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Smoked BB Ribs w/ pic


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So I keep making these but forget to post a picture. So here is a picture from two months ago. I use a a side type deal with pear wood. I use charcoal briquetts and fill up when needed, but seem to be going through quite a bit of wood to last 6 hours, but it is so worth it. I use an approximate 3-2-1 method.




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My neighbor gave me his smoker so I am going to be into it all four seasons. I have wood covered and everything in their place. I'm not sure how much overall air heat I will lose with the outside covering the exterior shell.

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I'm not sure how much overall air heat I will lose with the outside covering the exterior shell.

Mine is insulated and can use it without much heat loss down into the 20's outdoor temp. If yours is not insulated, many build a box of some type to go around it while smoking in colder temps.

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