liked being out there, but was frustrated with the results.... I live in the metro area, have in laws with land in the southeast corner of the state, but I want to be able to pursue this activity without spending 5 hours or more on the road when I hunt. anyone know of areas close to the cities that would have coyotes?? any organizations that I can get a hold of for help? I liked the aspect of calling in the coyotes, kind of like turkey hunting except the prey can smell ya........

Any help would be great

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My parents own a farm about 5 miles West of Buffalo MN. They have heard packs howling at night and the neighbor lost a young calf to them a couple of weeks ago. I'm sure people in that area would love to see you! Just drive around and ask. I don't think many would have a problem with it.


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There are a lot of coyotes just south of the city getting down towards cannon falls and that area. Within about 45 min of the cities, and my understanding are the coyotes aren't liked around there so there would probably be some private land accessible. My sister lives down there, and I learned this asking around last year when I became interested in hunting them. Also there are a lot of cattle farmers/ game farms around the hinckley area as well as public land that I'm sure you could get yourself on to if you ask nicely. Good Luck

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Pick any section of Minnesota and there will be coyotes there, my advice is to not waste your time calling this time of year as they have plenty to eat but to wait till there is a decent amount of snow on the ground. Get out early in the morning and call, coyotes that have been hunting all night with nothing might not be able to turn down an easy meal. By no means is this easy though, I believe coyotes are far more wary than deer. I have had more luck doing the spot and stalk method on midday coyotes napping in the sun in the dead of winter.

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