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What transducer are you using?



Have an old Vex FL-8 with the early flat-top 19-deg transducer and I believe the transducer is weak/damaged so looking at replacements.

In a bit of a toss-up between a 12-deg, the 9-deg Pro View, or the tri-beam transducer. Thought the tri-beam would be the hot ticket but I've seen some folks that had problems with them so I'm a bit leery. Used a Vex over the weekend that I believe had the Pro View and that seemed to work very well but fishing was 20 to 40 deep, typically.

I'd say the majority of my fishing is from 10 to 30 feet depth.

What are y'all using for transducers, and suggest I consider?

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If I could only have one (which I do only have one) it would be a 19 degree or similar. I like to have the biggest view of the bottom I can get. I dont know the technical info behind those specific transducers but what would be your reasoning behind going to a smaller cone?

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Greater selectivity(?)/higher precision.

A wide cone seems great for scouting flats, but not so good for fishing edges/dropoffs, ignoring your buddy's jig and interference, knowing if the fish is close to your lure or just somewhere in the neighborhood, etc.

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I had bought a Pro View for my FL-20...ended up just buying a new FL-22 with the Pro View ducer instead–love it! [funny how that works] After only two days on ice with it I'm convinced it's the best ducer Vexilar's put out yet. The single large crystal is the winning ticket.

Still have my first Pro View, NIB for $115. Returning to Hanover for the Holidays. Please reply if interested.

If you're not sold on the ducer, watch this:


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