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How do you decide on a scent to use?


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For those of you that use scents, how on earth do you choose a scent. There are hundreds of different scents out there. Is Special Golden Estrus really worth ten bucks a bottle. And what really is the difference between all of these. Just looking for some general opinions on this subject and if anyone feels they have bagged more deer because of the use of scents.

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I like the idea of glass bottles vs. plastic. Also some of the mfg's. state their urine is collected from one doe only. I like that also. The Golden Estrus is sold out of a refridgerator. I think that any urine will start to get bad if it gets warm. I think because of the ammonia. Also, if you use doe pee make sure it's during the rut and pre-rut time. Because it might scare away other does that don't want to be around when the big boy starts to harass them. And if you scare away does, then their might be less bucks around.

I hope I didn't confuse you more.

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I use some of a lot of things. I don't worry about temperature or age. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn't. I've had good luck with the cheapest stuff on the rack when the deer are really juiced up, like they're working on now. I try to vary the brand I use on any specific stand, so they don't identify it with a human.

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What Cut Said!

Another thing you MUST consider is that a lot of these scents have been bottled 1 maybe 2 years ago, I don't know about you but spend a weekend at the cabin with the "if it's yellow let it mellow" rule and then tell me freshness doesn't matter!

also the "Stuff" comes from places like Texas where the rut is at least a month later than ours, so how did they get it here before they actually came into estras?

If does aren't in heat around here then it makes bucks leary, for example if you walked into a singles bar and there were all men, somethings just not right. They know when theres something wrong or not right.

anyway email me if you want to get some good stuff at a good price.

[email protected]

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I've always wondered how they get the estrus stuff in October? Is it the season before and just sealed in wax and a dark bottle? I don't know, I believe in the stuff although I don't have a favorite. I'll likely buy WRC Golden Estrus, but the Still Steaming for $14 has peaked my interest.

I've never had a buck follow a scent drag, but I became convinced it works when I put some on my boots and walked out to a spot on a steep river bank. The next weekend the path out to that point was absolutely tore up. That tells me that it seems to peak their curiosity.

To get the stuff they pen the doe in a sterile room with a floor drain. I saw it on TV once. That's how they get the "one deer" stuff.

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I'm with you mudman, I have a hard time paying $10. I tend to buy the cheapest stuff, because money's tight with all the other expenses & hunting season & a lot of times some scent is better than none.

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Some times I will put out two or three different sets at the same stand. My thought is that if a buck is looking for one hot tottie why not give him two or three. Does it work better, I don't know. But hey doctors get to practice and sinence is nothing but one big on going expierment.

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