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Merry Christmas


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Merry Christmas to all of you that look at this forum. I know it wasn't until this Fall that I really spent any time here and like most of you check it frequently because of lakeiwantobethtere and the great posts Bobby lets us read.

Tomorrow my family is leaving for our cabin west of Leech Lake to celebrate Christmas and be with my 83 year old dad who lives very close by. It's been 12 years since we were there during Christmas and never at our own cabin.

I'm really excited to chop down a "real" Christmas tree, the kind that are kind of Charlie Brown like and show my kids a less "suburban" Christmas. A little ice fishing, a little grouse hunting, and time alone with the family, and just maybe some Christmas cheer, if you know what I mean.

So to all of you Merry Christmas...even Reinhardt I miss his posts even though I don't know the man at all. If you are reading this Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

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