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Feeding questions


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I am setting up a backyard buffet for the birds a little at a time. I have few questions:

1) Bluebirds: I would love to get them in, but I live in town, but have open fields about 5 blocks away. Is it worth trying to get them in or am I too far in town? And do they stick around in the winter? I live in the northern third of Iowa.

2) Peanuts: What is the difference between peanut rejects and peanut hearts? I have a tube type cage for peanuts, will Blue jays feed from it? Do Blue jays eat peanuts out of shells or only in shell peanuts?

Any input is appreciated.

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I frequently refer to this Cornell University bird HSOforum. I find it very helpful for my ordinary bird questions. Acording to the map bluebirds only summer in Iowa.


To the best of my knowledge blue jays will eat any sort of peanut food item. I've never tested one kind vs. another, but I don't think they're too picky.

If I can add a question to yours, does anyone have experience with adding hot pepper or capsicum to bird food to deter the squirrels? I don't mind sharing some food with the sqirrels, but on one of my feeders they have totally taken over and the birds can't get any food.

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I moved all of my feeders far enough from the over head trees that the tree rats can't jump onto the feeders and put the baffels around the post and haven't had any on on the feeders since. The only other option is killing them, last winter I shot over 30. The BB in the arse really doesn't do anything other than hurt them, and they will still be back. Shoot to kill or don't shoot is how I was taught..

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