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Anyone hunting grouse?

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Anyone out hunting grouse yet this fall? I went out on some public land out here by stevens point ther other day and flushed three in an hour. Little rusty though, didn't bring any back, although two of them were in to thick to get a shot off. Just curious to see if anyone else is seeing any good numbers.

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Put about 20 hours in the woods last weekend. Put up 10 grouse and about 20 woodcock. I ended up with 3 grouse and 5 woodcock. Most were in very tight cover and shooting was tough. I was hunting public land in Sawyer and Bayfield counties. Had to get off the trails to find the birds.

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Jumped 5 more hunting today, clear shots at 2 but didn't hit either of them. Guess I need to get to the range. But fun seeing these numbers. Hunting public land in portage, also off the trails. In the thick stuff primarily.

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I've seen so few grouse last year (while bear baiting) and this year that I'm not even gonna hunt them. This is in Eau Claire and Clark county forests. Public land around Eau Claire has decent amounts of grouse if you can find a place to hunt. Looking forward for the cycle to go up - I can still remember the good ol days in the late 90's.

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