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Pheasant opener

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How was the Pheasant opener? I hunted around lake ponisett and it was very tough hunting. Lots of corn in the fields. once the corn harvet starts hunting should improve. We did manage to get 3 birds on Saturday.

Not much for waterfowl around that area. Two weeks ago there was a good number of mallards and geese in the area. They must have moved south.

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We managed only two birds on saturday, and three on sunday. Way too much corn out there.

We came across a freshly killed deer just after noon on saturday. Looked like someone had killed it for the meat. Gutpile was present along with all the legs and head. I was a bit disgruntled since it was a beautiful 4X5. Thought at first it was an archery kill but why would you leave the head there? Some guys including my self would consider it a wall hanger.

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