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Hysteria Update 2 (with pic)

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I have found signs that it may be starting to cool off.

I talked to my buddy in Fargo (isn't that how all good rumors start?) and he said Scheels had all the 100 round winchester value packs of common pistol ammo, even 9mm, and in decent quantity.

He also said that most of the Scheels have ARs in stock, they just aren't displaying them because they took names on a wait list. As they work through the wait lists, they'll eventually make their way to the shelves. They had Oracles, and one other type of DPMS 5.56.

Also, my favorite gun shop has over 10 ARs in stock, and they have been there for almost a week now. Granted, they are still priced pretty high, it is a sign that the "I'll pay any price" crowd may have worn themselves out for now.

While they are still not taking orders, Cabelas has put their Federal .223 ammo listing back up. Whether that means they are any closer to being back in stock, I don't know.

On the downside, I have noticed many pistols are now up in price considerably. Glocks up $100 in price, Smith & Wesson M&P .22 up $75. That's 20% on those guns. All i can say is; ish.

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He also said that most of the Scheels have ARs in stock, they just aren't displaying them because they took names on a wait list. As they work through the wait lists, they'll eventually make their way to the shelves. They had Oracles, and one other type of DPMS 5.56.

Also, my favorite gun shop has over 10 ARs in stock, and they have been there for almost a week now. Granted, they are still priced pretty high, it is a sign that the "I'll pay any price" crowd may have worn themselves out for now.

Hate to say it, but I wouldnt touch one of those things with a 10 ft pole for a long time personally..... until I see some of this madness simmer down, I wont be doing much purchasing of any new guns. Not that I need anything really, but I surely wouldnt be jumping on an AR by any means. Nothing like buying a gun and finding out some how/some way something passes that would impact how I use or own one of them.

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Buying now would be like being the last person to buy Enron before the crash.

Prices will fall and demand will normalize when everyone realizes that no matter what the senate does, it won't get out of the house in Washington.

What will materialize is an engineered gun control failure on the left to galvanize them going into the 2014 midterms.

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The only .223 and 556 ammo I am seeing in stock, even at some of the best online retailers has 'target ammo' that used to be 35 - 40 cents per round now going from .80 - $1.00 per round!!

I feel bad for you if you are trying to stock up right now!

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Hockeybc69 said

"Hate to say it, but I wouldnt touch one of those things with a 10 ft pole for a long time personally..... until I see some of this madness simmer down, I wont be doing much purchasing of any new guns. Not that I need anything really, but I surely wouldnt be jumping on an AR by any means. Nothing like buying a gun and finding out some how/some way something passes that would impact how I use or own one of them."

I hope that all these people that are buying the ar-15s would not turn them in if something does go through. I hope that the people who are buying them are prepers and are preping for civil war or an uprising or something, so that "we the people" have as much fire power as possible.

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Made my rounds today and finally scored some .223 at pre-panic price. No luck on .22, and I am at least well stocked on 9mm and .45acp. I am done with .223 unless I find m855 and pre crazyness prices.

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So you are saying that if there was some legislation on firearms, you are ready and willing to start a revolution?

I highly doubt the mad rush on "black guns" or guns in general is primarily for "prepping". Sure, maybe a few nuts out there are thinking that, but not many... at least not the people in my surroundings.

Banning or restricting firearms in some fashion, I dont believe is grounds to use your "we the people" argument and start a war...... Ever heard of a loose cannon??

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Whoooa, lets not jump to conclusions. Im not saying to start a revolution nor am i saying not start one over a black gun ban or what ever other legislation they may pass. What im saying is dont give in to the tyranical govs attacks on our second amendment rights. What im saying is be prepaired and willing to fight back. What im saying is why not buy them now then when they try to take them or want to register them, DONT! Its none of their business what you have or have not. Then when "we the people" do revolt, or when there is some sort of a catostrophic event that happens, you have them and are armed and ready. Yes i do understand we do need some sort of rules and regulations on firearms to help keep society safe. But we also need to let the gov know that we as Americans, we as citizens who believe in the constituion and understand the true and real reasons the second amendment was put into place are ready and willing to fight and die to protect that amendment and the constitution. As far as the loose cannon coment, we all know what our gov is capable of and how far some politicians are willing to go on the gun control legislation. I.E. Sen. Diane Fienstein(d) from california. You give them an inch and they will eventually want to take a foot! We need to nip it in the bud NOW, we need to stop it NOW, and we need to let them know that we are not going to stand for it and will stop at nothing to do so.

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I was in cabela's this afternoon and found they had remington r11's and had jacked them up to 1100 to 1250 and a quick search shows these list for 600 to 800. this is ridiculous. I won' t ever buy another gun from them. I will take my biz to dealers who won't rip me off.. Considering turning in my Cabelas card. This hysteria will pass but I have a long memory. I also will email the Presideny of the company. I urge you to do the same. It will be a long time before I buy from them.

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You know what they say. "Buy low-sell high" it maybe a good time to sell off a few used ones and wait for the prices to drop back down after the craziness! Huum whats in the inventory I don't need? wink

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You know what they say. "Buy low-sell high" it maybe a good time to sell off a few used ones and wait for the prices to drop back down after the craziness! Huum whats in the inventory I don't need? wink

Its deffinatly a sellers market grin

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That's the free market at work. Willing buyers and willing sellers. While those prices are really high, they have inventory where others may not. As more and more look at those prices and walk away, the prices will fall. If they don't, Cabelas will have to start dusting their guns.

I took some stuff I was willing to part with to a gun show a while back. I was the only vendor with .223, and I was asking a high price for it. Many people walked by and muttered swear words under their breath, rolled their eyes, and some just gave a look of disapproval.

A few had the decency to ask why the price was so high. Here's what I told them.

*I'm the only one with .223 here.

*I don't have to sell this stuff. I'm happy carting it home to put back in the safe.

*I am there to sell to the person who's looking for a box or two. Not the person looking to catch up for their lack of preparing for the zombie apocalypse.

*I did have some other stuff that I really did want to get rid of, and priced it appropriately. And it went quickly because of it.

We should all be happy that more and more of us are looking at prices and walking away. That's the beginning of things starting to normalize.

***On a side note. Scheels in Fargo exhausted their waiting list for Oracles on Thursday. Don't know where its gone since then, but for a moment, they were caught up on Oracles.

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